What PD Has Been Doing For 5 Years.....

To everyone talking about how Kaz won't answer questions and he tiptoes around and all that jazz, it's called building anticipation. It may irritate us to the millionth degree but like it or not, it's working. WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE GAME! That's what he wants. And if you think about it, it's better for us this way too. Think about it, if he tells us EVERYTHING there is to know about the game now, from menu music (which I would hope they don't change after all these years) to EVERY car in the game, to EVERY car that has damage, to the release date, to the DLC (and believe me, there will be), we'd go nuts for a few days, maybe a week, and then we get to sit around for a few months waiting for a game that we already know EVERYTHING about and when we slide that bad boy into our PS3 drive, watch that Polyphony Digital logo come up on our screen, and go into our first race, EVERYTHING is exactly as we were told and expected. No surprises, no nothing, that blows for us. Even if it's the greatest game we've ever had the good fortune to be on the same planet as (and I'm pretty sure it will be like that, for me at least), we already knew that 4 months ago and now the shine was off the apple weeks before the game was released and we're bummed and PD's sales are killed because they didn't have anything new to offer us in the weeks leading up to release.

Now, with his way, this week, we got to see a (beautiful) car go around a (beautiful) track and get DAMAGED! Damage, people, how are we not more pumped for this? Yea yea, "not on all cars" but if you read Kaz's quote, he says only select "sets" will have damage and he hasn't decided on what those sets are.


Who knows, in Kaz's world, "Sets" are manufacturers and they haven't settled all licensing agreements with the manufacturers to destroy theirpieces of art (and Cappuccino's) so they don't know which ones will sign on by release date.

But I digress. With his way, we get "leaked" info on the japanese GT site (come on guys, PD isn't THAT sloppy) that is "quickly" removed after we ALL saw it and tried (and most of us, failed) at translating it. And with his way, we will most definitely start getting bits of information over the next few weeks, some "leaked", some official, and then at TGS...:drool: :ouch: Our heads might explode, so go find a helmet.

We'll get our coveted release date (December 1, 2009 is my bet. It's a Tuesday, just like when most games are released and it fits perfectly with Amar's "30 nights before 12 months pass" wind) and a near (if not completely) final build of the game to feast our eyes on, and probably a demo a week or two later. Remember, we did get a prologue demo. Then, in the weeks leading up to release, we'll get some final "tidbit" about the game that will have us setting our alarm clock for 5 a.m. the morning GT5 is released.


Don't know what it would be, maybe we get a press release saying "Upon release of GT5, there will be a Porsche expansion pack available for download on PSN, free with redemption code on inside cover of game package."

In conclusion, and the reason for the title of this thread, I was searching around for GT5 trailers and any vid I could find and came across these gems. Anyone remember Vision GT??


That is from a Press Conference from May 2005.


That is a trailer from one year later, posted May 2006.

You can see an improvement from the first to the second, and if you have working eyes, you can also tell that they both look like a steaming pile of :crazy: compared to what we have now. But you remember, just as I do, that you were STUNNED looking at that video, how realistic it was, and the pit stops! The pit stops looked too real to be a game. Now we look at that and say, "I was excited about that?"

That, my friends, is what PD has been doing for the last 5 years. Improving on something we already thought was unbelievably good and if all we can do is complain when they give us something we've asked for, and complain about not knowing when it will be released, then I say we deserve the 2005 version. Personally, I'm glad they didn't release Vision GT at launch, seeing as we'd still be playing that right now, anxiously awaiting GT5 Prologue in April of 2010. They will release it when it's ready, and from what I have seen in the last two days alone, I think it is. But, if they don't and we're here next year waiting for X-Mas 2010 for GT5, and we see the new trailers and features throughout 2010, don't tell me you wouldn't say "Whew, glad they didn't rush out a version without all this great stuff last year. I'm glad they waited." It would be worth the wait then, and it's worth the wait now. If you don't think so, watch those Vision GT trailers until you do.

Well, thats my two(hundred) cents, hope you didn't fall asleep by the end of it. I think there were some decent points in there everyone on this forum should ponder.
PD needs more then 140 -150 members working on it! Just to add this up.

Nicel written, I am with you 100% besides TGS is coming up, who knows if we see full damage and day and night in GT mode and not arcade.. etc etc

By the way , when on the ONE DAY article by PD posted, they mention that there will be 170 nice looking cars, and rest will be from GT4, If you watch VISION GRAN TURISMO you can see GT4 models in better HD and bit more detail. I thik thats how the cars will look once GT5 comes out, maybe bit more shine and reflections on them, and possibly a simple layout cockpit without too much detail... It would still look good and nice!
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Very well said about building up anticipation.

