Whats your Cultural background?

  • Thread starter rocko100

What's your cultural backgrounds?

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What option do I pick if I'm mostly Aussie with a probable German / English heritage (quite a ways down the line)?
I am, as my most important parts, half Vietnamese and half German/Austrian. There's of course a few things thrown in there, my Dad's got a Chinese great grandfather or something, and my Mom's side's got Native American, English, various assorted other things.
A bit of Welsh, English, German. And some other ones I don't know of. Part Viking (Scandinavian?) as a lot of my great uncles and grandfather on my mother's side all look like Vikings. :P And I have the Viking hair on my head. :P
100% English although on my mothers side, my great great grandfather was from Pittsburgh which is pretty cool :)
Where's the options for the aboriginal Australians and Pacific islanders?

EDIT: Oops, forgot I'm not logged in as Jackington!
3/4 English, 1/4 Czech. There might be some German, Spanish and Irish from many generations previously.

It feels quite complicated though, since where I live (West London), I feel like a foreigner in my own country, and many people seem to be quite disparaging about white English people. Indeed, to be proud to be an Englishman carries the risk of racism allegations from the kind of airy-fairies who want to see the UK turned into the world's largest refugee camp...
There are nine significant cultures on Planet Earth (based on the nine major religions of this world).
There are thousands upon thousands of cultures based on the diversity of communities.
There are millions of cultures based on elitism (as in 'The Uranium 235 club').
There are also some cultures taken as uncultured . . ..
Half-English, half-French, all Canadian! :sly:

But I got the French surname which 90% of people (in Canada, of all places, where one of our official languages is French) can't pronounce it!

Oh well, still proud of my lineage nevertheless! :)
English for as far back as my grand parents grand parents I believe. Although if things carry on the way they are, the next generation is going to get a whole lot more diverse!
How can I add to a poll?
If only mods can do it I'd like to add;
South Asian

Says here that you can only Add and Delete polls, if you ask Jordan nicely, I think he'll delete it and you can make a new one and have everyone vote again, just add in 'Other' as well, you'll never know if we have some Native Antarcticins :P

The poll needs more choices.

I'm Indian, 100% South Asian, not the "Indians" Colombus thought he came across.

By the way I kind of find it funny who people say I'm 3% Apache or 25% Inuit.
100% Dutch. (So Western Europe) And we traced it back to the mid 1700's.

100% Kaaskop.
How can I add to a poll?
If only mods can do it I'd like to add;
South Asian
You can't.
We can.
I did. :dopey:

My dad's side is German, my mom's side is Norwegian and there's a dash of Sioux in there somewhere, too.
I'm Acadian all the way. My grandparents on my mom's side and my grandma on my dad's side have Acadian names and have lived in Nova Scotia for generation. However, my grandpa on my dad's side is English so I have an English last name.
My dad is half Alabama-Coushatta (Native American tribe from East Texas) and half British (where my last name comes from). And my mom is German. So I chose Native American and Western European.