What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap


It's... it's pretty dumb, and the weakest entry into the Monsterverse for me, but it really, really wants to entertain you.

The human drama isn't too unbearable. The monster action is mostly good, if a bit messy and hard to follow at times. Feels rushed for a 2 hour movie.

One scene was so hilarious, it's almost worth the price of admission alone.
Damsel ….nope 4/10

Cocaine Bear …at least some funny Moments 6/10

Roadhouse… another mindless reboot …at least entertaining 5/10

Three thousand years of longing …the strong parts are the flashbacks otherwise Tilda and Elba are to good to fail …entertaining…7/10
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Kung Fu Panda 4

It's quite meh, the weakest of the 4 movies, the comedy is there and it has some good ideas but doesn't place them correctly which leads a lot of wasted potential and questionable decisions.

Tai Lungs return is a sales trap. It happens at the end and barely does anything other than say a few lines before heading off and confirming Po is the true Dragon Warrior which hardly feels earned at all and also off when Po isnt meant to be the Dragon Warrior anymore. Probably comes down to a lack of focus as they brought back Kai and Shen too though they really don't do anything other than still potential Tai Lung screen time. They don't even have voice lines.

Chameleon is a weak villain with the problem of trying to be too many things. It tries to be the villain for Zhen to overcome but also some foil to Po. Having a plot twist also didnt help with the lack of focus so she just ends up being a boring. Dont even know why they gave her the motivation of wanting to learn Kung Fu but cant so she chose evil? Just cut that out and have her be a generic villain, it doesn't even make sense why that would be thing.

I had a weird viewing of Zhen, I didnt think much of her at first but grew to like her at the middle but at the end I wanted to keep liking her but couldn't. Nothing felt rewarding as she went through her arc only to suddenly come up as the Dragon Warrior after all that. I think the twist is what really soured it, especially when the regret kinda just happens. Im not against the concept of the movie or her being Pos successor but there needed to be much more weight into this as I wasnt compelled enough of her as a character to want to see her as the successor.

Pos Dads were definitely the best characters. I adore their chemistry and easily had the best scenes when they appeared. Master Shifu was also pretty good but his appearences are brief.

Overall. I would skip this one, I only really saw it because my friends wanted to and wouldnt have done it by myself. Though the complaints of the lack of Furious 5 in the movie is absurd to me, even if you fix the script to give it a proper goal and more time on important elements, you still wouldnt have room for the Furious 5, they just dont have a purpose in the movie.
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A firefighting meathead and a supersexy swingin pyromaniac femboy reluctantly team up to stop a megalomaniac and inter-dimensional beings from accidentally destroying the planet. It's as dumb as it sounds, and it's awesome.

We went in with not having watched a trailer or a review.

My thirteen year old daughter found it okay. She held back a tear at the end. Almost got me too, but overall, she found it confusing at points and wouldn’t know if five year olds(which the theatre was packed with) would follow the dialogue.
With the amount of stars voicing characters, my daughter would have liked to see more scenes with those characters’ interaction.

The amount of families that paid for multiple kids to watch, I guess it’s dome its job of bringing families out to theatres. I think word of mouth might recommend wait for the stream.
Randomly watched "Calibre".
Simple story, well written characters, and kept me hooked till the end. (7/10)

Also watched "The Ritual".
Gripping, steady buildup of suspense, could've had a better ending. (6.5/10)
Pretty cool at expanding the lore and the world building. Nice action although way more tame than Fury Road. Story is good, the pacing might be a bit off though. At the end I still think Fury Road is better but Furiosa is still a solid movie IMO (9/10)


Saw that it popped up on Netflix.

There aren't enough superlatives to describe this film.

I still need to watch this one. Gutted I missed it at the cinema but I’ll probably pick up a UHD if they release one.


Do you know someone who likes shark movies? Do you hate that person? Under Paris! Are 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, Deep Blue Sea 3, and Meg 2: The Trench too cerebral? Under Paris! Watch it in French with subtitles! Say you watched a foreign film! Impress your friends! Under Paris! Classy!
Under Paris!
I watched it yesterday. :lol:

Next up for me (or at least soon...) will be the equally amazing No Way Up.

I particularly like the tagline at the bottom from someone named FANGIRLISH - "Sharks on a plane is peak cinema."

Ricky Gervais Lol GIF
Bad boys 4. I like it more than 3rd - alot of stupid fun, great Bayish action captured with different techniques, somewhat unique script for series. Solid 7/10


It's dumb, but really, really wants you to like it. By the end, I kinda did? You wore me down, movie. Good job. Decent action violence. Fun casting. There are worse ways to waste a bit more than an hour and a half, like...



I felt compelled to watch this. I kinda knew what I was getting myself into, so I'm not going to rip on the movie too hard, but... Posters feature great whites. Movie has tigers. It's a shame that some of the characters could only die once. Justice for Mr. Tibbs.




This movie asks the important questions, like: What if you gave Seven Samurai bath salts?

Miike doesn't shy away from some upsetting visuals, prolonged action violence, and one of the most repugnant villains put to screen.
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I saw The Green Knight.

