What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

Pretty predictable movie(bordering on frustration with how the writers have characters place themselves in danger), but actually good to see a female “Red“ character. I didn’t know what to expect of Allison Janney, as I haven’t watched her work, but I can say she played this role well. Had to laugh when she fooled the bad guys with her “disguise”.
I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 on Friday. I fully agree with the Metacritic score of 64. In spite of some neat ideas like a fleshy space station, it ultimately felt a bit forgettable - and perhaps a bit too long, as it's almost three hours. With this being the second film of "phase 5," I am getting more convinced that the MCU as a whole is out of ideas. I'd even go as to far to speculate that even Disney itself - and Pixar - are also running on fumes.

Look, I think the racists who hated on the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid for Ariel's race change were abhorrent. In fact, many critics are saying the lead actress is the best part of the film. But unfortunately, that's mostly because I've read that the rest of the movie doesn't offer that much competition. I look at the fact that this live-action remake exists among many others, and I see a company that's failed its own ideals that placed an emphasis on imagination. Even the new Pixar movie, Elemental, has been met with mixed reviews at Cannes.

I don't know if it's all Iger/Chapek's fault, or what. But at this rate of making expensive but uninspired "live-action" remakes - as if Disney is now ashamed of the very medium that put it on the map - and going further into debt by buying up IPs that they ultimately do nothing with tells me that Disney will die sooner than any of us would've preferred. I would bet a lot of money on Nintendo outlasting Disney, and by far longer.

Look, I know Disney wants to make a Snow White remake, right? Even I had a better idea for that, and my forte is by and far non-fiction prose. It could be about some pasty nerd - nicknamed "Snow White" because she stays inside so much - and the "seven dwarves" could actually be a series of AI units. Instead of mining for gems, they mine cryptocurrency. Now, that didn't take me long to imagine.
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Movies I watched in May:

Curse of Chucky, Cult of Chucky, Child's Play (2019):

I started working my way through the Child's Play series a few months ago before getting sidetracked, but finally wrapped it all up... well, barring the TV show I suppose. Decently consistent series, I enjoyed all three of these a fair bit.

Mission Impossible II, Mission Impossible III, Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, Mission Impossible Rogue Nation, Mission Impossible Fallout:
Decided to tackle the MI series in May. Skipped over the first one since I'd already seen it, a few times in fact... not to mention plenty of Youtube reactions to it. All of them were a blast, though I don't agree with a common opinion I heard regarding the films getting better and better as the series goes on. The movies become more interconnected, sure, which is neat... but execution on that front was mixed which made it a bit of a wash. Honestly MI2 might actually be my favorite of the bunch despite often being regarded as the series low point. That said, all of them were solid fun. Looking forward to Dead Reckoning.

The Batman:
Pretty solid superhero remake of Seven, if maybe a pinch overrated. Pattinson's great as the bat, Zoe Kravitz is great as the cat.

Yeah... not great. I'll leave it at that.

The Last of Sheila:
After learning of this movie being an apparent source of inspiration for Glass Onion, I knew I had to see it ASAP. And sure enough... it's damn good.

Scream VI:
I'm maybe thinking I'm done with Scream. Didn't love V, and this one honestly didn't fare much better.

Secret Sunshine (밀양) [rewatch]:
I originally saw this back in 2013, and while I liked it, the circumstances under which I watched it back then maybe weren't the most conducive for fully digesting a slow burn such as this. Upon revisiting it... Jesus, what a film. Absolutely tremendous performance by Jeon Do-yeon. Must-watch.

Sympathy For Mr Vengeance (복수는 나의 것) [rewatch]:
I've already seen this one a few times, but I felt like revisiting it again. Still a damn good movie, but definitely doesn't hit as hard immediately following up Secret Sunshine... though they're certainly very different movies despite sharing a particular plot point.

Memories of Murder (살인의 추억) [rewatch]:
While Secret Sunshine and Mr Vengeance were kinda impromptu rewatches, I've actually been meaning to rewatch Memories of Murder for quite some time. I originally saw it back in 2010, and as one the first Korean movies I watched as well as the first of Bong Joon-ho's filmography I'd seen, the dark humor didn't really click for me when I originally watched it. Having a better understanding and appreciation of Bong Joon-ho's work now, it definitely worked a lot better for me this time around. I still like Parasite better though.

Happy End (해피 엔드):
Not on the level of prominent Korean directors like Park Chan-wook, Bong Joon-ho, etc... but a fun little movie all the same. I will neither confirm or deny the accuracy of the film's title.

