What's going on in China! (Toddler hit-and-run incident)

  • Thread starter Rich S
And where was the mother while her 2 year old wandered round the streets?
I feel that over the years the internet has desensitised me to a lot, however this made me feel physically sick even with the terribly grainy cctv footage. The lack of compassion by all the people that passed this poor child, although not a new trait for mankind, certainly shows that we as a species have still got a long way to go if we truly want to call ourselves civilised.
Man, I feel so bad for China. Communism really destroyed them.

Holy mother of... *facepalm*.

I, and of course, my parents, grew up in the Soviet Union, and such thing was UNIMANIGABLE where I lived, everyone helped everyone else, without asking anything for it.

Besides, NO country, and that includes Russia, had real communisme=truth=in actuality so-called "communist" countries have always been dictatorships.
Yeah, like I said before, it's not to do with the politics. It's the uncivilised culture of the population.

I really can't comment any more. I know what happens when things get talked about along these lines. Shem gets locked out by the ISP. :(
Yeah, like I said before, it's not to do with the politics. It's the uncivilised culture of the population.

I really can't comment any more. I know what happens when things get talked about along these lines. Shem gets locked out by the ISP. :(

Actually it has to do with politics, but with the ACTUAL politics=dictatorship=sick mindset of x% of population, not communisme, communisme never really existed. Maybe in the mind of SOME people of the associated countries, but certainly not in the mindset of the leaders.
Man, I feel so bad for China. Communism really destroyed them.

Which is odd, because the essence of communism is also that you selflessly help others above your own well-being. You know, until power, money, and control rear their ugly head into the equation.

I hate anything where human life is treated as a cheap, disposable commodity.
I feel sick...

OT: I've been reading about Russia recently, and I'm wondering, do the Chinese have the same collectivist attitude (i.e. one must sacrifice themselves for what they perceive to be the greater good of their society)?
Maybe this incident will let the Chinese public realize how broken their society is. I mean...helping others is a crime? WTF? Really? Well, look at how well that worked out. That little girl is likely going to die because the government has essentially said "you help someone, you're going to prison." And because of that, they can't really do much to the passers-by, only to the drivers. Makes me glad I live in America. Here, every single one of those passers-by would have been arrested along with the drivers. (Thank God for the Good Samaritan laws.)
Yeah, like I said before, it's not to do with the politics. It's the uncivilised culture of the population.

I really can't comment any more. I know what happens when things get talked about along these lines. Shem gets locked out by the ISP. :(

This 100%, mainlanders have a baffling lack of common sense and care since they're very unexposed to outside attitude and one of the common Chinese trait is to keep to yourself, and look after your family/friends only. The more educated minority tends to take up western attitudes and are a fair bit more courteous peoples.

Out of curiosity, what are you doing while living in China? (Assuming you are, according to your location in your profile)

Oh nice, now they're attacking the women that saved the toddler. Unbelievable, it's not like she even asked for money in the first place.
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This 100%, mainlanders have a baffling lack of common sense and care since they're very unexposed to outside attitude and one of the common Chinese trait is to keep to yourself, and look after your family/friends only. The more educated minority tends to take up western attitudes and are a fair bit more courteous peoples.

Out of curiosity, what are you doing while living in China? (Assuming you are, according to your location in your profile)

Oh nice, now they're attacking the women that saved the toddler. Unbelievable, it's not like she even asked for money in the first place.

Yeah, but the media always spreading these kinds of rumor and the police arresting Good Samaritans doesn't help anything. You know you're living in a hell hole when you see a kid dying in the streets and you have to assess whether it's worth being thrown in jail to save them.
Don't blame the people in China. Blame the laws in China.
I think if you read some of the other posts you'll see the mainland Chinese culture seems to be that of apathy towards outsiders( those outside the family.) Similar to a mafia lifestyle where the "family" only looks after there own but could care less about humans outside their inner circle.
I think if you read some of the other posts you'll see the mainland Chinese culture seems to be that of apathy towards outsiders( those outside the family.) Similar to a mafia lifestyle where the "family" only looks after there own but could care less about humans outside their inner circle.

Ah i see. People really need common sense over there. I am also a Chinese though.
Don't blame the people in China. Blame the laws in China.
The people are not blameless - the law is only a part of what shapes culture, and I don't accept that laws alone can make people act like this. The culture of being primarily concerned about how helping might affect themselves pervades all societies, but this is a particularly graphic example of just how far China embraces that culture.
I was talking to my pals last night while having a beer and as disgusted as we all were, at least half of the said they weren't shocked by the bystanders actions.
The people are not blameless - the law is only a part of what shapes culture, and I don't accept that laws alone can make people act like this. The culture of being primarily concerned about how helping might affect themselves pervades all societies, but this is a particularly graphic example of just how far China embraces that culture.

I agree to you.
May she rest in peace, you will be missed. Condolences to her family. YueYue did not deserve such treatment in life, but now she is free.
Seems unusual for a trauma case to last that long and have the person die. Still alive I see.

Burn victims can slowly die over time. Think of a really bad sunburn, you dont feel it until the next day. Its similar in burn units, but not with a trauma case. Usually if your going to die from internal injuries it happens right away. Young children are much more resilient, I do believe a 2 year old more so than a young adult although not completely sure on that.
Quote from the first driver I find interesting:

"If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($3,125). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands yuan,"
Ideally, the death is the highest cost of life and should be given the severest punishment when a fellow human being has killed another. However, this is never followed in all countries.

For example, in England, when a person has been killed through a dangerous driver, the driver often is jailed. And ordered to pay some compensation. But the court cannot order the driver to pay for the most amount of compensation through loss of earnings that the person who was killed could *potentially* have, as that person is no longer there. And who do you pay it out to? You do not know if the victim could have amassed a small or large family, whether they would have been successful, etc etc.

However, if the person was badly injured but still was alive, I believe that the court would have awarded a higher compensation payout to the victim and may have been jailed for the same amount as a person causing death due to dangerous driving. This is because it is possible to assess the future possibilities that would have been lost due to the victim being seriously injured and the compensation is due to try and even this loss of potential/future earnings/whatever measure the court uses.

(the above is the impression I have gathered from media reports in the UK that has decided to focus on certain court cases throughout the years. I realise that it is likely to be full of errors and ignorance, so please point me to facts and figures as I am sure this is quite wrong)

It is not a good system as it does promote hit-and-run situation and a lack of respect for life at times to value their own earnings higher than the life of a fellow human.

Only issue in China is that if everyone was clear about what their laws can and can't do with regards to accidents and other things (often, people didn't know if one needed a licence to use a motorbike or not in Shanghai! It was so annoying when I was there) and were able to make things simple, yet effective, then maybe they would have more people helping out at that time.
A large section (2,300 feet) of the great wall of China collapsed yesterday. Permits in China put underground mines within about 300 feet of the wall. Ironic, Steve jobs used to complain that regulations were not laxed enough in the USA compared to China, LOL.
I don't even know how politics got into this discussion, its nothing to do with the way China is run (which has actually worked out brilliantly now). Its to do with a growing nation and the stage of economic and social development.

China is notorious for extremely dangerous driving conditions, the highway code is mostly ignored and many people are buying cars for the first time with very little knowledge of how to operate them. Europe and America wasn't so different back in the day when cars were new and accidents were rife. Eventually peoples mindsets will change and road safety will improve in China.

When Hong Kong motorists cross the border into China they pray :lol:


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