What's Your Records on Eifel 104A?

wow... I really sucks compared to this times.... I must improve a lot, and try other cars. thanks for the tips!
With the daihatsu mira i go 2:49 with 54secs my fastest lap. I prefer the mira over the cervo and cuppa.
With the daihatsu mira i go 2:49 with 54secs my fastest lap. I prefer the mira over the cervo and cuppa.

Il second that as I have done a 56 so I've got room for improvment
Thanks to XDesperado67 for the tip about Cuore XX = Mira. Purchased the Cuore XX '97 and turned in my fastest time yet, big time (for me). I accidentally erased the picture with the total time but I got a picture of the three lap times. Added together they equal 161.601 seconds or 2:41.601.


CAR: Daihatsu Cuore XX 97' 184hp
LAP: 0:52.971
COURSE: 2:41.601
TIRES: Racing Soft
Controller: DS3
Skid Recovery Force On
Thanks to XDesperado67 for the tip about Cuore XX = Mira.
CAR: Daihatsu Cuore XX 97' 184hp

My pleasure. For some reason the Cuore TR-XX seems to pop up in my UCD fairly frequently (I now have something like a half dozen of them in my garage :crazy:) I've only seen the Mira TR-XX a couple times.

Question are you using the power limiter to reach the PP limit or ballast? Also which turbo are you using?
Ballast will give a better power to weight ratio and properly placed might help you corner a touch better(not sure about the handling)
The stage 2 turbo will give it around 209 bhp and 197 ft/lb torque but those numbers are reached well before redline and drop off dramatically after peak.
The stage 3 turbo produces around 193 bhp and 141 ft/lb torque much closer to redline with only a slight drop off after peak.
Since I drive with an automatic transmission the stage 3 turbo generally performs better for me. Of course I'm not a very good driver so my best time (not in a Cuoro...don't ask me why:lol:) is only around 2:52.xxx.
Have used a Cuoro at max tune to a 3rd place finish on the Supercar Eifel though:sly:
Question are you using the power limiter to reach the PP limit or ballast? Also which turbo are you using?

I have to balance both ballast and the limiter to reach the 420pp limit. I am using the Stage 2 turbo, I shift right at 6,000 rpm. The weight is shifted to the rear, currently it's set at 15 (I believe). Will confirm or take a picture of my settings for clarification.
I tried all the cars, the cervo is definitly the best one. Got 7 gears, fun drive!
Nothing Amazing, but here it goes.

Overall: 03'00'910
Fastest Lap: 58'xx'xxx (Didnt get a chance to take a picture of the lap times because of my phone)
Car: Mazda Autozam AZ-1 '92 (Tuned)

Could have done better, if that BEAT Version F didnt ram me in the side resulting in both of us going of the track and almost take a spin..

Ok! This is by far my best run on this track!

Car: Honda BEAT z
Total Time: 2'49'413
Lap1: 0'58'904
Lap2: 0'54'995
Lap3: 0'58'904
SRF: Off
Traction Control set to off
ABS set to 1

If you dont believe this time, i can post a picture of the laptimes and total :)
Cervo best lap 56.799
I've done better in the Autozam and the Beat Z.

abs 1 only
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Daihatsu Cuore TR-XX
Best lap 0:54.770
Best race 2:49.350 (will upload video when I have chance to)

Race softs, automatic transmission, abs1, and driving line.
All other aids off.
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By the way what LSD settings are people using on the Daihatsu Mira/Cuore TR-XXs, and why?

I don't really have a clue about proper LSD setup and hoping a better one will help me shave a few tenths off my lap times.
AZ-1 can do consistent 56 second laps when driven properly and looks like an F40 that's been through the wash and shrunk. This is with only 113hp aswell at 420PP. My best so far has been a 2.54 overall and a 55.9 lap but that was with a mistake or two (I keep overcooking the hairpin! :lol: ) but there's no real need to push as I'm already ahead by the middle of Lap 2 on my way to an easy 300k. :cool:
Not a world record, but 2:54.5. I use the Cervo, it's SOOO easy to drive. Easy money! Best lap low 56.
SoCal Senator
Not a world record, but 2:54.5. I use the Cervo, it's SOOO easy to drive. Easy money! Best lap low 56.

UPDATE after running quite a few: 2:52.184. Still no 0:55.XX's yet. It's all about the $/XP. Should hit 40 tomorrow.
Mira tr-xx avanzato r 97 I got 2:48 with fastest lap 0:54.9 seconds. I'm sure I can go a bit faster, but the other cars get in the way of my driving line.
Okay question I saved the replay of a couple of my fastest races. When I ran the replay though it seemed to show an overall time for the race that was higher than what the original end of race report showed. Am I missing something or does the replay have some sort of time adjustment?
Okay question I saved the replay of a couple of my fastest races. When I ran the replay though it seemed to show an overall time for the race that was higher than what the original end of race report showed. Am I missing something or does the replay have some sort of time adjustment?

Lol u clearly lied before than
Okay question I saved the replay of a couple of my fastest races. When I ran the replay though it seemed to show an overall time for the race that was higher than what the original end of race report showed. Am I missing something or does the replay have some sort of time adjustment?

it might be counting the rolling start at the beginning
In a cervo so far my best is 2:51.961
I got my first 55.xxx lap.

All upgrades. Ballast added to get down to 420
RS tires, I've been slowly tweaking toe/ chamber sections. No other mods yet.

Still got. Ways to go and have some fun in some othe kei cars.
57 seconds with the race modified Suzuki cappuccino in the video
2min56 overall
DS3 controller
My fastest is 55 seconds and 2min54, but I wasn't recording then...

I changed the transmission to 108mph so it didn't hit the rev limiter like in my video below-

Randomly saw this on youtube last night, good thing too! I never thought to add weight to the ballast instead of reducing HP/BHP in order to meet PP requirements. I had to adjust the tranny from 99mph as well, but just 5-6 clicks more open on gears 3, 4 and 5. thx for the video bro, you raised my GT5 I.Q. from infant to screaming baby!

Cappuccino... May not be the fastest but it's one of the 15 RM'able cars in the game, and I would have bought it anyway

Best Lap: 59.5 seconds
Best Total: 3 minutes 02 seconds (avg 3.10)
58,67x secs
capuccino RM

i put the acceleration LSD on 33 or sumthing
stiff and low suspension
no aero

4rth gear ftw
I started getting around 3:10, then I decided to use this as an opportunity to wean off of using SRF. Got off of SRF and got my laptimes down to around 1:03 for first, 1:00 for rest. I'll get an occasional sub 1:00. This is with a Cappy RM.

Think I might use this to wean off of ASM as well...

But now I'm getting consistent 1:05's. I just ram and spin the other cars off the track for fun while getting cr for LMP's :dopey:
Hey shifty1 I offered to give you either a Cuore or Mira (same car different name depending on where it was sold) the other day on a thread you started elsewhere. Guess you don't want one that bad eh?

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.. Shifty47988, I'll be home for lunch. Maybe you could message me(in game) the tune you like for it as well? For your trouble I have a Nissan OPTION Stream Z 04' that's kinda rare (199K). I have 2 of those and a few more good ones. I can keep an eye out for something for ya too.

--- OK, so one site says rare, another says not. Since I have 2 I'm leaning towards not..
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