After James Gunn put out his top 5 comicbook movie list, I decided it was time for me to finally get around to watching this one. And y'know what? It actually holds up pretty damn well. There's some silly stuff like Superman being all "'Merica", but fortunately that's relegated to the periphery.

A History of Violence:
Another case of James Gunn's list lighting a fire under my ass. And yeah... it's damn good. Doesn't dethrone Cronenberg's greats such as The Fly or Videodrome for me, but definitely has his signature touch albeit in a more grounded setting.

Oasis (오아시스):
Rewatching Secret Sunshine and being blown away by how great it was had me thinking... have I been sleeping on Lee Chang-dong? I'd seen Peppermint Candy and also quite liked it, but haven't delved any further into his filmography. After watching Oasis... wow. I'm thinking he's on par with the likes of Bong Joon-ho and Park Chan-wook, maybe even better. Another absolute must-watch.

Barking Dogs Never Bite (플란다스의 개):
Bong Joon-ho's earliest feature film, it's a bit muddled and unfocused compared to his subsequent work... but it's still a solidly twisted dark comedy with strong social commentary.

Mars Attacks [rewatch]:
Though I loved this movie as a kid, I've been apprehensive about revisiting it as an adult since apparently it's Not Good.... but nah, it's still a hoot.

Super Mario Bros.:
Takes uh... some very creative liberties with the source material, which admittedly probably wasn't as strongly established back when this film came out... but still, it's wild. And honestly? Not that bad. Not that good either, but not that bad.

The Super Mario Bros Movie:
Had a couple alright moments, mostly stuff the trailers already showed... but call me crazy, I think the old Mario movie is better (at least insofar as being an actual movie with an unfolding plot) even if it's less faithful to the source material.

This one worked a whole lot better for me than another early 00's musical that I watched semi-recently (Moulin Rouge), loved it.

Poison (쁘아종):
Randomly learned of this movie from a poster in the background of a scene in Barking Dogs Never Bite, and for some reason felt compelled to seek it out. It wasn't remotely easy to find, and I won't lie and say it's a great movie or anything... but it's got some killer vibes and decently compelling plot and acting. I enjoyed it.

Girl Asleep:
Very Wes Anderson, very weird, very good.

Infinity Pool:
Another solid effort from Brandon Cronenberg, though I don't know if I liked it as much as Possessor... but I'll have to think about it some more. Mia Goth makes a compelling case for it, she's great here. Handily the best movie of 2023 I've seen thus far... though when 2nd place is Tetris, the competition isn't exactly stiff.

Rinko Eighteen (18倫):
Dumb comedy about an 18-year-old girl who, desperate for work, finds employment at an AV studio. It's not brilliant, but on the plus side it's only like 60-ish minutes.
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Asteroid City. The latest wes anderson movie. One of his worst movies. All style but no substance. The story is the weakest of all of his films.

Extraction 2: A-

I like action. I like violence. I like long takes of action and violence. This movie delivered. Story? We don't need no stinking story! More pew pew! Please, sir, I want some more...


John Wick: Chapter 4: A-

Almost too much of a good thing. The action and violence are very, very well done. Exhausting yet satisfying, you'll almost forget the movie's 169 minutes long, but your butt won't.
I just finished John Wick 4.

The CGI is absolutely HORRIBLE and try as I might I can't overlook it. I loved the others but damn this one was not good.

I give it a Dr. Lex 6/10

Just come out of an IMAX screening of Oppenheimer and enjoying a pint.

9/10 film for me, it is long, 3 hours long, but it didn't feel it. The acting was absolutely on point.

I would be surprised if Cillian Murphy didn't win an Oscar for this. Robert Downey Jr proved what a good actor he is as well after so long being seen as Iron Man. It's easy to forget his range.

It's not going to be a film for everyone, there are a lot of scenes comprised of people just sat or stood talking to one another. But it's about just about as good as people sat talking to each other can get in film.
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts: D

Do you know someone who likes Transformers, 964s, and R33s? Do you hate that person? Rise of the Beasts!

Barbie 👍👍

Very funny, and poignant at times, though I was expecting something a little harder hitting and deeper. At times the movie went for skewers and missed a bit, but many times it hit its mark. Not perfect, not by a long shot. But still lots of fun. It makes a lot of fun of male stereotypes, and that's some of the most fun in the movie.
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Oppenheimer 👍 👍

Powerful and nuanced at the same time. A very thorough discussion of a particularly pivotal point in human history. Not perfect. It is a little jumpy between scenes and timeline for my taste, and also gets a bit distracted at times with some rather tedious elements. It was well acted, thoughtful, and appropriately devastating.
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Robert Downey Jr proved what a good actor he is as well after so long being seen as Iron Man. It's easy to forget his range.
If I ever forget this, I usually watch “A Scanner Darkly”
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Top Gun Maverick - Dolby Vision / Dolby Atmos
Film - 9/10

When I first got wind of the Top Gun sequel I wasn’t sure what to make. On the one hand you do get some good films as sequels, T2, Aliens & Dumb and Dumberer…

Ok the last one is a joke. But you do get some poor sequels to good initial films too, and in most cases that always seems to be the consensus.

