Whats your Cultural background?

  • Thread starter rocko100

What's your cultural backgrounds?

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Most of my descendants hail from Syria (which is part of the Middle East), some parts of Lebanon. My real name is an Arabic name, but my mom is from Guyana. so I'm like 80% Arab and 20% British Guyanese.
I've got some Native American, and basically something from every major country in Europe. Weird, lol.

I seen this thread and had to post mine as well.

I have a bit of a mix,but not sure what the percentage is.

I have Chickasaw Indian,Polish and German in me.Quite a crazy combo.
I probably already said, but I'm primarily Acadian. Most of my family, excluding my paternal grandfather, are Acadian. I was born in Nova Scotia, as were my parents, and the majority of my extended family lives there. My maternal grandparents spoke French, but sadly that ended with my mom and her siblings.
I was born in California (Anaheim to be precise) but all my family is from Mexico (mother from Leon, Guanajuato and my father from a ranch in the state of Sonora) - makes me Hispanic. At home my 1st language is Spanish.
Born in Minnesota, but my Grandma came here from Germany(one of my aunts was born there as well), my Grandpa is Norwegian, he was born here though.

Sadly I only know about my mom's side as I never knew my faja.
I noticed a lot of people have some Irish in them. Me?100% Guaranteed Irish. In fact I can trace my fathers ancestors back about 150 years and they lived about 10km from were I live now.
I've been doing some digging in recent weeks and found this thread discovered that I have Irish ancestry on my dad's side as well as my mother's.

From what I've been told, my dad's mother's ancestors came over from County Mayo before settling down in Liverpool and the Runcorn area at some point in the early 20th century. By sheer coincidence, my eldest aunt recently ended up moving into the house next door to where my forebears once lived (a small village in eastern Mayo). It was only after talking to some of the locals that she learned the truth. Fluky as hell, really.
I was the 95th voter for Western European.

I'm Western European and part alien.

I have no culture
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I am half Swedish, 25 percent Irish, 12.5 percent Scottish, and 12.5 percent German. Born and raised in New Jersey.
Update: Back in 2012 when I 1st posted in this thread, I didn't let my beard grow.

Now I have a hipster-ish beard, and I have some red hairs on it.

That being said, I can confirm I'm 2% Irish/Viking :lol:
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Irish on both sides, Swedish on the paternal side if you go back a bit further. Hence the name Bo.
About as Welsh as you can get. Every relative i can think of is a native welsh speaker and as far as i know have been up in this north west corner for generations. I'd have to go a long, long way back to find any other influence.
Well, my mum's parents were Polish, my grandmother's dad was Swedish, my grandfather's father was Scottish. So I have stronger connection to Poland than I do to Scotland, which is interesting because my Youtube channel is called SottishHoldenDriver, not PolishHoldenDriver...