What Would Make the Next GT Too Easy?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
This is quite true... for today's GT players... it may not be for future ones, since it seems like PD is trying to widen its customer base perhaps even into the Burnout crowd.

The key to accomplishing this and not scare away anyone is not something you can do with just HP or other simplistic controls. It has to adapt to the user, and regulate the difficulty level based on the user's skill even as his skill changes. A few months ago I found 10-point races challenging. Now I rarely race anything below 50 and usually 100.

Since, like you I like a reasonable challenge, I have been reducing my upgrades to keep things interesting. But even with a user-based self-adjusting difficulty level you would have to give some way to adjust difficulty to each individual's preferences. You can't expect an 8-year old to enjoy the challenge of defeating a tough opponent. He'd get bored and leave the game. On the other hand... if he won easily at first and you gradually increased the difficulty... he might develop a taste for it.

I guess that what I'm saying is that the problem is far more complex than what we have been discussing here. Bummer. :scared:

I feel im being cheated if "I" have to adjust the way I play what is supposed to be a sim to give myself a challange. Mayby I want to upgrade my car to the maximum, and I expect the game to still challenge me at least untill I have fully mastered the game. On the hardware games run on now and will in the future this is not an unrealisitc expectation.
When you fully master the setup of a car and how to drive a car, thats when I justify being able to kick the A.I.s ass by a large margin. Being able to kick their ass by upgrading my car until I win by default is poor game design. And also I dont get a decent race in my car that I have upgraded and perfected the setup. Robbed on two counts :(

You cant please everyone, especially in the game industry. Trying to will ultimately ruin a great game. GT is eaither a sim or it isnt. Sims are not for everyone, its as simple as that.
You cant please everyone, especially in the game industry. Trying to will ultimately ruin a great game. GT is eaither a sim or it isnt. Sims are not for everyone, its as simple as that.
Personally, I agree with you - wholeheartedly - but from what I've been reading that is not what PD is planning. They already did some of it with old cars and "fantasy" useless prize-cars like Nike-One. So, the best we can do is give them ideas and hope they don't screw it up too badly when they pursue the mighty $$$ in the next game. :ouch:
I realize I'm only repeating but, is it realistic to be able to enter an R92CP into the Sunday Cup if you put Sports tires on it? C'mon. And the AI would have to be faster, more skilled, and smarter.
I realize I'm only repeating but, is it realistic to be able to enter an R92CP into the Sunday Cup if you put Sports tires on it? C'mon. And the AI would have to be faster, more skilled, and smarter.

The Sunday Cup is like the first race that most people probably go to. At that point in the game I doubt that someone would have a racecar in their garage. As to why you would want to place an R92CP into the Sunday Cup much later in the game I don't know.
Skill level has to be based on license level.
No license = easy. (For the first few events that do not require a license.)
All bronze = medium.
All silver = hard.
All gold = extreme.
The AI cars need to be matched more closley to your car and their stats displayed before the race.
HP limits should apply along with restrictions on what car to use.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your commentary up to this point. Nice of you all to sound off on a topic like this. Of course, the basis of this topic is to talk about what would make the next GT too easy, so that we figure out how to make things interesting so that less than 10% of GTPlanet says "too easy" in talking about GT racing.

The most popular response I've read from the 34 posts made since I've been away was more restrictions. So, the most popular response as to how the next GT will be too easy if the next GT had little or no restrictions. So let me get into that subject matter. As far as restrictions go, I've had one minor complaint about GT2 (among many). When I buy a car to meet the horsepower restrictions in GT2, I normally have to put my car in another kind of race, or completely get a new car because my car won't meet the restrictions. Now, lets say I wanted to enter an R34 Skyline in a Club Racing series. After I get the car, I get a big number of HP that makes my car ineligible to compete in that series. One good thing is that the tougher races has Free hp restrictions. And if you know like I do in GT4, you're just looking to get your ass handed to. You try to enter your 500hp tuned Toyota Supra in an Open restriction deal, and you're trying to fend off Nissan R92CPs and Toyota 88C-V's (more commonly, the Minolta Toyota). Perhaps the only free-class race that isn't too tough is the Muscle Car races.