I'm also hoping that your speculations about the-thing-we-shouldn't-be-discussing are true, since they match my hopes and calculations, but I'm too afraid to say it loud, afraid of going straight into the HOS ;).
PD needs more then 140 -150 members working on it! Just to add this up.

Nicel written, I am with you 100% besides TGS is coming up, who knows if we see full damage and day and night in GT mode and not arcade.. etc etc

By the way , when on the ONE DAY article by PD posted, they mention that there will be 170 nice looking cars, and rest will be from GT4, If you watch VISION GRAN TURISMO you can see GT4 models in better HD and bit more detail. I thik thats how the cars will look once GT5 comes out, maybe bit more shine and reflections on them, and possibly a simple layout cockpit without too much detail... It would still look good and nice!

We've already all but determined that the 170 "premium cars" mentioned referred to the possibility of 170 cars being damageable or having interior damaged, and the other 830 being undamagable as all cars in GT4 were. ALL cars in GT5 will look graphically awesome as they do in the trailers. They aren't upscaled GT4 models, seeing as how there werent 830 cars in GT4 so they couldn't all be from GT4. Also, we have seen cars in GT5 trailers that were also in GT4 and they look excellent, not GT4 quality.

Oh, and about the people at PD working on it, heres an IGN video about PD and how the work environment is. In that place, 150 people working on this game at a time is more than enough.

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Very well spoken:tup:

I also wonder if all that has been said was just to "set up us the bomb" so to speak. Apparently, it seemed to have done just that (still counting casualties at the moment) and as a result, people are happy/sad/dissapointed/suicidal and all await the fate at TGS.

PD needs more then 140 -150 members working on it! Just to add this up.

Care to Join me in joining them? :D
I first saw the thread expecting another moaning thread, instead its one of the more insightful and well written points thats been made in recent weeks.

Good thread
I know its a bit off topic but I have never really watched these movies properly. For the GT Vision. I am so used to pulling the videos apart now that I never noticed a couple of tracks on them.

On the first one it looks like Monaco with the F1 cars and whats the one with the big lake in the middle?

Do you think they could be hints got GT5 all that time ago?
now we pick apart any info on gt5 like a lion being fed a sirlion steak till there is nothing left, we speculate we get abit of information spend 5 minutes gauping at it then start finding little things that we think could be better, guys lets try and calm down when pd release gt5 it will be the best they can manage which will be very good, this website will turn into a ghost town as we all play on the game it will be like that for a couple of months with the occasional talk of downloadable content. then the whole circle will start again. Are any of us playing the last full game gt4 no where not how excited about that when it came out.

some people need to stop being so worried aobut the game and how good it will be

eg some people thought it was a crisis when in the damage video from gamescom it didn't crumple or scratch the paintwork.

when pd relese it the game will be the best the can release so do we trust them to do the best they can.

well i do so pd take your time if it means we will get a better game. but if the release is still a long way off then please tell us and be honest.

if anyone is still reading it by now thanks for your time reading it hope i didn't bore you
That, my friends, is what PD has been doing for the last 5 years. Improving on something we already thought was unbelievably good and if all we can do is complain when they give us something we've asked for, and complain about not knowing when it will be released, then I say we deserve the 2005 version.
Yeah yeah, all easy to say when you know we are not getting the 2005 version... Fact is, for 5 years of development, I expected more than just "all car models from GT4, plus a few new ones, but damage on a small portion of them". Pu'lease, don't harp on about manufacturers not wanting to see their cars bashed up - Forza and other franchises have been doing it for years. PD should shut up shup.
It's hard to see from the videos but you can see a hint of some of what they've been working on. The very basics of the game, the fundamental things that really matter such as the physics engine and the AI. This is what will make GT5 a stand out game that will blow us away, not GT4 with upgraded graphics and panels that fall off cars.

The AI seen in that video has impressed me a lot, they seem a lot more "human" now and no longer seem to run like they are on rails with every assist turned on. The physics engine we will have to wait until we play the game but going from the massive leap Pro physics on Prologue gave us I'm sure with the further developments made it will be even more impressive!

