What Would They Drive?

  • Thread starter Suigi
Impreza STi
all right...

How about... erm... Sailor Moon? :D

It would have to be something cute and anime inspired. I'd say a Honda Beat Version F (i think that's the purple one) or a white Suzuki Cappucino.

Let's get gay for a moment! How about Richard Simmons? :D
Parnelli Bone
Let's get gay for a moment! How about Richard Simmons? :D

The only Dick Simmons I know is from RedvsBlue... in which case it would be a Warthog (like a Hummer, for those who don't know Halo vehicles. ;) )
C'mon you guys, where's the spirit? How about a metallic purple Miata? Or a pink Toyota Vitz? Hello?? :)

Sorry. Now let's move on the crackheads. What would Whitney Houston drive?
(Jay Leno would drive...) Anything he wants.

What about the 70's Robert Blake character Baretta?
im pretty sure in gt4 theres this huge monster car that i think belongs to him in real life
There is an orange Camaro^H^H^H^H^H^HFirebird featured in the Baretta opening sequence, which the character did not drive.
A web search suggests he drove an old Chevrolet Impala. Perhaps the GT4 Buick Special is similar to that?
From the few scenes I've seen of the show, the Plymouth GTX in GT2 would be a reasonable substitute.

Anyway, Korndawg should pick the next character. And I'm still wondering if my Jay Leno answer was legitimate--but he does own an awful lot of cars in real life. Mostly pre-1960, even pre-1950, I believe. He really likes steam cars.

Oh wait... You were talking about the Jay Leno and his Tank Car in GT4. :lol: :lol: :lol:
There is an orange Camaro^H^H^H^H^H^HFirebird featured in the Baretta opening sequence, which the character did not drive.
A web search suggests he drove an old Chevrolet Impala. Perhaps the GT4 Buick Special is similar to that?
From the few scenes I've seen of the show, the Plymouth GTX in GT2 would be a reasonable substitute.

Anyway, Korndawg should pick the next character. And I'm still wondering if my Jay Leno answer was legitimate--but he does own an awful lot of cars in real life. Mostly pre-1960, even pre-1950, I believe. He really likes steam cars.

Oh wait... You were talking about the Jay Leno and his Tank Car in GT4. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah...I think Jay has half the cars in gT4, except they're REAL in his REAL garage. HIs garage is the size of a museum, literally.
Everything I know about Dr. Phil I learned by watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

So I don't really know enough to give an answer right now.
haha seriously.. ok then if its my pick ten its gonna be Dr. Phil next :dopey:

Hmmmmm. *Dr. Phil impersonation* Now who's to blame here? Is it your mother? Your girlfriend? The drugs? No, it's YOU. And what are we gonna do here today? The first step comes with YOU and the choices YOU make.

Ha ha, that kinda sucked oh well! Dr. Phil would drive something safe, sensible, and definately large and American but with a bit of power. So I'm going with the Dodge Intrepid if we're sticking to GT2. In real life (since he has money) he'd be in something ridiculous like a fully-loaded Ford Expedition or a Hummer H2...tho i could be totally wrong there! Maybe he's into fuel economy irl, i don't know.

Next: The Crocodile Hunter!
haha nice.. i dont know about the croc hunter.. the only truck like thing in gt2 i think is the mitsu pajero mini so id say a fully modded one in camo paint. complete with brush guard and spotlights

how about piglet? :odd:
Cor! What a bee-youty!

Um tiddle-um.
Tiddley-pom pom pom.

I'm a piglet of rather dimunitive size, you see, a Midget you might say, so that's what I'll drive, I'll drive. A Midget I shall drive. Sort of a Piglet Midget. Maybe I'll put my useful pot upon the useful deck, and then put my balloon into the useful pot. I shall.


What would Boris Badenov drive?
Cor! What a bee-youty!

Um tiddle-um.
Tiddley-pom pom pom.

I'm a piglet of rather dimunitive size, you see, a Midget you might say, so that's what I'll drive, I'll drive. A Midget I shall drive. Sort of a Piglet Midget. Maybe I'll put my useful pot upon the useful deck, and then put my balloon into the useful pot. I shall.


What would Boris Badenov drive?

ah dont let this thead die i love this one!

how about yoda... has he been done yet?

Ha ha, yeah i forgot about this thread!

Yoda...hmm, i could see him in something small and otherworldly...the Mazda AZ-1 comes to mind. ONly problem is if he tries to levitate in it, he'd get stuck in the headliner..

What about Han Solo? That's a good one.
I think Han Solo has already been said. Anyway, I think he'll be driving a TVR Speed 12 (I think that's been said too.).

I can't think of a next character, so i'm leaving someone else to think of someone.
Not to be confused with the E-woks I presume. I would think something small and ... PUGEOT 106!!! There's your answer.

OK OK how about Lt. Tom Paris from Star Trek: Voyager? (remember he was kind of the biggest 20th century fanatic in starfleet)
Next character:HOMESTAR RUNNER!!!

I was thinking of a fully tuned, race modded Chevy Corvette Coupe or Grand Sport or ZR-1 because their race mods look the same. But what do you think he should drive?
Uh oh..it's MEGA BUMP MODE

OKay, i had no idea who Homestar Runner is till i visited the official HR website. I still don't know who or what it is--but it seems very cartoonish...in a 70's sort of way.

But i don't see why people are saying he's gotta drive a Corvette. And i am NOT gonna sit here watching some silly cartoon just to learn why.

I say Homestar Runner would drive something more cartoonish like a Honda Beat Version C (being a cartoon, and all.).
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Homestar Runner....I have no idea who that is, but my quick image search would tie him to a Camaro more than a Corvette. Maybe an older Camaro...more boxy-looking and angular. :dopey:

Oh, so the rules of this thread are kinda like the Rate-a-Car thread. Someone names a person, character, animal (whatever) and the next person has to pick what he, she, they, or it would drive. :D

But it has to be a car from GT2. That's the only rule.

For some reason i got Ashley Tisdale stuck in my head; probly cuz my neice is singing some song from one of those Disney shows.

What would Ashley Tisdale drive? 💡
Well....in the Disney film, if I remember correctly she drives an '05 Mustang Convertible. :sly: However, its non-appearance in GT2 means I can't choose that. :dopey:

Sooo...maybe a Mazda MX-5 (or Miata over there)? The girly hairdresser's car? Seems like the sort of car she would drive....

Well....in the Disney film, if I remember correctly she drives an '05 Mustang Convertible. :sly: However, its non-appearance in GT2 means I can't choose that. :dopey:

Sooo...maybe a Mazda MX-5 (or Miata over there)? The girly hairdresser's car? Seems like the sort of car she would drive....


Cool. Yeah pretty much any convertible is what this princess would drive :lol:

Now you get to name the next guest. This is a dumb thread, but let's have some fun. :dopey: Eh?