As I say, I try not to over-challenge myself. I normally say that the 0 difficulty in Family Cups and Arcade races are normal difficulty. Anything below is almost a piece of cake; anything above is an uphill battle. You keep saying 50 A-Spec is normal difficulty, so the last 50+ A-Spec race I can remember was when I took a Honda NSX LM Race Car to the Tokyo R246 Endurance at 55 A-Spec. NEVER LED THE RACE! And I'm good at Tokyo. So after seeing this, I'm like, "are you f:censored:ing kidding me?" I want the challenge to be a great one, but not one to frustrate the gamer. As a final thought before I let you post on, are Gran Turismo games easy, or do gamers love to take on GT challenges greater than their skills and physical and mental fitness will allow? Carry on.
HP restrictions solely, as seen in GT2 wouldn't do anything.

A-Spec points ARE restrictions, but on the finest scale - you personaly select your handicap - and from my point of view it is perfect for a game like GT - and very unique. However, the A-Spec point system should be revamped in order to make it more useful and polished gameplay-wise.

The A-Spec points calculations should be available prior to entering the race (day count) so you can modify your car upon them. You should be able to check A-Spec ratio during the tuning-modifing process while setting the car for particular race. Following that, as game often has few choices of cars to race against, it should offer a desired grid as a choice before the race, so you can first make your choice of contenders (underpowered, same-powered, overpowered) and then go to setting process to make your car handicaped upon your desired amount of Spec points.

Also, the qualifing should be major part of every race, because entering the race with good A-Spec ratio but without quailfing often means you have no chance for win. Also, some kind of award for pole-position should make a comeback - no necessary credits, but for instance prize car after achieving 100 poles or whatever - but it is not a subject now.

Other kind of restrictions would seriusely compromise the open-type gameplay which is a must for many "weekend" players - since majority of the GT owners in the world are really not hard-core, heavy restrictions of the game would soon lead to frustration.

GT's type of gameplay does a unique blend of hardcore and softcore gameplay which appeals to all audiences - and it is the most important thing about GT game. Other racing games are often only softcore (NFS) or hardcore (TOCA or F355) oriented, which seriousely affects their popularity and sales - and it is very important issue.

If hardcore want to race a real DTM race, he will choose a DTM car, put on some serious weight handicap and make a race a frustraing challenge for him. Softcore will take C group car, sacrifice A-Spec and have a race that he will win. And both will be be happy.

All said can be transffered into B-Spec system too.

Both A-Spec and B-Spec are the future of GT series IMHO and far the biggest inovation in racing games ever. If PD decide to leave it out in favour of some "real-world-restrictioning system" from the all future sequels, I would find it as a serious step backward in terms of gameplay-design.

Without that "openness" may players couldn't enjoy racing in the professional mode or enjoy in PhotoMode because some cars/races would become impossible to get for them. Everything that GT is relies on appealing to all type of players. And A-Spec and B-Spec are the ultimate way to do it.

"100, 000 A-Spec point Club" really describes the real potential of the Spec system. However, due to imperfection of GT4's "early version" of system it it still not challenging in it's very core, and often relies to various "cheating" - such as NOS-usage or popular "Dodge RAM A-Spec point philosophy". Both of those "cheats" would become pretty much unnecessary only if qualifing would be introduced in every race.

And another thing - in terms of "easy - not easy" I find GT4's saving system the second most important aspect of the game (after the SpecP). In the begging I hated it, but now I can understand the logic behind it and I love it. It makes no difference to a softcore, but for hardcore it is true challenge in decision-making process.

Leaving it out would be the only major thing that could make a next GT game too easy for hardcore.
HP restrictions solely, as seen in GT2 wouldn't do anything.

I agree, any sort of restriction system needs to be more refined and developed than simply slapping on an HP restriction.
For a start their is also car restrictions. I.E. Single make series, Classic cars, weight limits, "drive limits" (dont know what the correct term is) i.e. Front wheel or real wheel etc.
Or whatever else to make it work.

The A-Spec points calculations should be available prior to entering the race (day count) so you can modify your car upon them. You should be able to check A-Spec ratio during the tuning-modifing process while setting the car for particular race. Following that, as game often has few choices of cars to race against, it should offer a desired grid as a choice before the race, so you can first make your choice of contenders (underpowered, same-powered, overpowered) and then go to setting process to make your car handicaped upon your desired amount of Spec points.