So when the first trailer dropped, I was pleasantly surprised and I started to have hope. At release I managed to catch the film and I really enjoyed the thrill ride. It’s not going to win awards for story/script but by George it should win loads for its sheer excellence in film making.

It’s one beautiful film to look at, those Californian sunsets, those aircraft & those shiny teeth.

If you can leave your brain in cruise mode and sit back and enjoy this film for what it is then there is a lot to love.

Image - 10/10

What a disc, stunning from the start till the very end. It’s mixed aspect ratios for film bits and aircraft action.

Detail is beautiful. Pin sharp without looking over processed, colours are deep, vibrant and gorgeous. No grain intrusion but yet looks filmic, it’s a demo disc all the way through.

Sound - 10/10

Like its image this disc is fantastic, loud when needed and everything just fantastic. Vocals never drowned by other sounds or music and those aircraft sound just stunning.

I didn’t notice any standout Atmos overhead sounds which is a shame but that could be just the limitations of my soundbar more than the soundtrack.

One thing which I did notice, in Top Gun the jets sounds are just so visceral and raw, to the point it sounds like you have an afterburner in your living room. However, here they’re more smooth and in check, not in a bad way just a different way of doing jet engine sounds.


If you have a 4K screen and decent sound system, you owe it to yourself to own this disc. I’d even go as far to say, the 1080p looks outstanding too and if your not on the 4K bandwagon then grab that version.

It’s a fun film with scrumptious image and eargasmic sound. Demo-worthy all day long, and if your friends can’t see the pout of UHD after watching that disc… well you need new friends.
Top Gun: Maverick 👎 👎

This movie was hot garbage. "If you can leave your brain in cruise mode and sit back and enjoy this film for what it is then there is a lot to love" is not a ringing endorsement. If you have to shut your brain off, how does the movie rate a 9/10?

The whole thing is so groanworthy and contrived from one end to the other. A movie like Dune, which is more visually appealing, has better sound, and actually tells a cohesive story, is just not even in the same league. The Jumanji movies are also in another league. They operate on every level Top Gun does, but then they operate on a whole level that Top Gun doesn't even know exists.

This Top Gun is B-movie material. I'd maybe give it a 3/10. One of those points is for finally letting Tom look kinda short.
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If you have to shut your brain off, how does the movie rate a 9/10?
Because, sometimes just shutting your brain down and watching something which is there to be flashy and not full of substance but entertaining, is just that.

If I was to say put it up against Dune which is a great film and entertaining then it’s like chalk and cheese. However if I was to compare it to the same films which are just fodder for a few hours then it’s at the top of the pile.

I’d rather switch my brain off and watch Maverick than say the latest Ant-Man.

It’s never going to win awards for acting, script etc. but the efforts of making a movie like cinematography then it’s a very good film.

Good article on this here

Because, sometimes just shutting your brain down and watching something which is there to be flashy and not full of substance but entertaining, is just that.

If I was to say put it up against Dune which is a great film and entertaining then it’s like chalk and cheese. However if I was to compare it to the same films which are just fodder for a few hours then it’s at the top of the pile.

I’d rather switch my brain off and watch Maverick than say the latest Ant-Man.

It’s never going to win awards for acting, script etc. but the efforts of making a movie like cinematography then it’s a very good film.

Good article on this here

I agree entirely, it is pure cheese, but it does it well. Dune is undeniably a better film, but I can still appreciate Top Gun Maverick for being a good old fashioned, switch off for a couple of hours, romp. And personally, I think it's better than the first one despite being a bit more contrived in areas.
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I attempted to watch the first Top Gun four times before I finally made it through it just so I could check it off of my "you've never seen Top Gun?!?" list. I was beyond bored the entire time.

Maverick was infinitely more entertaining, albeit clichéd, but was at least fun, which is all I want sometimes.

Not every movie needs to be a cinematic masterpiece. Sometimes you just want 🤬 to blow up.
@Sprite, @Dave A, @TB

Action movies don't have to be stupid. Iron Man for example. Starship Troopers for example. Total Recall for example. Oblivion for example. The Matrix... Die Hard...


