What's going on in China! (Toddler hit-and-run incident)

  • Thread starter Rich S
This reminds me of my trip to New York which ended on a guy being run over by a semi truck in front of me.

I remember me and my brother, and another bystander helping the guy, but everyone else just looking.

It's kind of a stark difference in those videos on the news you see about a bombing, and you see tons of people helping each other.

Sometimes I think modernized societies end up being decadent and selfish.

Good to hear that girl is recovering. I hope that judge and driver really have a hard time sleeping on this.

It's beyond comprehension how a good samaritan can end up in jail, seriously China? Fail.

No good deed should go unrewarded.
In this case, it was more of a legal issue that the Good Samaritan did which no-one actually knew at the time. Because he moved the old lady away from the accident and attended to the old lady's needs and cleared some debris away (presumably) he has already interfered with the accident site before the police came to sort everything out.

In China, if there were two car accidents, everything must be kept as it is until the police arrive to ascertain who was at fault and then decide there and then what should happen. As I understand it. It is a way of allowing the policeman to see exactly what happened and not rely on eyewitnesses accounts.... it is just a different way of doing the same job here when the police gets called to a serious injury car accident.

However, this court case that the old lady had against the good samaritan was the following: "Why would he pick me up if he didn't create the accident in the first place? He must have picked me up because he has caused the accident in the first place!"

During the court case, the legal issue of removing someone from the accident site to attend to their wounds/injuries was brought to light. So this was why there is confusion over this thorny problem of attending to injuries at an accident site.
During the court case, the legal issue of removing someone from the accident site to attend to their wounds/injuries was brought to light. So this was why there is confusion over this thorny problem of attending to injuries at an accident site.
In this Chinese instance removing the girl from the site was not the issue, it was the first driver being legally aware that he'd have to pay more if she was alive than dead.

Watch the vid again, he runs her over the 2nd time real slow.

Whether that's even how the law is written I dont know. The driver must have thought so though after commenting on only have to pay $3,200 for a death versus and injury which could cost alot more.

there was certainly a "bystander effect" it was just not important because I think the girl would have survived the first hit.

Are any words necessary?
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How in the world could anyone, let alone 18 people just go past like nothing is wrong. That is the most cruel thing, even if China has ridiculous rules with helping people. There is no reason to leave a child like that. 👎 It's so bad that I have to use this smiley for the first time. 👎
What bugs me more than the passing bystanders is how the first driver kept driving knowing that there was a child walk TOWARDS the van... Unless you that driver dropped a piece of delicious food, there's really no reason why they should have taken their eye off the road for THAT long.
Insane, I didn't even watch the video. I looked at the picture and unfortunately can imagine the rest. I feel sorry for the child, but my blood boils with rage toward the weak minded passerbys. Law or no law, that is a child lying in the street dying.
I understand that video but running here over 3 times is just disturbing. Picking her up dragging her and fleeing is awful too. It's different.

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