What Track That Was Not In GT4 Would You Like To See In GT5?


(And before you flame me, yes I did a search for these exact words and it came up nothing remotely close to this, so.....)

Since Amar212's secretive thread came out, people had been speculating about what he may be talking about, and some members have guess more tracks that GT4. Personally, I would be happy as hell if they brought back EVERY SINGLE TRACK from GTs past. After all, last year WAS GT's 10th anniversary.

Anyway, here's a list of tracks that appeared in GT2 & 3 That didn't Appear in GT4. Have at it!

Complex String
Red Rock Valley Speedway
Rome Circuit Short and Long
Rome Night
Super Speedway
Smokey Mountain North and South
Pikes Peak
Special Stage R11
Tahiti Road
Seattle Circuit Short
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Several licensed tracks, like Nurburgring GP, Spa, Bahrain, Silvertone, and Sebring.

Well, they weren't in GT4...
Rome Short, Circuit, and Night
Red Rock Raceway.

Those are the big three for me, I'd rather see the real Pikes Peak course than the mini GT2 track. I think Complex String should be included on the inside of the Test Course Oval, and you should have the option of (during testing) drive around the oval, drive just CS, or the full course of the oval, cutting into the inside of the oval, driving Complex String, and going back to the oval.
Well this track wasnt in any GT so far. But I would love the old monza 68 season. with no cicanes. and the even older 61 track with the embankment. was once the fastest race track in the world.

For me one of the best race tracks around the World... it can't miss the GT5... is the new track in Portimão (Portugal) called Autodromo Internacional do Algarve... it's absolutely amazing with all that hills, up and down... I will try this track in next June in a advanced training driving session in motorbike... but it an amazing track...

An absolutely amazing track that can't miss the GT5.

All the tracks that have ever been in a previous version of the game, and every version of each track as well.
Super Speedway is basically Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway, so I don't think it counts.

As for tracks I'd like to bring back, I'd bring back the lot of the dirt/snow tracks. I really enjoy those tracks, and besides, the Pikes Peak is a bit of a sprint, so I'd like some sort of point-to-point race.
Complex String :mischievous:
Red Rock Valley Speedway :sly:
Rome Circuit Short and Long 👍
Rome Night
Pikes Peak
Special Stage R11 from GT1 :bowdown:
Tahiti Circuit
Grindelwald :dopey:
Seattle Circuit Short
Yeah, that was what i was talking about!

I would DIE if PD did that! It would literally be like a dream come true for me!!!!

Actually I agree with this...I would rather they go back HD and fix all the bugs and finish all the previous GT games , make a collection of them .
I Love to see and play GT2 on the PS3 :drool:
There is no excuse that PD should include every single track they offer from GT1 game to current.
Grindelwald - I never understood the love for this track until I took it on recently. Now that I'm older and have much more skill with the game, I can appreciate the flow of the curves a little more on wht was once a hated circuit.
Rome / Rome Nigt - If I had to pick just one, I'd say Rome Night. It was criminally under-used in GT2; I understad PD wanted to throw something challenging at us for the final licence tests, but couldn't they have chosen something else?
Tahiti Road - Because I think it would look awesome on the PS3.
Tahiti Dirt Route 3 - Better than Tahiti Maze; the never-ending hairpins led to a series of never-ending headaches for me.
Palm Strip and Tahiti Dirt Route 2 - Two circuits that never made it into GT2, despite demo vidoes showing Palm Strip. Tahiti Dirt Route 2 was supposedly a night rally stage, which would have been awesomeness incarnate.
Red Rock Valley - I've never been a fan of speedbowls, and the only challenging corners were the last few. But if this circuit was redesigned so that all the banked sections were different radii, I think it'd be great. That aid, another graphical overhaul it in order: when you went over the flyover, the circuit had wide grassy verges on either side, but when you passed back under it, the bridge looked barely wide enough to get one car across ...
Read the thread title: this is for crcuits that appeared in GT1-3 but not in GT4. Not real-life tracks you'd like to see; there's already a thread on that.
Well of course i would say every track from previous GTs.

But something else i just found and find interesting.
Because of the Palm Strip i searched a bit on Google and found this:
The Eigen loop track and Palm Strip. If you look closely at the names of the tracks as they flash by the intro sequence, you'll see the names of tracks that don't exist. You can't use a GameShark, they are completely inaccessible.

Has somebody ever thought that "Eigen" is either a misspelled "Eiger" or a fictional version of the Nordschleife ("Northloop")?
I am really curious what PD had planned back then.
I seriously doubt they could have fit the Nordschliefe into GT2. Kaz has repeatedly said he's wanted it in for as long as possible, but I gather GT4 was the first time they could make it work. Rather, I suspect that the Eiger Path actually evolved into the Eiger Nordward in GT5.

And, looking back on an old issue of Official Australian PlayStation Magazine, the guy reporting on the game - Jason Hill, probably one of the country's more-respected video game journalists - also listed another mystery circuit as appearing in the game that never made it: "North American Roadway". The name always conjured up the image of a racing circuit built on a highway like Route 66 in my head, but the magazine makes no mention of the Green Forest Roadway rally circuit, so it may well be that the name was changed late in development.
I seriously doubt they could have fit the Nordschliefe into GT2.
Yes, thats my point, have you seen it? ;)
And i just mean something orientated on the Nordschleife, not a real rebuild.
I suspect that the Eiger Path actually evolved into the Eiger Nordward in GT5.
Well guess what track in GT2 is very close to the Eiger Nordwand in real life.
Yes, Grindelwald, which is a town near to the Eiger.

I dont know, they were just some ideas, the name "Eigen" is just so similiar to "Eiger"...
And, looking back on an old issue of Official Australian PlayStation Magazine, the guy reporting on the game - Jason Hill, probably one of the country's more-respected video game journalists - also listed another mystery circuit as appearing in the game that never made it: "North American Roadway". The name always conjured up the image of a racing circuit built on a highway like Route 66 in my head, but the magazine makes no mention of the Green Forest Roadway rally circuit, so it may well be that the name was changed late in development.

I wonder if that became El Capitain?