Ok Die Hard may not be the greatest example of a not stupid movie.
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@Sprite, @Dave A, @TB

Action movies don't have to be stupid. Iron Man for example. Starship Troopers for example. Total Recall for example. Oblivion for example. The Matrix... Die Hard...
Oh I get that, but execution is also a different factor, there are some very well loved "stupid" films out there that are just executed in a way in which enough people like them to be considered good films, Independence Day, Face/Off, Commando... Not every film is for everyone, some people didn't like Dune for example, but it's good that we aren't all clones attracted to the same things.
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Oh I get that, but execution is also a different factor, there are some very well loved "stupid" films out there that are just executed in a way in which enough people like them to be considered good films, Independence Day, Face/Off, Commando... Not every film is for everyone, some people didn't like Dune for example, but it's good that we aren't all clones attracted to the same things.

I do understand that there are stupid films with good execution. Independence Day is significantly less stupid than Top Gun: Maverick though. Dukes of Hazzard is one such movie for me. But I'm not going to claim it's a great movie. It's a dumb movie that's fun. I'd give it 2 thumbs up for sure, but it's not a 9/10 movie.

Unfortunately, Top Gun was dumb without the fun in my view.
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I do understand that there are stupid films with good execution. Independence Day is significantly less stupid than Top Gun: Maverick though. Dukes of Hazzard is one such movie for me. But I'm not going to claim it's a great movie. It's a dumb movie that's fun. I'd give it 2 thumbs up for sure, but it's not a 9/10 movie.

Unfortunately, Top Gun was dumb without the fun in my view.
Sure, but then we all rate films according to our own personal criteria too, I wouldn't give it 9/10 either, I think I gave it 7 or 8/10 overall on IMDB, but I rate films based on how much I enjoyed it more than how complex/clever it was. That factors in, but how much i enjoyed the film trumps all else.

A complex film that's also spectacular to watch and very enjoyable is of course probably a 9/10 film for me. But that's just how I rate film which will be different to how @Sprite rates films and different again to how you rate films. Personally I didn't enjoy Dukes of Hazard, I found that dumb in a way I just couldn't enjoy watching it, but plenty of other people did.
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I dunno, I went into Top Gun Maverick with low expectations and list of things I didn't want to see... the film did most of things, exceeded my expectations, and I loved it. I might agree it's not a 9/10, but I'm not sure anything below 6 is justified either.
Sure, but then we all rate films according to our own personal criteria too, I wouldn't give it 9/10 either, I think I gave it 7 or 8/10 overall on IMDB, but I rate films based on how much I enjoyed it more than how complex/clever it was. That factors in, but how much i enjoyed the film trumps all else.

This conversation is really not about complexity or cleverness for me. It's about whether the movie is dumb. Let's take a very simple movie as an example. Brave.

The plot of Brave is basically this (spoilers):
  • Girl is mad at her mom (mum in this case)
  • Girl curses her mom
  • Girl breaks the curse by bonding with her mom

It's not clever, it's not complicated. It's linear, it's straight forward, it's easy to understand, and not a ton happens in this movie. It's also absolutely wonderful. It's not complex, it's not clever, but it's not dumb. It's simple.

I can't give a movie a top rating if it's dumb. Because dumb things - things which don't make sense, which can't or wouldn't happen, which are obviously contrived, which rely on the character's knowledge of the screenplay, etc. etc. are off putting to me. Dumb is lazy film making, and I think it can only subtract from a movie. To be clear, I'm not talking about movies which are supposed to be dumb because that's the joke.
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I dunno, I went into Top Gun Maverick with low expectations and list of things I didn't want to see... the film did most of things, exceeded my expectations, and I loved it. I might agree it's not a 9/10, but I'm not sure anything below 6 is justified either.
If you're familiar with the original you are probably going to expect more of the same from Maverick, and it doesn't disappoint in that regard. In fact, after revisiting the first film, i think its better. Not just with its higher production values, as you'd expect from a film 30+ year more recent, but in it's story too.

It's mindless blockbuster entertainment for sure, but i'd rate it higher than almost all the Marvel films and well above all of the many Transformers and Fast & Furious films that i've had the misfortune to watch.
If you're familiar with the original you are probably going to expect more of the same from Maverick, and it doesn't disappoint in that regard. In fact, after revisiting the first film, i think its better. Not just with its higher production values, as you'd expect from a film 30+ year more recent, but in it's story too.
What story? The story was basically can we re-create the scenes and content from the first movie almost exactly (including moving to older aircraft) but gut the content so that it's completely forgettable. Where the story of Maverick deviated from the original, which was not often, it was worse.