I agree with this to a point. But I feel I should be able to race cars that have the same power as me. I want the A.I. to challenge me not a more powerful car, thats not racing really is it? Not in a pure form anyway. If you can or cant beat them then the skill level of the A.I. should be adjustable catering for both weekends players and hardcore players alike.

Also, the qualifing should be major part of every race, because entering the race with good A-Spec ratio but without quailfing often means you have no chance for win. Also, some kind of award for pole-position should make a comeback - no necessary credits, but for instance prize car after achieving 100 poles or whatever - but it is not a subject now.

I feel their should also be a practice session before each race where you can fine tune a cars setup and get a few warm up laps in if you havent raced that track for a while.
And also I would love to see qualifiying in all simulations.

Other kind of restrictions would seriusely compromise the open-type gameplay which is a must for many "weekend" players - since majority of the GT owners in the world are really not hard-core, heavy restrictions of the game would soon lead to frustration.

IMO thats where the adjustable A.I. comes into effect, or maybe they could somehow work it around how good you are at the licence tests.

GT's type of gameplay does a unique blend of hardcore and softcore gameplay which appeals to all audiences - and it is the most important thing about GT game. Other racing games are often only softcore (NFS) or hardcore (TOCA or F355) oriented, which seriousely affects their popularity and sales - and it is very important issue.

I agree with F355 being hardcore, but Race(Pro) Driver? I thought that was quite easy. Definatly easier than GT/Forza.

If hardcore want to race a real DTM race, he will choose a DTM car, put on some serious weight handicap and make a race a frustraing challenge for him. Softcore will take C group car, sacrifice A-Spec and have a race that he will win. And both will be be happy.

And thats my problem. I have to race a restricted car if I'm good at the game. I might want to race my DTM car at its full potential and still want a challenging A.I. Not a crap excuse for an A.I. meaning that I have to handicapp myself.

Who's making the game here, me or P.D? It's just a cop out IMO, and one that I wouldnt expect to see in a next gen game. I like it when I can taylor a game to my needs, but not when I have to handicap myself to do this.

Without that "openness" may players couldn't enjoy racing in the professional mode or enjoy in PhotoMode because some cars/races would become impossible to get for them. Everything that GT is relies on appealing to all type of players. And A-Spec and B-Spec are the ultimate way to do it.

Thats where some clever (or not so clever but effective) A.I. implementation comes in.

IMO there really needs much more emphises on the A.I. as we move into the next gen. I really expected it from GT3 and 4 but there really isnt an excuse from now on...
The thing that would make the game to easy to me is if they did not improve the driving-physics greatly. Because GT4 is too easy on the driving bit. I think many of you agree with me on that. :)

A.I. has nothing to do with the car-handicap AKA Spec points descibed above.

A-Spec is determined as "overall strength of your car" figure and it is very important as a part of car-2-car competivity, not driver-2-driver.

Modifications of it as proposed would improve gameplay drastically.

Improved AI would be welcomed, but I'd be satisfied with "Vision GT" full-grid of 15+ cars on track and current AI with abilities to modify my car's handicap. Taking first place in 30 lap race against 15 cars, mandatory pit-stops anf GT4's AI - where for instance 5 cars has no AI-handicap and drive full-spees - would be extremely difficult in 120+ A-Spec point range inside the same car-class.

Thankfully, we can expect some polishing of NCP behaviour as well, but due to multiplayer issues of GT series from the very begging, AI was never in my priorities list.
The thing that would make the game to easy to me is if they did not improve the driving-physics greatly. Because GT4 is too easy on the driving bit. I think many of you agree with me on that. :)

I would definatly agree their. Physics require further refinement and polish. More realism please :)

Improved AI would be welcomed, but I'd be satisfied with "Vision GT" full-grid of 15+ cars on track and current AI with abilities to modify my car's handicap. Taking first place in 30 lap race against 15 cars, mandatory pit-stops anf GT4's AI - where for instance 5 cars has no AI-handicap and drive full-spees - would be extremely difficult in 120+ A-Spec point range inside the same car-class.

