What things would you rather people not know about you?

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Originally posted by Goomba
Anything in a movie that portrays the strength of a human spirit overcoming something gets me misty eyed. I don't burst out into tears, but they water up a bit.

You know that part in Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, where the people of Middle Earth stand before they sweep the battlefield of orcs? Yeah, even that got me.

I'm so ghey.

yah there it is, thats the feeling i get, i am also ghey...and on a different note....zoxxy's avatar owns, the color of her bra rules!!
Originally posted by F.Zamataki
yah there it is, thats the feeling i get, i am also ghey...and on a different note....zoxxy's avatar owns, the color of her bra rules!!

[sigh] All I know is that a pair of silicones make me sick any day. And why exactly are you "ghey"? I thought you had a :lol: "girlfriend"
Originally posted by zoxxy

I've been together with 3 girls at the same time (DONT try that at home!)
Once I had a threesome when I was wasted (not like all the way just touchin etc) but seriosuly 3 girls? That must be so increibly in-efficient.
Originally posted by NISMOskyline
[sigh] All I know is that a pair of silicones make me sick any day. And why exactly are you "ghey"? I thought you had a :lol: "girlfriend"

"ghey" is diff from"gay"...lol, and id have to agree, natural is the way to go:D
Ive been dubbed metrosexual before, and Im like... "what the **** is wrong with you? I haven't washed my hair for 3 weeks and my jeans are faded cos of Ive had them for 3 years."
Originally posted by Crayola
Yeh pretty much, basically its a label for guys who are unsure about their sexuality to hide behind.
That is a pretty un-fair assessment. Being dubbed a 'metro-sexual' does not mean that you are having problems dealing with your own sexual orientation.
Even though I don't believe you missed that article I want to hear your/his reasons as to why they are for assholes.

Then I will reply with "It is their choice, it is them wearing it not you. If you don't want to buy them then don't. People buy faded jeans because the 'old' look the give is in right now. A brand new pair of jeans that look old is better than an old pair of jeans that look old. One reason would be that they will last longer." and so on and so on...

So what are your reasons why they are for assholes?
ok, honestly, a buddy of mine said that one day when we saw some hot shots walk by wearing faded jeans....

and to my opinion on faded jeans..they are for assholes beacuse assholes only follow the latest fashion trends thinking that thell get some sort of respect for wearing the latest fashion....and can you link me to maddox's article on this cuz id like to read it....

:EDIT: i have a pair of "rusted" jeans....do i qualify as an asshole?
Originally posted by F.Zamataki
ok, honestly, a buddy of mine said that one day when we saw some hot shots walk by wearing faded jeans....

and to my opinion on faded jeans..they are for assholes beacuse assholes only follow the latest fashion trends thinking that thell get some sort of respect for wearing the latest fashion....and can you link me to maddox's article on this cuz id like to read it....
Do you own even one article of clothing with any sort of label on it? Buy big name brands at the grocery store? Eat at big name restuarants? If so then you are a trend whore too, so get off your horse.

Maybe people wear faded jeans because they like the look of it. Maybe they wear it just for themself. Or is that completely un-feasable?
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
That is a pretty un-fair assessment. Being dubbed a 'metro-sexual' does not mean that you are having problems dealing with your own sexual orientation.
Ok, Ok, that was out of line, why are you targetting me tonight rumple?
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Do you own even one article of clothing with any sort of label on it? Buy big name brands at the grocery store? Eat at big name restuarants? If so then you are a trend whore too, so get off your horse.

Maybe people wear faded jeans because they like the look of it. Maybe they wear it just for themself. Or is that completely un-feasable?

ok so im a trend whore....am i not allowed to call people a55holes once in a while? its late im gonna go eat a butterhorn and go to sleep

payce out G's
Originally posted by F.Zamataki
ok so im a trend whore....am i not allowed to call people a55holes once in a while? its late im gonna go eat a butterhorn and go to sleep

payce out G's
Sure, go ahead and call us assholes. Just make sure you know that you are no better than the people you are making fun of right now. I believe you to be worse actually.
Originally posted by Crayola
In the other thread about the anomolly you questioned my authority aswell... Im over it.
Questioned your authority? What the hell are you talking about? What authority? What and where exactly is this authority that I am questioning?

You made a very bold statement saying that people dubbed 'metros' are basically wrestling with sexual orientation. I am calling you out and asking you to back up that accusation.

Can you? Or am I not respecting your authority again?
I know, thats what Im saying, I was wrong and what I said about metorsexuals isnt necessarily true. I just think its a stupid term.
Also I was mucking around about the authority bit.
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Sure, go ahead and call us assholes. Just make sure you know that you are no better than the people you are making fun of right now. I believe you to be worse actually.

You just realized that?