I haven't seen the first movie in a long time but when they rolled out literally scene after scene recreated, well in some cases I groaned so hard I nearly fell off the couch.


Maverick, we've got to use old style aircraft because nostalg... I mean... dumb movie words.
It's mindless blockbuster entertainment for sure, but i'd rate it higher than almost all the Marvel films and well above all of the many Transformers and Fast & Furious films that i've had the misfortune to watch.
Yea some of those films are super groanworthy too.


Maverick was so trying to be exactly like the original that until I spotted some newer aircraft, I thought I might have accidentally started playing the old one.
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What story? The story was basically can we re-create the scenes and content from the first movie almost exactly (including moving to older aircraft) but gut the content so that it's completely forgettable. Where the story of Maverick deviated from the original, which was not often, it was worse.

I haven't seen the first movie in a long time but when they rolled out literally scene after scene recreated, well in some cases I groaned so hard I nearly fell off the couch.


Maverick was so trying to be exactly like the original that until I spotted some newer aircraft, I thought I might have accidentally started playing the old one.
I feel the similarity of the two was kind of the point, rather than just a lazy riding-off-the-coattails of the original film remake. It pointed the gung ho attitude that Maverick has never grown out of may have won the day in the original film but in this day and age it just makes him out to be an out of touch relic. Without those plot similarities you are just left with a pointless 36 year gap sequel.
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I feel the similarity of the two was kind of the point, rather than just a lazy riding-off-the-coattails of the original film remake. It pointed out Mavericks gung ho attitude that he's never grown out of may have won the day in the original film but in this day and age it just makes him out to be an out of touch relic. Without those plot similarities you are just left with a pointless 36 year gap sequel.

I think you could achieve that without literally singing great balls of fire.

I do get that the movie tried to meta its way into the audience being ok with copying the original. That too felt contrived to me.
I watched Pixels with Adam Sandler last night, I was kinda looking forward to this when it can out but Good God it was horrible waste of time.

Maverick was so trying to be exactly like the original
I think that is the point though. It’s not reinventing the wheel.

There are loads of films which many view as the same. Some people hated Ghostbusters Afterlife because it’s just a fan service nostalgia trip. However the majority of fans enjoyed it.

I think a lot of us here are in agreement with your assessment of Maverick, I think it’s just the way I rated the film which maybe getting in the way.

Maverick Vs some of the best films from that year? 6/10 above average movie to pull in the crowds. Maverick Vs films not trying hard and just pushing for the summer money 9/10 it was certainly one of the better film I watched. I mean it wasn’t hard, we were treated to the likes of Uncharted :lol: and Dr Strange.

To be fair to Tom, he knows how to pull the money in and the film almost single handedly saved going to the cinema after such a long hiatus. Making close to $1.5 billion at the box office (only beaten by Avatar WOW at the end of the year) and over 8 on IMDB along with a Rotton Tomato’s of 96% I wasn’t alone in enjoying the absurd spectacle.


Watched it for a second time, and it still managed to make that dead lump in my chest feel things.

It delivered a satisfying closure of arcs for our plucky misfits, if a bit bittersweet.

The runtime was a bit long, and some genuinely upsetting imagery almost put me off... but that aside, jokes landed, heartstrings were plucked, and we got more Cosmo.

Phase 4 was mostly a bust for me, after No Way Home. This gives me a small glimmer of hope for Phase 5, after that dreadfull Quantumania. Very small. Tiny.

Justice for Floor.
Watched Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny tonight.


A great Indy movie on its own, an action-packed spectacle with lots of references to the previous movies. Great action scenes taking place all over the world, several familiar faces, and Mads Mikkelsen as a villain just never disappoints.


  • The CGI and green screen (chases) scenes were cheap and fake, felt out of place for a AAA title such as this.
  • Many of the action scenes dragged on for too long up to the point they got a bit boring. Story could have been told with much better pacing in less than 154 minutes.
  • (Not the movies fault) I made the mistake of watching this a week after re-watching Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. This movie is good, but it's not a masterpiece like Spielberg's (which, despite the lower pace of the era, felt way faster because nothing dragged on). Maybe it's the nostalgia-glasses, but this movie could have used less CGI and more practical FX (no Nazi faces melting in this one I'm afraid ;)).

Overall 7.5/10

Just a normal movie. All dialogue. No action. Nothing fancy. Just a movie with good actors acting together. Took me way back to those moments of where I was and what I was doing.
Fantastic soundtrack and the mood of the times was right.
Nice Sunday evening flick to watch last night.