What Would Make the Next GT Too Easy?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
Lady McLaren serves a great point. Think of the beginners. That's what I've been all about since looking at game issues. You want to make the game accessible to newcomers and novices, but keep the veterans on their toes. Meet both interests. I can dig that, McLaren'sAngel.

I guess if you want to talk about races and restrictions, the Beginner Races do seem to be pretty easy. I think the boundaries would have to be better defined. Comparing Beginner, Professional, and even Extreme, the races are probably longer and race on tougher tracks. Then too, the cars raced against feature some tougher drivers. I'd really agree to that as well.
The problem with GT is the Expert events are nothing more than races with the same skill level AI but in faster cars generally. As you progress we need close races and restrictions will provide that. However there should still be someleagues or halls with events limited to none or a single restriction for beginers and people who just want a race in whatever against a grid of nobodys.
Yep there are memebers here who race, ther are professional drivers who created some of the games as well. Believe me, anyone who says GT4, Toca or Forza comes close to real life is wrong, GTR and LFS (especially S2) are far more realistic, not spot on but far more realistic and people who have raced all attest to that. I can understand when people just say A is more real than B without really knowing, but in this case I think GTR is the most realistic of the bunch by a long shot.

I'm from Withington (or should that be Wivinton) originally but I live in West Didsbury now, and I'm Manyoo though there too many Citeh boys around here in their Blue.

Excellent response. My half bro lives in dids and he's blue. It's nice to laugh at him twice a year. Hopefully.

And you'll have to excuse my ignorance, but what are LFS S2 and GTR? I've heard of GT-Racing on the PC, but I'm drawing a blank on LFS?

Like the people that posted here, I heard very good things about the realism of GTR and LFS, but even though I have excellent computer hardware I was never able to run their demos... which makes me wonder about the quality of their software. :grumpy:

The last thing I want to do is plop money on non-returnable game software that may not even work on my computer. But if they are as close a simulation as described, perhaps it is something that PD can learn from. 👍

Since I know people will ask... I have tried it on both a P4 2.8GHz and AMD 64 3GHz with ATI 6800 (or is it 9800? I just can't keep the number series straight in my head) All In Wonder Pro, with 1Gb of dual channel RAM.
if your pc cant run LFS correctly then something is seriously wrong with your pc :P
LFS demo, not the real thing, which could be part of the reason... and it happened in 2 different PCs. I wondered myself, but I find it doubtful that both would have something wrong, especially when they have no problems with any other software and/or games (also, I am not a PC "beginner"). :sly:

But we are getting off-track... we should get back to topic.
Hmm, I've never had any problems with the demo's for either. Have you tried the LFS S2 demo yet? And would the demoload and not play or wouldn't it load ect?
Thanks for the info on live for speed and GT-racing. I like the buy in instalments think on LFS, nice idea. But my PC is old and tired, so I'll probably struggle to run it. Might give it a shot when it all falls apart like a chinese motorbike and I have to buy new bits for it.

Hmm, I've never had any problems with the demo's for either. Have you tried the LFS S2 demo yet? And would the demoload and not play or wouldn't it load ect?
yup, it was the S2 demo. And that is exactly it, it wouldn't load.
Sounds like theres something on the PC is conflicting with it, or preventing it from loading. My advice is register at the racesimcentral forums http://forum.rscnet.org/forumdisplay.php?f=205 , login to the LFS forums and ask what can cause that problem, people are very helpful there. I doubt it will have anything to do with your PC spec's, I've had that problem with some different games in the past and it's a case of changing settings on certain other programs or sometimes you can have a software that doesn't like a program the game runs on things like that.
Sounds like theres something on the PC is conflicting with it, or preventing it from loading. My advice is register at the racesimcentral forums http://forum.rscnet.org/forumdisplay.php?f=205 , login to the LFS forums and ask what can cause that problem, people are very helpful there. I doubt it will have anything to do with your PC spec's, I've had that problem with some different games in the past and it's a case of changing settings on certain other programs or sometimes you can have a software that doesn't like a program the game runs on things like that.

Thanks, I'll try that. This sounds like a good game to complement GT in my library, once I get it to work.
Been reading the suggestions about "restrictions" and "difficulty" and getting a good balance of fun for noobs and a challenge for those experienced. I think that having the 3 difficulty settings is a good idea (beginner, intermediate, professional), but scale the restrictions in line with the difficulty setting. i.e:

Beginner - NO restrictions (other than drive configuration, unlimited tuning allowed).
Intermediate - Limited restrictions based on power to weight ratios/tyres etc.
Profesional - Severe restrictions based on power to weight ratio/tyres etc.

Thus the less expereinced can have their fun, while the more experienced can have a challenge fighting the Ai in a car that needs much more setup tweaking to gain an advantage.
I know what'd make the next gt too easy.

Being able to b-spec the ENTIRE game!
Even the liscenses.
That'd be easy.
Oh, yeah. And unlimited cash to start the game out with.
Even easier! 👎 :grumpy:
I know what'd make the next gt too easy.

Being able to b-spec the ENTIRE game!
Even the liscenses.
That'd be easy.
Oh, yeah. And unlimited cash to start the game out with.
Even easier! 👎 :grumpy:

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I think that be cool if you can B-Spec the entire game! :sly: It will make my homework easier! :embarrassed:
Difficulty levels would be great, and also if there'll be damage it should be like:

If easy then - no damage
If "medium"/advanced - yes damage, but not that realistic
If hard/expert - 1 mistake and you're gone.
Difficulty levels would be great, and also if there'll be damage it should be like:

If easy then - no damage
If "medium"/advanced - yes damage, but not that realistic
If hard/expert - 1 mistake and you're gone.

So none for real then :odd:, I'd like one for realistic damage, not too forgiving but not one just mistake and your gone either. Do you think anyone would finish a BTCC race if they were out for every bump they had with other cars or the barriers, yes I've seen that happen a fair few times and they carry on. A sever knock can break your suspension or radiator ect depending on what part of the car took the brunt of the impact, scrapind walls can punture a tyre, but it doesn't end your race. I've seen F1 cars clip walls on the exits of corners and carry on going, I can't remember the race or track but there was one time I was watching it with my dad and almost every car clipped the wall on the outside of the same corner a few times. What would make you gone is a heavy impact like goingt 60mph strainght into a wall. Real isn't 3, 2, 1, Go, bump, race over.
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

If there is going to damage, I suggest it be like how it is in Forza Motorsport.

Damage to the vehicle = less credits at the end of the race. :embarrassed: