Whats your Cultural background?

  • Thread starter rocko100

What's your cultural backgrounds?

  • Total voters
30% German
20% English (Since I'm guessing my Grandma's side has been born in America for quite a while)
50% Greek

I'm fairly basic.
Being born in America doesn't make you American (unless you're of the Native variety as Prosthetic has already mentioned), especially coupled with the whole melting pot business. Or salad bowl if you want to be more PC (apparently) but I for one can't take anything ending in bowl overly seriously. :lol:

My parents were born in America, as were all four of my grandparents. That makes me an American. If you wish to claim otherwise I'll point out that ultimately we're all Africans.
My parents were born in America, as were all four of my grandparents. That makes me an American. If you wish to claim otherwise I'll point out that ultimately we're all Africans.

And for Europeans at least, if you trace back ancestry to the 16th century or maybe further, then we're all related by then anyway. It's a case of 2 parents -> 4 grandparents -> 8 great-grandparents -> 16 great-great-grandparents -> 32 great-great-great-grandparents and so on. The number doubles with each generation, and that's just direct parent lineage. Including the multiple aunt/uncle sister/brother lines as well, you have an incredibly high number of relatives, which leads to there having to be crossovers with (distantly related) relatives at some point.

It's statistically improbable for us to not be related.
That makes you 100% this:

But your fur is different. I would have said 30% Spider monkey, 50% Llama and 20% Ludacris. :D
Born in Canada to two Canadian parents. My grandparents on my mom's side were both Canadian of Acadian descent (French ancestry, split off from France to live in peace and farm in the atlantic provinces of Canada, then got displaced when the English took control of the country because they didn't swear allegiance to the King).

On my dad's side, he's Canadian, born to two Canadian parents, his dad is of Englisg descent, and his mother is Acadian.
English, Irish and Swedish for me although my generation, my parents, and grandparents are all born and raised in Canada.
Great great grandad was Norwegian and migrated to Australia. Then mix that blood with English, Irish (the convict cocktail lol) add a sprinkle of aboriginal on my mums side somewhere down the line and that sums my bloodline up. No doubt there will be a couple more added to the equation if I dig deep enough lol
50% British from my fathers side (though bloodline has been traced back to the vikings), and 50% Kittitian from my mothers side.
99 % Portuguese, the only ancestor I know of that wasn't Portuguese was an Irish great-great-great grandmother (tbh I'm not certain how many greats). Not that I know much about my ancestry.
Wow - I would have never guessed that. Deaf and blind to both your voice and face, I always thought of you as looking very much like the guy in your avatar!
Except - instead of playing with lingerie you played with toy cars.
Cheers, man! Have many Vietnamese friends - nice folk, and great food!

Cultural, (and genealogically) I'm so mixed I'm off this planet - though most people classify me as predominantly Dutch, since most of my ancestry comes from there.
90% Metal, 10% Polish ;)

I don't know if I don't have some ancestors from Germany, some time ago my grandpa mentioned his family and something about them moveing from there.
Indian, born to Indian parents. I was born in India but spent most of my time (12 years of it) in U.A.E. Recently moved back to India though.
Wow - I would have never guessed that. Deaf and blind to both your voice and face, I always thought of you as looking very much like the guy in your avatar!
Except - instead of playing with lingerie you played with toy cars.
Cheers, man! Have many Vietnamese friends - nice folk, and great food!

Cultural, (and genealogically) I'm so mixed I'm off this planet - though most people classify me as predominantly Dutch, since most of my ancestry comes from there.

I had a feeling someone would have a reaction like that. :lol: My avatar's just from the show Archer. And he's one of my favorite characters out of the show. :D I still have yet to post my picture on "Post pics of yourself" thread, which I don't plan to anytime soon... :P Also planning on going back to Vietnam (Back as in visiting, I was born in Maine and I've only been to Vietnam once, since I was one...) with my father this summer which might be a round trip. (Meaning I could stop by Japan or Hong Kong!) So I might make a small thread about that sometime in the near future.

Of course, I see Vietnamese folk differently since I live with them everyday. :P Too me, they're loud and rather bothersome. Not all of course, but most of my family.
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Dad is Irish. (North)
Mom is Canadian.
Her parents are Canadian but then it brances off into Russian and Polish.
Mom and I have dark skin compared to everyone around us, with a beard I look like a terrorist.
My Dad is mostly Iranian with a little Saudi (I don't know how much), my Mum is three quarters Irish and one quarter English, though her Dad had a French grandmother. I basically consider myself half Iranian, three eighths Irish and one eighth English, which is a bit of a mouthful, and as I'm a British national, I was born here and I've never lived anywhere else, I just say I'm English.

Then my girlfriend is three quarters English and quarter Chinese, I can't even be bothered to work out what that would make our kids...
25% African American, 25% Native "Nish" (Blackfoot/cherokee) and 50% Irish. I know 0% about my Irish side and didn't know I was part Irish until I was about 17.
Hmm about 75% English and 25% Mauritian. Although they may not be right as I think I have French ancestory aswell (woop -.-) lol