I fail to see how you could be satisfied with that. It's like your happy for PD to not push themselves and the game further on new hardware...
Their is no excuse for not having improved A.I. on future hardware. Forza's 8 car A.I. can be pretty aggresive but generally its quite good. I dont think its unrealistic to expect racing games like this to double their grid size and at least slighty imrpove over Forza's A.I. which is alerady a level above GT's. Not having decent A.I. is very detrimental to gamplay IMO as driving stupid drones is simply less enjoyable than an "active" A.I.
As far as GT goes at least bringing the game up to Forza's level of A.I. would be a vast improvement.
GT now has competition in the console sim market so IMO it must improve in several areas to keep up.

Thankfully, we can expect some polishing of NCP behaviour as well, but due to multiplayer issues of GT series from the very begging, AI was never in my priorities list.

Again why not? It should be at the top of your priorities in any competitive game or game where you are playing some sort of oponents weather it be an FPS, sports title or racing game. Can you imagine going back to the drones of Quake or Doom who always run straight at you after playing the improved A.I. in most of todays FPS. If (and it better be WHEN) the A.I. in GT imrpvoes you will wonder how you were content with the current A.I. level in GT4
at the moment there does not seem to be that much motivation in gaining A points.. unlike the license system (medals etc). just a thought...
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your commentary up to this point. Nice of you all to sound off on a topic like this. Of course, the basis of this topic is to talk about what would make the next GT too easy, so that we figure out how to make things interesting so that less than 10% of GTPlanet says "too easy" in talking about GT racing.

The most popular response I've read from the 34 posts made since I've been away was more restrictions. So, the most popular response as to how the next GT will be too easy if the next GT had little or no restrictions. So let me get into that subject matter. As far as restrictions go, I've had one minor complaint about GT2 (among many). When I buy a car to meet the horsepower restrictions in GT2, I normally have to put my car in another kind of race, or completely get a new car because my car won't meet the restrictions. Now, lets say I wanted to enter an R34 Skyline in a Club Racing series. After I get the car, I get a big number of HP that makes my car ineligible to compete in that series. One good thing is that the tougher races has Free hp restrictions. And if you know like I do in GT4, you're just looking to get your ass handed to. You try to enter your 500hp tuned Toyota Supra in an Open restriction deal, and you're trying to fend off Nissan R92CPs and Toyota 88C-V's (more commonly, the Minolta Toyota). Perhaps the only free-class race that isn't too tough is the Muscle Car races.

As I say, I try not to over-challenge myself. I normally say that the 0 difficulty in Family Cups and Arcade races are normal difficulty. Anything below is almost a piece of cake; anything above is an uphill battle. You keep saying 50 A-Spec is normal difficulty, so the last 50+ A-Spec race I can remember was when I took a Honda NSX LM Race Car to the Tokyo R246 Endurance at 55 A-Spec. NEVER LED THE RACE! And I'm good at Tokyo. So after seeing this, I'm like, "are you f:censored:ing kidding me?" I want the challenge to be a great one, but not one to frustrate the gamer. As a final thought before I let you post on, are Gran Turismo games easy, or do gamers love to take on GT challenges greater than their skills and physical and mental fitness will allow? Carry on.

This can be solved.

1) Provide a player-selected difficulty level in the options (easy/normal/hard/insane).

2) Show A-spec points before race and make them more accurate - there are some 100-point races that are easier than some 10-point races!.

3) A-spec points are a bit misleading. HP has way too much influence in it. Take any race, use the same car, but do different upgrades. For example, start with the best tires you can for race, brakes and shocks. If not enough maybe add some tranny upgrades (notice - no HP upgrades) and lightweighting if you are still having trouble. I bet you can beat the same race with noticeably higher A-spec points. :dopey:

4) If adding restrictions, fix the prizes so that you get most of your future cars that way. Prizes in GT3 were almost always better than what you used. Many of the prizes in GT4 are a joke. For example look at the Triumph race. You have to buy the car (not available anywhere else), spend for some upgrades, then when you win you get very little money (far less than you spent) and the same stupid car you bought to begin with!!! This is the worst example I saw, but most races have this flaw in GT4 (to a slighly lesser extent).
Uncle Harry
Skill level has to be based on license level.
No license = easy. (For the first few events that do not require a license.)
All bronze = medium.
All silver = hard.
All gold = extreme.
The AI cars need to be matched more closley to your car and their stats displayed before the race.
HP limits should apply along with restrictions on what car to use.
How about having it based on the way you actually drive? License scores are too imprecise.
4) If adding restrictions, fix the prizes so that you get most of your future cars that way. Prizes in GT3 were almost always better than what you used. Many of the prizes in GT4 are a joke. For example look at the Triumph race. You have to buy the car (not available anywhere else), spend for some upgrades, then when you win you get very little money (far less than you spent) and the same stupid car you bought to begin with!!! This is the worst example I saw, but most races have this flaw in GT4 (to a slighly lesser extent).
That's not as bad as the Beetle race.
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I think we shouldn't make GT5 too hard for some beginners since it might turn them away from the game. :guilty:

I like the idea of having difficulty settings such as Easy, Medium, and Hard. This can easily be something that beginners can take their time in Easy and progress up to Hard when they are ready.

The difference in setting the difficulty of the race is to get different challenge and reward. For Example:

Finish Skyline Race Series(Easy)

AI: Decent AI driving
Cash Prize: 5,000
Car Prize: 2002 Nissan Skyline GTR R34 V-Spec II

Finish Skyline Race Series(Hard)

AI: Gan-San driving
Cash Prize: 30,000
Car Prize: 2005 Nissan Skyline GTR R34 Z-Tune

I would prefer something like the above. The new people can learn how to get better and better by playing at the lowest setting, but earn little reward compared to Hard. While some of us Veterens can easily rape Easy and Medium, but get some challenge out of Hard.

This I believe will give anyone coming from different level play at their own level, but they must beat all three in EVERY race to get 100%! :embarrassed:
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I think we shouldn't make GT5 too hard for some beginners since it might turn them away from the game. :guilty:

I like the idea of having difficulty settings such as Easy, Medium, and Hard. This can easily be something that beginners can take their time in Easy and progress up to Hard when they are ready.

The difference in setting the difficulty of the race is to get different challenge and reward. For Example:

Finish Skyline Race Series(Easy)

AI: Decent AI driving
Cash Prize: 5,000
Car Prize: 2002 Nissan Skyline GTR R34 V-Spec II

Finish Skyline Race Series(Hard)

AI: Gan-San driving
Cash Prize: 30,000
Car Prize: 2005 Nissan Skyline GTR R34 Z-Tune

I would prefer something like the above. The new people can learn how to get better and better by playing at the lowest setting, but earn little reward compared to Hard. While some of us Veterens can easily rape Easy and Medium, but get some challenge out of Hard.

This I believe will give anyone coming from different level play at their own level, but they must beat all three in EVERY race to get 100%! :embarrassed:

That'll take AGES. :nervous: How about if you beat it in Hard, you also get the prize cars in easy and medium, and the game counts them completed?
Here is how I'm thinking. I'm all about the middle ground. I want the game to be tough, but not extremely. I think "Amar212" really expressed his lighthearted comments about this issue. The thing I kept hearing was that Gran Turismo 4's difficulty was a bit too much for most gamers (ha! Trying playing "Pro Race Driver" with its thug AI). The reason why I've been so soft on this issue is that I'm getting a good deal rusty on this game. In fact, I'm still trying to find my GT4 game in my junky room, so I can know exactly where the hell it is.

As I chatted with "McLaren'sAngel," she told me that Forza had difficulty system so you can make Forza completely easy. I don't really mind a difficulty system. All I know is that my first race in GT4 wasn't pretty. When I first played GT4 at an EB Games store once, I couldn't believe how I was getting my ass beat. I think I did about 10 or 15 Arcade Mode races, won only ONE! And that was because I tilted the difficulty down to -3. So I'm normally saying to myself "isn't GT4 hard enough even if people say it's too easy?" My thing is that I try to play fair. I know I wouldn't want to have an LMP in a tuner car race. I try not to over-challenge myself. I know what I'm capable of. I know what I'm not capable of. But I'm not a completely critical person of a game that's been bashed on by the gaming media as well as gamers themselves, so I'll leave it at that.

