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To everyone talking about how Kaz won't answer questions and he tiptoes around and all that jazz, it's called building anticipation. It may irritate us to the millionth degree but like it or not, it's working. WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE GAME! That's what he wants. And if you think about it, it's better for us this way too. Think about it, if he tells us EVERYTHING there is to know about the game now, from menu music (which I would hope they don't change after all these years) to EVERY car in the game, to EVERY car that has damage, to the release date, to the DLC (and believe me, there will be), we'd go nuts for a few days, maybe a week, and then we get to sit around for a few months waiting for a game that we already know EVERYTHING about and when we slide that bad boy into our PS3 drive, watch that Polyphony Digital logo come up on our screen, and go into our first race, EVERYTHING is exactly as we were told and expected. No surprises, no nothing, that blows for us. Even if it's the greatest game we've ever had the good fortune to be on the same planet as (and I'm pretty sure it will be like that, for me at least), we already knew that 4 months ago and now the shine was off the apple weeks before the game was released and we're bummed and PD's sales are killed because they didn't have anything new to offer us in the weeks leading up to release.
Now, with his way, this week, we got to see a (beautiful) car go around a (beautiful) track and get DAMAGED! Damage, people, how are we not more pumped for this? Yea yea, "not on all cars" but if you read Kaz's quote, he says only select "sets" will have damage and he hasn't decided on what those sets are. ATTENTION: THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE IS PURE SPECULATION AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS FACT. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
Who knows, in Kaz's world, "Sets" are manufacturers and they haven't settled all licensing agreements with the manufacturers to destroy theirpieces of art (and Cappuccino's) so they don't know which ones will sign on by release date.
But I digress. With his way, we get "leaked" info on the japanese GT site (come on guys, PD isn't THAT sloppy) that is "quickly" removed after we ALL saw it and tried (and most of us, failed) at translating it. And with his way, we will most definitely start getting bits of information over the next few weeks, some "leaked", some official, and then at TGS...
We'll get our coveted release date (December 1, 2009 is my bet. It's a Tuesday, just like when most games are released and it fits perfectly with Amar's "30 nights before 12 months pass" wind) and a near (if not completely) final build of the game to feast our eyes on, and probably a demo a week or two later. Remember, we did get a prologue demo. Then, in the weeks leading up to release, we'll get some final "tidbit" about the game that will have us setting our alarm clock for 5 a.m. the morning GT5 is released. ATTENTION: YOU KNOW THE DRILL.
Don't know what it would be, maybe we get a press release saying "Upon release of GT5, there will be a Porsche expansion pack available for download on PSN, free with redemption code on inside cover of game package."
In conclusion, and the reason for the title of this thread, I was searching around for GT5 trailers and any vid I could find and came across these gems. Anyone remember Vision GT??
That is from a Press Conference from May 2005.
That is a trailer from one year later, posted May 2006.
You can see an improvement from the first to the second, and if you have working eyes, you can also tell that they both look like a steaming pile of
That, my friends, is what PD has been doing for the last 5 years. Improving on something we already thought was unbelievably good and if all we can do is complain when they give us something we've asked for, and complain about not knowing when it will be released, then I say we deserve the 2005 version. Personally, I'm glad they didn't release Vision GT at launch, seeing as we'd still be playing that right now, anxiously awaiting GT5 Prologue in April of 2010. They will release it when it's ready, and from what I have seen in the last two days alone, I think it is. But, if they don't and we're here next year waiting for X-Mas 2010 for GT5, and we see the new trailers and features throughout 2010, don't tell me you wouldn't say "Whew, glad they didn't rush out a version without all this great stuff last year. I'm glad they waited." It would be worth the wait then, and it's worth the wait now. If you don't think so, watch those Vision GT trailers until you do. Well, thats my two(hundred) cents, hope you didn't fall asleep by the end of it. I think there were some decent points in there everyone on this forum should ponder.