Wheel Setup Help

there seems to be a trend emerging on here regarding FFb. That you "need to have all the parameters right" in order to feel the rumble strips etc.. This is not true, the information is not being relayed from the game to the wheel. You can tweak those Fx Fy settings all you like, but you will never get the environmental effects to come though until you they decide to patch it.
there seems to be a trend emerging on here regarding FFb. That you "need to have all the parameters right" in order to feel the rumble strips etc.. This is not true, the information is not being relayed from the game to the wheel. You can tweak those Fx Fy settings all you like, but you will never get the environmental effects to come though until you they decide to patch it.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion... I was clearly feeling rumble strips and a whole bunch of other feedback even with stock settings in the final build on my T500 last night. Yes, stock centering force is a clearly too strong (I'm sure the community will find great settings in a few days of widespread tweaking), but rumble strips are definitely able to be felt even with stock untweaked FFB on my system.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion... I was clearly feeling rumble strips and a whole bunch of other feedback even with stock settings in the final build on my T500 last night. Yes, stock centering force is a clearly too strong (I'm sure the community will find great settings in a few days of widespread tweaking), but rumble strips are definitely able to be felt even with stock untweaked FFB on my system.

hold up are you on PC? cos it is definitely not the case with ps4.
Yeah there are none at all on PS4 with my T500.

Some of you guys like me might of been "SLIGHTLY MAD" earlier today with wheel calibration issues and lack of effects....

Decided to stick to a single car and track and mess around and got some better ideas for some good improvement and working rumble effects.

(Note this is Day1 - Prior to any Thrustmaster/Project Cars Updates)

PS4 & T500RS
Here is what works best for me.

RESET the wheel "Triangle"
Calibrate Pedals ONLY
I do not adjust FFB strengths in the Control Scheme Menu
My default appears as 46

Control Scheme
Deadzone Reduction 10
Controller Input Mode 3 (is fine)

(Advanced / On)
Soft Steering Dampening OFF

Testing Example:
Free Practice
Nurburgring GP & Brands Hatch Indy


From Main Menu Garage or via track Garage

1) Pit Box
2) Edit Tuning Setup
3) Force Feedback SPINDLE

For now I just altered the following in Force Feedback:

Master Scale
This seems to operate the general FFB wheel resistance strength.
100 (Adjust to your taste/car)


Fx Fy Fz

These seem to increase the strength value of detailing in tyres. Adds more weight to steering.
Fz increases bumps and rumble strips

100 - 150 (Adjust to your taste/car)


Arm Angle (Very Bottom)
This seems to effect wheel rotation and turn-in
Less value requires more turning circle .
200 (Adjust to your taste/car)


Settings are by no means perfect but hope these help...
Variations to different cars needed but now starting to get to enjoy the game.
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Does Pcars on ps4 reset the wheel rotation set by me or does is leave the setting I set up?! What is the best? 900 degree? Less? More? I want to set it to the "realest"!
Does Pcars on ps4 reset the wheel rotation set by me or does is leave the setting I set up?! What is the best? 900 degree? Less? More? I want to set it to the "realest"!

Anything you set on the PC will be saved on the PC, since the PC and PS4 drivers are two separate things.

If the rotation lock can't be set from within the game than I assume it will be set automatically by pCARS to the max on a console driver level.

Project CARS sets the correct soft lock on a per car basis automatically on all platforms.
On the T300 I calibrated on the controller settings section, Took a car out and found that the steering was not very reponsive.

I changed the rotation from 540 degrees to 360, it now feels great!
How did you change the rotation?
Spent quite a long time working on settings and am now happy. At a very basic level I mainly reduced dead zone to zero, ffb was set to 50, and tire strength in ffb calibration I set to 165.

Make sure the calibration is done properly as well.
Regarding calibration, I'm using the Thrustmaster T100 on the PS4 and trying to fine tune a few things.

When the game asks me to rotate 90 degrees, I've physically turned the wheel 90 degrees and ignored anything on screen. I presume that I should be taking into account that full lock is 270?
Regarding calibration, I'm using the Thrustmaster T100 on the PS4 and trying to fine tune a few things.

When the game asks me to rotate 90 degrees, I've physically turned the wheel 90 degrees and ignored anything on screen. I presume that I should be taking into account that full lock is 270?

You return the wheel back to it's neutral position and then turn it 90 degrees in either direction.
Anything you set on the PC will be saved on the PC, since the PC and PS4 drivers are two separate things.

If the rotation lock can't be set from within the game than I assume it will be set automatically by pCARS to the max on a console driver level.

Project CARS sets the correct soft lock on a per car basis automatically on all platforms.
On the ps4 you manually set the rotation.

Up until now I've set it to the full 900 degrees. Which at first seemed like the logical thing to do. However, in practice (whilst on track) I find it a bit of a handful. Often becoming arm tied when taking hairpins (180 degree turns) or turns greater then 90 degree. this means I am having to apply a lot of turn.

With this in mind I think less is far better and will make going around corners more manageable. I'm going to reduce the rotation (within the wheel calibration setup) by around 50%.

Ultimately I want to be able to take the tightest corner without having to take my hand off of the wheel - to grab more wheel.
Does Pcars on ps4 reset the wheel rotation set by me or does is leave the setting I set up?! What is the best? 900 degree? Less? More? I want to set it to the "realest"!
yes it resets, and i also lost randomly all the settings and calibration wasn't working anymore.
However i found 540 to be better, it increases a lot the force feedback and reduce the deadzone. i Hope it will work also today cause right now with wheel it so full or problem (on console).

You have to 540 every time u start the game (left arrow + mode button at the same time- 3 flashes from the light)
90 degrees physically, or 90 degrees on the screen? I realise it's a stupid question I just want to make it as tight as I can

Just rotate the wheel until the screen says "900 degrees", easy :)

- or 1080 degrees if that is the maximum for the wheel (and what you want as the highest possible), as it is on my T500RS.
I assume this '90 degree calibration' is just to set the highest possible steering angle, as many cars (like karts and Formula cars) automatically gets a soft lock (where the car won't react to a higher input than for ex. 360 degrees, at which point you can feel a 'soft limit' stopping any further input - though you can press through it, but won't get more steering lock) to represent real life.
T500/PS4 user here. Is it really necessary to manually calibrate the wheel when it does it automatic on startup?
Does it?! My t300 only calibrates when the ps4 is turned on. Starting the game it's not calibrating!!
I have an issue with T300RS. When playing single player the wheel constantly keeps disconnecting and I have to press PS button to reconnect the wheel. This only happens in menus and not during driving.

The biggest problem however is in multiplayer where when starting the race the wheel turns about 30-40 degrees to the left and the force feedback gets stuck there. Only reconnecting the wheel to the ps4 and letting it auto calibrate again mends this issue. It is getting annoying having to do this every time I race online.

Anyone having similar issues?
Does it?! My t300 only calibrates when the ps4 is turned on. Starting the game it's not calibrating!!

I don't turn my wheel on until I'm in the game.

I've just tried the wheel without manually calibrating(you still have to calibrate the pedals though or they will not work lol) and it feels fine to me.
I had more issues when i did.
Now im just editing each cars FFB and saving setups.

I'm having the same problem, set the wheel up and its nice when driving the formula cars but i'm struggling for lock when driving the Clio's