I think that this is what this incarnation of GT will be about, fixing the flaws that people have pointed out time and time again about the GT series so they have a really strong base for future games. Obviously it's hard to see a lot of this in a demo filmed off of a screen with a video camera which has led to a lot of the negativity but I'm confident we will "get" what they have been doing all this time once we have the game
To the OP... VERY well put... I was thinking along the same lines, but didnt think about putting it down in a post and as thorough as you have taken the time to do... Keep it up! 👍
We'll see. For me the first post seems a little bit too optimistic. If the final product is really that much better than what we saw on GamesCom,well, then I'm happy - no doubt about that.

Yet after such a long time I really demand a great game. A great overall experience. It's not just about some specifc features, but about the whole deal.

You know that's maybe one of the biggest problems of those "prologue" versions : Of course the final product is better, but to what degree ? Enough to wow me ? Personally I'm not looking forward to a GT5 that basicvally is a GT5 prologue with GT mode, more cars, more tracks and a questionable damge model. Maybe that's just my personal problem. GT5p is ok in my eyes, but it's not as good as Forza 2. And with Forza 3 coming up I still don't see how GT5 will be able to beat it. Don't get me wrong, I'm a GT fan since the very beginning - probably longer than 95% of all members here - I play the series since the first week of January 1998 ( Japanese import ) and follow the game series since mid 1997. I love the series, but ( as with most Japanese productions by the way ) the West seems to have overtaken developers of the country of the rising sun - more innovations, fast productions with higher quality ( especially graphics and online features ).
I mean look at NfS Shift : Ok it might still be a bad game, but from what we know it's not that bad and how long is it in production ? 2-3 years at max.

I'm talking about the little things. Online mode in GT5p is the worst I've seen on any system. It's the opposite of user friendly. How on earth can you do sth like that. Compare it to Forza 2 or some random five year old game of a random genre.

Back to GT5 p : Ok the cars look fantastic and the handling is great ( at least with wheels ). Everything highdef, ok, standard. But PD seems to focus on some aspects and forgetting others : The tracks are liveless - no wind, no moving trees, no clouds, no people walking around, no weather, no day/night change, no birds, maybe a few cheering people. Doesn't make the Tokyo track realsitic. I've been to Tokyo, without the sounds of the city, the cars, the cicades and their chracteristic sound, hundrets of people it's just - sterile and fake looking backgrounds in highdef. Tbh - not enough for me. The engine sound is still weak compared even to games liek NFS MW of 2005. The exhaust pipe is not moving when under full throttle, no reverse lights, ever driven a car with sports exhaust through a tunnel on full throttle ? Hell breaks lose even in a 1.6 litre Civic. Race car through GT tunnel ? Nothing.

Maybe I'm asking for too much, but GT4 in highdef with online mode is not enough for me. I'll buy it anyway, I'll play it anyway, but I'll be dissapointed. In 1998 GT was ahead of every other simulation racing game. In 2009, I'm afraid, it is just one among many. And from what I expect now, Forza 3 will be more fun for me at least. I really hope PD proves me wrong, but I doubt it. It'll be a great game for sure, but not the dominating king it should be.
To everyone talking about how Kaz won't answer questions and he tiptoes around and all that jazz, it's called building anticipation. It may irritate us to the millionth degree but like it or not, it's working. WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE GAME! That's what he wants. And if you think about it, it's better for us this way too. Think about it, if he tells us EVERYTHING there is to know about the game now, from menu music (which I would hope they don't change after all these years) to EVERY car in the game, to EVERY car that has damage, to the release date, to the DLC (and believe me, there will be), we'd go nuts for a few days, maybe a week, and then we get to sit around for a few months waiting for a game that we already know EVERYTHING about and when we slide that bad boy into our PS3 drive, watch that Polyphony Digital logo come up on our screen, and go into our first race, EVERYTHING is exactly as we were told and expected. No surprises, no nothing, that blows for us. Even if it's the greatest game we've ever had the good fortune to be on the same planet as (and I'm pretty sure it will be like that, for me at least), we already knew that 4 months ago and now the shine was off the apple weeks before the game was released and we're bummed and PD's sales are killed because they didn't have anything new to offer us in the weeks leading up to release.
Very well put, I totally agree. 👍

This is where they failed with GT4 (although they sold millions of units). We knew pretty much everything about the game, before it was even released, and as a result it wasn't as exciting as it could have been. At least that's my opinion.
You are screwed either way though.

GT4 situation - Everybody knew exactly what to expect. End result was certain people dissapointed.

GT5 situation - Nobody knows anything. People build up their own stories and expectations of what is to happen. PD releases something different. End result is people are dissapointed (thus far).

