Wheel Stands, Racing Rigs Cockpits, Pedals, Wheels. Master List

  • Thread starter SGETI
Does anyone have the Obutto Revolution cockpit? I have a couple dimension questions that aren't on their site. I'm a tall lanky guy so I have very specific requirements and since I can't just try a Revolution out at a local Wal-Mart......

1) When the steering wheel plate is fully inserted into the 'metal sleeve' if you will, how far off the ground is it?

2) Can you adjust the steering wheel plate toward you without raising it higher off the ground? The wheel plate height on my Playseat is 22 inches and I'd like to keep it that height(ish).

3) Measuring from the floor, when the edge of the seat is aligned in front of the base, and the pedal plate is moved the furthest position back, what is the distance between the front of the seat and where the pedal base begins?

4) Does it slide on carpet very well?

Thanks in advance guys!

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Any ideas for a trim around the keyboard rack on the ozone? Every time I get out of the seat my mouse goes flying across the room. I was thinking of some automotive weatherstripping. I also just put rubber trim in an Amazon search but wanted to check with you guys
Hmmmm. Mouse goes flying. I am not trying to a wise guy, but you could move the try slower. I do not have this issue, I just slowly move the tray out of the way.

Auotomotive weather stripping or even window / door weather stripping may help, also would be a little bit cheaper, smaller size and easier to work with.
I get it. I would say that because I am continually getting in and out while I get things customized, this phenomenon is occurring more than what is normal.

Also, this is terrible... Yesterday I was getting ready to do my cable management stuff. I had zip tied off my pedal cables while I worked on installing to the ozone. As I am cutting the zip tie with my wire cutters, I snagged the pedal cable at the same time. Sliced it right off! I was delirious I was so upset. Thankfully I am pretty sure I can purchase a solderless 9-pin connector and fix it. I just have to wait for the part to come in the mail. Ugh! Worst!

Hmmmm. Mouse goes flying. I am not trying to a wise guy, but you could move the try slower. I do not have this issue, I just slowly move the tray out of the way.

Auotomotive weather stripping or even window / door weather stripping may help, also would be a little bit cheaper, smaller size and easier to work with.
I while back I noticed on one of these many sim rig websites they had an adjustable wheel clamp, tilt etc that clamps to your desk and the wheel clamps to it. It sticks out like an arm with 2, 3 hinges so its fully adjustable.

Would anybody know what I'm talking about? It's one of the guys in the list that make a popular rig. Can't seem to see it.
@heingericke I just had a look and the best I could come up with is


You did not say what type of wheel you have. Please make sure the clamp you decide to purchase will fit your wheel.

If you do find a better clamp please link the site as help someone else in the future.

Really want to thank you for your effort. Sadly, that is not the one, I did notice that in my recent search. At the time I had a G27 and now I also own T300 GTE.


Seem to remember it was similar to this part of the human racing gt chassis. The 2 bolty bits going into the chassis was the clamp bit that secures to a desk etc. May have been available in red too.
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Did you receive a wheel for Xmas? Now you need a stand or even a new cockpit. Looking to upgrade?

Maybe you are not the handiest person, or just do not have the time to build your own rig.

After spending more time than i want to admit looking up stands and cockpits I found myself looking at the same rigs, just different pages. I needed a better system to store all my locations so i could later do some comparing.

Here is a list, a working list, I have compiled.

I am not saying it is complete, If you have a site , list it.

Hopefully this will help others spending to much time looking up wheels and rigs when they could better use the time to race.

Cockpit and wheel stands

4playracing. ebay store only http://stores.ebay.com/4playracingusa
Aeon Simolators http://www.aeonsim.com/
Apiga http://www.apiga.com.hk
ARC Team http://www.f1driving.it/en
Bernax http://www.bernax.nl
Ball Racing BRD Velocity V1 250 motion system http://www.brdsim.com
Carriage works VCR 1000 www.racingsimulatorseats.com/
Classic Race Simulators http://www.classicracesimulators.com
Cobra Racing Sim http://www.slicksteel.co.uk/cobra.html
Cockpit Extreme racing http://www.cockpitextremeracing.com.br/blog/
Converttable http://www.converttable.eu/
Custom Cockpits http://www.custom-cockpits.com/
CXC Simulation Professional http://www.cxcsimulations.com/
Dxracing http://www.dxracer.com/index.html
Ellip6 http://www.ellip6.com/
Fanatec Rennsport Cockpit www.fanatec.de
Fast track Sims http://www.fasttracksims.com/
F K Automotive http://www.fk-shop.de/en/Sport-Seat...PC-gamers-and-game-consoles-fabric-black.html

