Of course there is the very real threat from China and it can be argued quite easily that Japan is forced to expand it's military because of the Chinese threat. The 2 countries are in a security dilemma. Neither trust each other so when one expands their military the other gets nervous. I am hoping to do my dissertation on something around this issue or similar issues next academic year.
My post wasn't criticism it was just stating what I saw as possible reasons for neighbours to hate them. Personally I think the Japanese deserve a full military again.
I just wanted to clarify. I didn't think you were critical on the issue, and I apologize if I gave you that impression. 👍
Much of the distrust between Japan & China is caused by the Chinese attempt at reclaiming the Senkaku Islands, which China claims is historically theirs. Japan, understandably(yeah, I don't have a dog in the fight lol), have no intention of giving back territory they've administered since 19th Century(uninhabited before that). It is also suspicious to us that the Chinese claim of these islands didn't start until 1970, as soon as the prospect of natural gas deposits were discovered in the area.
Just to prove I'm
fairly fair minded, my opinion on territorial dispute with South Korea is consistent with my position on Senkaku Islands. The island in dispute with the Koreans is called Takeshima, and Japanese have historical claim to this island, but the island has been under the control of the South Koreans since after WWII(I believe in the '50's), when South Korea snatched the island from Japan. Japan did not respond militarily(again, Constitution with many holes on rules of engagement). While the island was snatched from us, you snooze you lose as far as I'm concerned. South Koreans rather die than give up this island. Unless you are ready to wage war on them over this rather irrelevant piece of real estate(considering), Japan should just cut their losses & start patching things up with the Koreans. Historically, we invated them, colonized them, they took a small island. Big deal.
but the Kuril islands are ours
No offense, but Russians are ruthless, man...... I'm surprised we got to keep Hokkaido.
I think in this dispute, you guys want to give us two islands back, but we want all four back? The Chinese claim, I side with Japan. Takeshima, with the Koreans. On the Northern Territories, I'm kind of neutral. We did lose the war after all. If Russia wants to give us two back, I think we should settle. *shrug*