I still think GT4 is the toughest GT I've played. I wouldn't want things to get like TOCA Race Driver 2 to the point that it can be near impossible to win thanks to aggressive drivers, unforgiving physics, and that sort of thing. Call me crazy, but I think Gran Turismo 4 was not too tough for beginners, not too tough for veteran GT gamers, but apparentely, not challenging enough for bigtime sim game racers. Again, can we draw a line between these two matters and these two types of difficulties? We don't work for PD, so all we can do about it is hope that PD probably looks at GTPlanet, get some ideas, and try to make the next GT work as well and as proficient as we'd like the next game to be. What would make the next GT too easy, and what can be done to remedy this so the next GT doesn't get "too easy?" Keep it moving.
I still think GT4 is the toughest GT I've played. I wouldn't want things to get like TOCA Race Driver 2 to the point that it can be near impossible to win thanks to aggressive drivers, unforgiving physics, and that sort of thing. Call me crazy, but I think Gran Turismo 4 was not too tough for beginners, not too tough for veteran GT gamers, but apparentely, not challenging enough for bigtime sim game racers. Again, can we draw a line between these two matters and these two types of difficulties? We don't work for PD, so all we can do about it is hope that PD probably looks at GTPlanet, get some ideas, and try to make the next GT work as well and as proficient as we'd like the next game to be. What would make the next GT too easy, and what can be done to remedy this so the next GT doesn't get "too easy?" Keep it moving.

Race Driver 2 was far easier than Forza and GT IMO, completed it quite easily. Forza on Hard is much more of a challenge.

GT calls its self the real driving simulator. So it should be refining and developing the physics so it is just that. Beginners can be eased in with the option of having an easier setting and a selection of driving aids. Its very easy is my opinion to please both parties. Forza "can" be completed without ever having to touch the cars tuning screens, but on its hard setting you usually need to tune your car, although if you car is well tuned it is perhaps again to easy to win races...
Forza approach requires futher thought and refinement. Both developers need to work on these issues...
That'll take AGES. :nervous: How about if you beat it in Hard, you also get the prize cars in easy and medium, and the game counts them completed?

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Sounds like a good idea! 👍 The problem I do see in this is that it could easily make alot of money since you win 3 cars at once. :embarrassed: You don't have to sell those cars, but you know...sell all three, repeat Hard mode. :lol:
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Sounds like a good idea! 👍 The problem I do see in this is that it could easily make alot of money since you win 3 cars at once. :embarrassed: You don't have to sell those cars, but you know...sell all three, repeat Hard mode. :lol:
How about easy series give you the cahs prize at the end, medium races give you the cash and a car, but it's a car that can also be purchased, and the hard races giveyou a car that can't be purchased or a car in a colour that can't be purchased ect. Either way the car won for the race in hard should be worth equal or more than the prize for medium, the chash pot as you showed before would increase with difficulty too.
How about easy series give you the cahs prize at the end, medium races give you the cash and a car, but it's a car that can also be purchased, and the hard races giveyou a car that can't be purchased or a car in a colour that can't be purchased ect. Either way the car won for the race in hard should be worth equal or more than the prize for medium, the chash pot as you showed before would increase with difficulty too.

Nice idea. But how about you get (a modest amount of) cash and cars for winning. But you can only win the cars once, if you repeat a race you have won previously you only get cash, but not as much as you won the first time.
Say you get 50% of the money you won the frst time, any time you complete them their after. 👍

i.e. Frist time win = car + 5000cr
Second time win = 2500cr
Third time win = 2500cr
etc etc

Obviously as races get harder you get more money. This way it isnt that easy to cheat the sytem and repeat races over and over and make lots of money by selling the cars.
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Good ways to pimp my idea! :embarrassed: 👍

I think squeezing mines, live4speed, and fooatari's idea should be what GT5 's system should be like. 👍 We need to get PD's attention somehow.... :embarrassed:
Nice idea. But how about you get (a modest amount of) cash and cars for winning. But you can only win the cars once, if you repeat a race you have won previously you only get cash, but not as much as you won the first time.
Say you get 50% of the money you won the frst time, any time you complete them their after. 👍

i.e. Frist time win = car + 5000cr
Second time win = 2500cr
Third time win = 2500cr
etc etc

Obviously as races get harder you get more money. This way it isnt that easy to cheat the sytem and repeat races over and over and make lots of money by selling the cars.

I like this idea a lot. However, I would like to add that when you win a prize car, it is automatically unlocked in the dealership.
Shadow Fox
I like this idea a lot. However, I would like to add that when you win a prize car, it is automatically unlocked in the dealership.

Thanks dudes!

So how to we get PD to see it? I would imagine they read a forum like this anyway. Developers must keep an eye on the big forums these days.