Hehehe, your post sounds just like your typical Forza fan, but I'm sure mine sounds like a GT fan.
Well, it seems your priorities are far different then mine. AI has and never will be a challenge to me in racing simulators, I get very little enjoyment in racing mindless bots, (though I enjoy watching them race each other) my enjoyment comes from racing real people online. No matter how good they get at modeling AI it will never match a real person. Trying to outbreak AI going into a corner = snooze. Trying to outbreak a human going into a corner = exciting.
Same thing with ultra real collision physics or damage. It doesn't make a sim racing game to me, but it appears to be everything to some people.
For GT5 I expected a basic damage model on just the racecars, (based on how PD said they designed the cars) and slightly improved A.I. over GT5P (basic progression).
Some people expected an industry changing damage model on PD's first go with damage, and an A.I. leaps and bounds better then GT5P's, which was of course all unreastic expectations.
While GT5 may look stale and unimproved to you, I'm looking forward to it greatly. Nothing has fell below my expectations or dissappointed me except for the thought there may just be 20 tracks.
I think its funny how you say I must the the ultimate forza fan... where did I mention anything about forza? The whole post was about GT, what it has done and what I think it shoud have accomplished... I didn't compare it to forza at all...
No offense but when you start reading a favoritism towards forza into anything negative about gt then you might want to reconsider your obejctiveness...
You will notice that I usually try to talk only about what GT is doing, and try not to compare too much to other games (especially forza since it tends to rile up the fanboys even more beyond reason). And when i do compare to other games, often its a lot of games, not just forza is god (in fact you will see that I consistenly say that Toca does the AI racing feeling best for me).
Actually I had some pretty frustrating times with Forza also, and noteably with the AI, however I had to respect that they tried and did a decent job even if not perfect.
GTs AI has been a long standing issue, one which was excuseable early on but with each generation becomes less and less excuseable.
Now as for your specific situation, I am not sure why you feel it somehow invalidates the problems with the game somehow?
I mean the single player is a huge part of the game even if you plan to avoid it as much as possible. And for a lot of people it is a very important part of the game.
I personally love getting friends together to play, but a huge part of the game is being able to pop it in and get in a fun race when you dont have time to coordinate a human race.
As for what I expect? I expect what PD leads me to expect, with comments about how long its taking being related to getting it right, with all the talk of it being worth the wait and the direct comments from PD et all basically saying how this will be the biggest, baddest and greatest.
My expectatinos are also set by what I see is possible and what the competition is doing... I mean if no one else had figured out how to create a good AI, ok its just still int he works, but good AI has been around for a while. And regardless what we have seen so far doesnt even look like mediocre AI, it looks like blind drive on rails AI.
It seems to me that your eagerness to jump on me for being a forza fanboy (BTW I have barely been playing attention to Forza 3... my xbox is packed up and hasnt been played in months let alone any forza playing yet I am actively considering buying a PS3 just to play GT5) is a somewhat freudian reflection of your own fanboyism... something which shows in your eagerness to excuse obvious flaws as being not important becuase of your own particular (and I must say probably not very common) situation. I mean it sounds like you take everything that is wrong with GT and then find a situation in which it is not relevant, then say thats all you want out of it.
It would be like me saying 'who cares madden has no running game, all I want to do is pass the ball anyway, no big deal"'. Well great for you, but the problem still definitely exists.
I am glad GT hasnt let you down and your desires were limited to what works in GT but again, it doesnt excuse what isnt there or isnt done right, and I am talking about the kind of things that were directly or indirectly promised in big ways.