I feel like so much more could have been done with this story. Cinematographic it's great. Dare I say Hobbitlike...

I give it a 5/10.
Baki Hanma VS Kengan Ashura - I like Kengan, I dont like Baki. Unfortunatly this is a Baki story although it tries to combine both.
In the end of course it has to settle for one style, but I would have much prefered it to be Kengan instead.
So caught up on some films.

Arthur the King - 5/10

Of all the man’s best friend films over the years this is ranked low. It has no charm at all.

The Iron Claw - 8/10

I’m not a wrestling fan so I’m betting quite a bit of the historical edge is just a waste on myself. However it’s a well written film, and the performances from most of the cast were good. Efron and White are excellent.

The Holdovers - 9/10

I’m a huge fan of Sideways so a new film by Alexander Payne was a no brainer. This on seem to channel quite a bit of Wes Anderson too which is no bad thing. It’s a delight of a film and everything as just on point.
Just watched Damsel. That was decent. Not sure why some reviews thought it was bad.
Only part I didn’t like was the final confrontation. Such an obvious takedown, but I was entertained. An easy watch.
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F 👍

I'm currently watching it, but it's a good 4th entry in the series. I would recommend it, if you're a fan of the series or 1st movie, or looking for an action comedy.
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F 👍

I'm currently watching it, but it's a good 4th entry in the series. I would recommend it, if you're a fan of the series or 1st movie, or looking for an action comedy.
Watching that later tonight. Good to read.

Edit: Just watched it. Had its funny bits. Way better than the third movie. Fo everyone’s age they did enough with their characters. Classic BHC music set the tone, but why do most new shows have to be so dark with the lighting?
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Last movie I saw in theaters was Furiosa. It had some really well-done bits, but I can't help but to wonder if it would've benefitted from more new characters, locales, and so on. Like we've already heard of Gastown, the Bullet Farm, and so on. That said, I get how there was a need to tie it all into Fury Road. I felt like both main actors - Taylor-Joy and Helmsworth - really sell it, too, and ultimately do a fantastic acting job. But for me, I kept getting this feeling like Furiosa's story could've just been in the form of a spin-off comic or something, rather than a massive feature film.


Not sure why I took so long to get around to watching this.

Good action violence. OK characters. Uses most of the genre's tropes, but thankfully avoids one that would've been super annoying.

I've only seen three of Lee Jeong-beom's films. This was about as good as Jo Pil-ho: The Dawning Rage, but neither movie compares to the vastly superior The Man from Nowhere. That movie's great.


I'm tired of the Multiverse. It needs to die. Disney and the MCU have beaten me down with enough mediocre content to where I actively avoided some of their shows and movies. But...



It's a Deadpool movie, with a budget that can afford to do things. I thought that I would miss the smaller stakes of the first two movies, but I was thoroughly entertained. The movie packed in a lot of fun surprises. Reynolds and Jackman have great chemistry. Interesting meta themes on top of meta themes. The action is cheerfully bloody and violent. Most of the humor is dumb, but works. I had a lot of chuckle moments, and a few that made me damn near choke. The soundtrack's licensed songs are pretty good, and used well. Worth staying through the credits.
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My 13yo daughter said I laughed more during this than Deadpool & Wolverine. :lol: ...and that's not bad on D&W, just pretty damn accurate! :lol:
New Boy

Movie with Cate Blanchett about a young aboriganal boy at the age of 13 going to a ministry for lost boys. The boy is what they would call a “medicine” man and is confronted with Christian ways of looking at the world.

This is a terribly dull movie where the “powers” of nature in the boy are displayed as a summoned ball of light…. It diminishes everything by portraying his adaptation to fitting in as being vicitimized.

Blanchett goes all in but she might has well be better of passing up on this movie.

Watched “Sunshine”.

A team of astronauts are on a mission to save the dying sun. I was thoroughly enjoying the movie until the last 30 minutes, where the third part took a nosedive. The last act was written soo poorly, it ruined the entire buildup to the ending.

Such a shame because the talented cast was completely wasted. (5.5/10)
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Bank of Dave. Me and my family were entertained. 8/10 for being based on a true story and it was good to watch a grounded movie.
Alien: Romulus: 8/10, finally a real Alien/Aliens movie again, with a tiny sprinkle of Alien: Isolation
Deadpool & Wolverine: 8/10. As R-rated as ever, sooo many good cameos of forgotten superheroes.
The Blade cameo was great, and his line "There's only one Blade, and there will only ever be one Blade" is just cheffs kiss, but ffs give Tatum Channing his own Gambit movie, he was friggin' awesome!
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Here's what I watched in August:
  • X (2022) ★★½
  • Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991) ★★½
  • Killers of the Flower Moon (2023) ★★★★★
  • Trading Places (1983) ★★★½
  • A Brighter Summer Day (1991) ★★★★½
  • Forbidden Planet (1956) ★★
  • M (1931) [REWATCH] ★★★★★
  • The Wolf House (2018) [REWATCH] ★★★★½
  • Saint Maud (2019) ★★★½
  • The Graduate (1967) ★★★★
  • Rocky (1976) ★★★★