What Would They Drive?

  • Thread starter Suigi
Bump of the thread, but it's a good thread. Plus, it isn't too far down the page.

Barack Obama

Whether they like it or not, many democrats and some republicans are doing the green thing, so they can at least look like they care. Barack would be driving a Toyota Prius. 💡

What would Stirling MOss drive?
Aston Martin DB6? Old and British, and fast :D Plus he could drift it abit lke his old F1 car :)

I love the old F1 cars, especially 70s ones, the years before driving aids, they would drift them like crazy. And they had mad turbos, 1000hp and that. Awesome.
Im off now for the night (just gone midnight here, and ive been at a battle of the bands comp all afternoon and evening) but ill leave you with this...EACH individual character from Friends. IE, Monica, Phoebe and Rachel, Joey, andthe other two guys whose names elude me (one of them is played by David Schwimmer).
Which car would EACH character drive? (mysterious conundrum music)
Im off now for the night (just gone midnight here, and ive been at a battle of the bands comp all afternoon and evening) but ill leave you with this...EACH individual character from Friends. IE, Monica, Phoebe and Rachel, Joey, andthe other two guys whose names elude me (one of them is played by David Schwimmer).
Which car would EACH character drive? (mysterious conundrum music)


Chandler. A Corvette! But one of the newer ones: a white or yellow C4.

Phoebe. That neo-hippy. I see her behind the wheel of a New Beetle. Lite purple of course.

Ross. He's a teacher. He wants to look hip in front of all his students and at that dumb coffeeshop. :eek: A rather beat-up BMW 320i for him (damaged, so price is reduced).

Monica. That stuck-up clean freak! She wants a Jaguar Coupe, but can only afford a MX5! One of the Miatas for sure...but one of the later ones. And it has to look sporty. So the '98 1.6 S-package version seems most appropriate. Red or metallic-green. She's struggling to make payments on it if we're to assume she's actually working in a coffeeshop. Or was it Rachel that worked in the shop? :confused:

Rachel. That super girly-girl. She can't drive! next!

Joey. Bronxy Italian! hmmmm Something manly! A Mustang SVT perhaps. :dunce: But he would wreck it the same day he got it.

What would Michael Jackson drive?
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Subaru Legacy. Gotta have a lot of the room in back so he can fit a few more little children in there.

Next up: What would George Carlin drive?
I don't know, but, whatever it was, you wouldn't be able to say it here, anyway.


George Carlin. silly man, but very deep-thinker. He's alot smarter than he looks. Book-smart. 💡 Liberal. Into world peace and all that. What would he drive?

I could see him behind the wheel of something fuel-efficient but mildly sporty. VW Golf? perhaps.

What would Andrea Bertolini drive? (World GT racer)
You must be a sports fan...i had no idea who Steve Nash is till i googled the name. Other than auto-racing (and specifically GT auto-racing) i don't follow sports much.

But being a basketball player, Steve Nash needs something that'll fit his tall frame. Tall people can drive small cars--it's not impossible. But for Steve to feel comfortable, he'd probably prefer something like an SUV or other such massive vehicle.

Tall? Not by basketball standards. Good inferences on the cars, though.

Andrea Bertolini, I have a feeling, would drive a CLK Race Car. That said, what would Parnelli Jones drive? (No turbine-powered cars, I'd bet!)
GT500'68 might be a close approximation of a late sixties, early seventies Trans-Am Cougar or Mustang. (for Parnelli Bone, I mean Jones, to drive).
GT500'68 might be a close approximation of a late sixties, early seventies Trans-Am Cougar or Mustang. (for Parnelli Bone, I mean Jones, to drive).

Yup! Very good answer! What would sportwagon drive? (hint--sport...wagon...;)
Ha! Easy choice. Finally someone that I can answer for sure :). SportWagon would either drive an Impreza Wagon or Stagea or Caldina or Legnum.

What would Kazunori Yamauchi drive?
Ha! Easy choice. Finally someone that I can answer for sure :). SportWagon would either drive an Impreza Wagon or Stagea or Caldina or Legnum.

What would Kazunori Yamauchi drive?

Hmm, well i know he's got a late-model Ford GT in real life...so the closest thing to that in gT2 would have to be the GT40 MkIII road car! But, really he would drive whatever he wants!

What would Count Basie drive? :lol: (jazz player from long ago)
Count Basie would drive something stylish and stately... like a Mercedes-Benz. Perhaps a CLK 320.

Here comes the inevitable: what would Liberace drive?
I can see him driving a '55 Chevy. Unfortunately, there are no '55 Chevys in the game. But he is also part Italian, so I think an Alfa 155 would be good.

Next: What would David Spade drive?
This IS what I drive.

(dead photobucket links) (should be, anyway)

I might eventually be able to restore a hot link to my own copy of that image.
(That was actually a nice picture).
I've made it an attachment instead; means less uncertainty for me...


  • SportWagon1.jpg
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Next: What would David Spade drive?

depends on what character he's playing. If he's Joe dirt, i can see him in the Plymouth Roadrunner (aka Muscle car). But if he's playing that wormy guy on Just Shoot Me, some sort of Beemer: the BMW 328 sedan or coupe. :yuck:

What would Kato drive? (Pink Panther's butler)
Soulja Boy?

A big car. Like a Honda Accord Wagon. With 22" chrome rims an gold on everything possible.
"It'z pimp yo'!"
Souljah Boi? He'd drive several cars. All of them pimped out. Anything from a Toyota Starlet to a Lexus GS400 to an AMG/Benz E55 to a BMW 7-series. Most supercars are game, too. Vector. A big, bad Lotus. The list goes on and on....💡

What about Bo & Luke Duke? (this one shoudl be easy! :lol:
Since Duke Nukem Forever has been in development for like, CENTURIES, i'd say that Duke would be too old to drive!

If he DID drive, i'd say it would be a '70 'Cuda. I dunno why, just popped into my head.

Next: What would JUAN PABLO MOTOYA Drive?