- 8,723
Good Faggots taste awesome, but that's because Pork Belly is one of the greatest tastes to come out of an animal. Seriously, if you worry about what actually goes in to food, etc, then you might as well not eat anything (particularly anyone who eats takeaways, which is basically everyone). Offal tastes great, but it has to be super fresh. Lambs Liver is one of my favourites, the fact it's very cheap and pretty good for you with high levels of Iron and Vitamin A.
Black pudding is the food ofGodsgeniuses.
Go different with cuts of meat/animal, you can save a load of money and experience new flavours. Lamb Breasts for example, cheapest cut of Lamb by a long shot, yet it doesn't suffer in flavour.
You're probably right. The faggots I tried were likely the roughest going - looking at the ingredients, they shouldn't have tasted as bad as they did.
Black pudding, actually, is a similar deal; you can get some really foul tasting stuff. Luckily, I found a good butcher in the Outer Hebrides, and I've not needed to try anywhere else since.
Must be an offal thing; you've got to know how not to make it awful.
What's interesting is that people have shied away from the (now) more obscure animal "parts" as availability / affordability / affluence has risen. I wonder what our ancestors would have thought if they knew they could recycle their excrement into another meal.
Waste not; want not - indeed.