What's for dinner, honey?

I also, do seriously think they've went too far with their R&D and technology... Even if they added those colourings and flavouring, it wouldn't make me want to eat especially when its origin is of a human feaces. Totally absurd!
It's the new weight-loss craze. It's called the "Eat 🤬 and Diet".
Technology grew up so fast that it hits it's own tail.

Technology used to make food from the tastiest ingredients, now, they brought feces instead, what on earth do these scientists thinking?
Well, manure goes into fertilizer goes into vegetables (and straight into your potatoes and peanuts...)

This is not to mention the fact that chicken eggs come out of the same hole that their poop does...
Even the scientist's pointing stick is weird...

Seriously, I can't believe they invented meat from sewage mud.
I like how he talks about how he imagines it having the same price as real meat.

Hmmm, what shall I pick for dinner tonight, this nice piece of steak or this piece of recycled poo....priced the same...hmmm tough choice! :D
Next they'll probably make the equivalent of a bread maker which you poo into in your kitchen and 20 minutes later you have a synthetic burger...
The only way that will sell well is if it is lower than the price of normal meat. As mentioned above, when you get the option to buy a normal steak for $10.00 or a feces steak for $10.00 its clearly obvious what most people would buy. If they could reduce it to about half the price, it might sell well. Especially if they come up with a better name for marketing.

Now I am not sure if I want to eat at a Japanese restaraunt ever again especially the "mystery meat". :crazy:

Did anyone notice the label on the blue door at 1:34? Probably wont want to market it with that name. lmao :lol::lol:
The vegie joke question at the end of the video was also funny. :lol:
Only in Japan. Of course, after experiencing the one of the worst earth quakes and tsunamis in recent history, this might turn into a less expensive way to eat when you consider how plentiful excrement is.
The only way that will sell well is if it is lower than the price of normal meat. As mentioned above, when you get the option to buy a normal steak for $10.00 or a feces steak for $10.00 its clearly obvious what most people would buy. If they could reduce it to about half the price, it might sell well. Especially if they come up with a better name for marketing.

They could sell it at any price they want. It'll shift like 🤬 off a shovel...
Soylent green is people...poo!

I suggest we use this to feed the carnivores in zoos and whatnot, and leave real meat to the people. Also, part of me has a feeling their idea of tasting like real steak will be similar to when my brother told me that his tofu burger tastes like the real thing.

And if this ever goes to market, this will be me:

Ron Swanson has trained his female apprentice well...
This is disgusting. "Hopefully once the research is complete we'll be able to sell this at normal meat price levels." Umm, NOT.

Imagine: "Excuse me, sir, would like to try this eco-mental alternative for the same price made from ****?" NO. NO I WOULD NOT. I eat cows, not ********.

The only way they could sell this is by making the processing technology available for permanent sea-dwellers or astronauts. If they're gonna try to sell ****, it'd better be cheaper than dirt.