So PD is damned if they do and damned if they don't. Things would be no different regardless of the information we are given.
You are screwed either way though.

GT4 situation - Everybody knew exactly what to expect. End result was certain people dissapointed.

GT5 situation - Nobody knows anything. People build up their own stories and expectations of what is to happen. PD releases something different. End result is people are dissapointed (thus far).

So PD is damned if they do and damned if they don't. Things would be no different regardless of the information we are given.

Indeed. So I guess the key is not wasting 5 years but trying to do the best you can within 2 or 3 years - like 90% of developers out there. Nothing against " I need my time to make it perfect " if it actually is at least close to perfect then- which means to me : best on the market in most ways to date by a huge margin. Maybe GT 5 is. I don't think so, but I'll hope for the best.
We don't even know what PD has been doing, we will find out, this 1 track, 1 car choice demo cannot represent 5 years of work and they clearly don't intend for it too.
We'll see. For me the first post seems a little bit too optimistic. If the final product is really that much better than what we saw on GamesCom,well, then I'm happy - no doubt about that.

Yet after such a long time I really demand a great game. A great overall experience. It's not just about some specifc features, but about the whole deal.

You know that's maybe one of the biggest problems of those "prologue" versions : Of course the final product is better, but to what degree ? Enough to wow me ? Personally I'm not looking forward to a GT5 that basicvally is a GT5 prologue with GT mode, more cars, more tracks and a questionable damge model. Maybe that's just my personal problem. GT5p is ok in my eyes, but it's not as good as Forza 2. And with Forza 3 coming up I still don't see how GT5 will be able to beat it. Don't get me wrong, I'm a GT fan since the very beginning - probably longer than 95% of all members here - I play the series since the first week of January 1998 ( Japanese import ) and follow the game series since mid 1997. I love the series, but ( as with most Japanese productions by the way ) the West seems to have overtaken developers of the country of the rising sun - more innovations, fast productions with higher quality ( especially graphics and online features ).
I mean look at NfS Shift : Ok it might still be a bad game, but from what we know it's not that bad and how long is it in production ? 2-3 years at max.

I'm talking about the little things. Online mode in GT5p is the worst I've seen on any system. It's the opposite of user friendly. How on earth can you do sth like that. Compare it to Forza 2 or some random five year old game of a random genre.

Back to GT5 p : Ok the cars look fantastic and the handling is great ( at least with wheels ). Everything highdef, ok, standard. But PD seems to focus on some aspects and forgetting others : The tracks are liveless - no wind, no moving trees, no clouds, no people walking around, no weather, no day/night change, no birds, maybe a few cheering people. Doesn't make the Tokyo track realsitic. I've been to Tokyo, without the sounds of the city, the cars, the cicades and their chracteristic sound, hundrets of people it's just - sterile and fake looking backgrounds in highdef. Tbh - not enough for me. The engine sound is still weak compared even to games liek NFS MW of 2005. The exhaust pipe is not moving when under full throttle, no reverse lights, ever driven a car with sports exhaust through a tunnel on full throttle ? Hell breaks lose even in a 1.6 litre Civic. Race car through GT tunnel ? Nothing.

Maybe I'm asking for too much, but GT4 in highdef with online mode is not enough for me. I'll buy it anyway, I'll play it anyway, but I'll be dissapointed. In 1998 GT was ahead of every other simulation racing game. In 2009, I'm afraid, it is just one among many. And from what I expect now, Forza 3 will be more fun for me at least. I really hope PD proves me wrong, but I doubt it. It'll be a great game for sure, but not the dominating king it should be.

Your expectations have obviously, for whatever reason, been set WAY too high.. I mean come on... If you really expect all of this to be in GT5:

The tracks are liveless - no wind, no moving trees, no clouds, no people walking around, no weather, no day/night change, no birds, maybe a few cheering people. Doesn't make the Tokyo track realsitic. I've been to Tokyo, without the sounds of the city, the cars, the cicades and their chracteristic sound, hundrets of people it's just - sterile and fake looking backgrounds in highdef. Tbh - not enough for me.

Then youre looking in the wrong place... You said youve been playing the series from the start then you SHOULD know that the focus is on driving and PD have done a good job in that respect.. I think people are losing focus as to WHAT this game is all about... Livery editors... moving trees, cheering people... How many times do you go down a straight at 200+ mph and look at the cheering crowd? Or the moving trees?!?! In the total picture that stuff is actually really irrelevent... It WOULD be nice... but considering the platform and the numbers of cars and such, they probably wouldnt be able to do that without sacrificing graphic detail which they strive so hard to acheive with what they have...

You also go and compare FM2 to Prologue... Full game vs Half a game... You also do not acknowledge the fact that in the leaked spec list of GT5 the online capabilities they WILL be implementing are IMO one of the greatest things to HAPPEN to the game... The demo we saw at GamesCom is a gameshow demo... not finished build... Who knows when they had this finished??? Maybe this is a demo from when they FIRST tried to implement damage... Nobody knows.... So before you make your conclusion I would suggest waiting for more info and eventually the whole game before making these conclusions already... But in the end it's up to you... If you are seriously disappointed I cannot do anything about it, but I think youre judging to soon...
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First Game of its type, pretty much the racinggame with the most cars, most customization and best physics on a console. TOCA Touringcars was close i might add, but it was lagging the feel of weight, which basicly is one of the best thing about GT1.

They added more cars, more tracks and added offroad racing and
new replay options that revisit how you actually pressed your acceleration and brake buttons during the course of the game.

Pretty much Gran Turismo 2 with less cars but better visuals and physics and with endurace races. They even had mechanical damage.

Its GT3 with better visuals, more cars and special conditions (wet) tracks. Also they included ForceFeedback (iam not sure if GT3 allready had it, because i got my first ff wheel after GT4 was released)
And hybrid cars.

-multiplayer with lobbys and voice chat
-damage, mechanical and visual (for certain cars, maybe even with rollover)
-better visuals and physics
-more cars and tracks
-16 cars on track
-electric cars
-online photo and replay album
-YouTube replay output
(-maybe weather)
(-maybe visual tuning)
(-maybe fully animated pitcrews)

GT5 is the biggest improvement in the Gran Turismo franchise since GT3. It offers so many new features, that i find it unfair to ask for even more. PD is a small company and they developed GT PSP and GT5 within these 5 years and what they did is awesome. I feel sorry for all the people that where dreaming about real life damage with 20 cars on track, weather changes and 10000 cars. Waking up from that dream surely is hard, isnt it?

Gran Turismo 5 will be the best Gran Turismo and people are still complaining, just because their expectations were far to high. GT5 will offer pretty much everything we asked for after GT4 was released and people are still not happy with what PD did. Even the Prologue offers the onlinemode that people wanted for GT4 so badly and having 16 cars is a good thing!

Please people stop whining, wait for TGS and be happy with the game. If you just cant life with the fact that GT5 has not lived up to your expectations then buy another game and iam sure you will find bad things about them aswell. No game is perfect.
I have never been disapointed with PD and GT, they allways delivered and iam looking foreward to the release of GT5.

I can understand that people are complaining about certain things, but i think its going a bit to far. There is no need for an outrage.
Play GT4 until GT5 comes out and be amazed.
I know there are other games and i actually play them, but playing a GT game always felt like coming home, Polyphony Digital captures the spirit of the cars and i think this is the thing that always makes me come home for more.
I would still buy the game even if it took 6 years to develop.

(please excuse my bad english)
I also expected more.
Next gen = next gen and not just GT4 with nicer graphics, and a little damage....

The build at gamescom is just to show us a little of what we could expect with the damage. It's just an updated prologue. They should have called it Prologue spec 4, but that would annoy a lot of people.

Of course we get a lot,lot more than this. I'm really hoping for better sound though.

Forza 2 a few years ago had: good sound, skidmarks, damage(much like the build) and probably more. Yeah, I expect those things in the final GT5 because were talking about the more powerful PS3 here and Polyphony instead of Turn 10! It's 2009 now!
I can't beleive how many people (not from this thread) are going on about crash damage being the be all and end all. I wouldn't be at all bothered if none of the cars had damage & there weren't any more cars than GT4 because what I like about Gran Turismo is no game can get close in terms of how realistic the cars feel. If GT5 is just basically GT4 but in the style of GT5 Prologue I will play it night & day for many, many years and be very happy.
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Forza 2 a few years ago had: good sound, skidmarks, damage(much like the build) and probably more. Yeah, I expect those things in the final GT5 because were talking about the more powerful PS3 here and Polyphony instead of Turn 10! It's 2009 now!

Would you be happy if that was all implemented in GT, BUT at the cost of the incredibly beautiful graphic detail they have acheived? Because I would imagine that is the first thing they would have to sacrifice in order to add stuff like that to the game...