Force Dynamics http://www.force-dynamics.com/
GamePOD GT2 http://www.gamepod.co.uk/
Gamers cockpit http://www.gamerscockpit.com.au
G force sim http://www.gforcesim.com/
Gekosystem http://www.gekosystems.com/
GT Omega Racing . http://www.gtomegaracing.com
GTC pro racing cockpit http://www.granturismocockpit.com
GTR simulator http://www.gtrsimulator.com/
Granstand http://www.granstand.com/
Grandturgismo http://www.granturgismo.com/rkdmini.html
Home Racing by DCM www.homeracing-seat.com
Humanracing GT Chassis http://www.humanracing.co.th
JCL Sim Racing http://www.jcl-simracing.com/en/#blockbestsellers
Joy Ride Simulators http://joyridesimulators.com/
Monsta s Gamimng systems www.monsta.cc
MS4R simulator http://www.ms4r.com/simulators
myhome simulator www.myhomesimulator.com
Nixim http://www.nixim.com
Obutto http://obutto.com/
Open wheeler http://www.openwheeler.co.uk /
Oring F1 Simulator http://www.motionsystems.eu/
Pagnian imports http://www.pagnianimports.com.au/racing-simulator-cockpit.html
Playseat (http://www.playseat.com/en)
Playseat Challenge http://www.playseatstore.com/challenge.html
Profisim http://www.profisim.cz/
ProSimu http://www.prosimu-shop.com
Race Room http://www.raceroom.com/shop_usa/
Redline game theater www.pinballsandgames.com/sitdowndrivers.html
Ricmotech Driving Sim http://www.ricmotech.com/diy
Rinoseat Revolution (http://www.rinoseats.com December 2012 purchased by Fanatec
Rosso Modello http://www.rossomodello.com/eng-gtd.html
rSeat http://www.rseat.net
Race star shop http://shop.race-star.com/index.php?XTCsid=99v89724bmnmcs6amggogo25a0
Sim Craft http://www.simcraft.com/
Simxperience http://simxperience.com/en-us/home.aspx
Sim Racing Station www.simracingstation.com
Sim Seats http://www.sim-seats.com
Simwor simulators http://www.simworx.com.au/simulators.html
Speed Master 2 http://speedmaster2.de/index-1.html
TL1 Simulator from Ariel Atom http://www.motionsimulation.com/
Total Spanish Simulators http://www.totalspanishsimulator.com/
Virtual Cockpi www.virtualcockpit.com.ar
Virtual Motorsports http://virtualmotorsportsinc.com/
Visionraccer VR3 us. http://www.visionracer.com
VRC racing chassis http://www.bobearlracing.com
VRX Simulator http://vrx.ca/
Vesaro racing sim http://www.vesaro.com
Volair Sim http://www.volairsim.com/
Wagner race products http://www.wagnerraceproducts.com
Xpit http://www.xpit.hu
X6 Simulator http://www.x6-simulator.com/
Zalem http://www.zalem.es

Wheel Stands

ApexVStand www.apexvgear.com
Apiga http://www.apiga.com.hk
Cockpit extreme racing http://www.cockpitextremeracing.com.br/blog/
Driverpod http://www.coolsimsolutions.com/index.html
Dxracing http://www.dxracer.com/index.html
Earl RS http://steeringwheelstand.co.uk/
Fanatec Rennsport wheelstand www.fanatec.de
GamePOD GT2 http://www.gamepod.co.uk/
Granstand http://www.granstand.com/
GT Omega Racing . http://www.gtomegaracing.com
GTvRacer Wheel Stand www.gtvracer.com
Home Racing by DCM www.homeracing-seat.com
Ionrax http://www.ionrax.com/shop/
Pagnian imports http://www.pagnianimports.com.au/
Playseat Challenge http://www.playseatstore.com/challenge.html
Proto Sim Tech http://www.protosimtech.com/
Sim Racing Station www.simracingstation.com
Speedblack Evo www.speedblack.com
Steadiplay http://steadiplay.com
Wheelstand pro www.wheelstandpro.com
Wheelstand racing http://www.wheelstandracing.com/
Xlerator Wheels Stands www.xwstands.com
Virtual Cockpit www.virtualcockpit.com.ar

Wheels, Pedals, controllers, seats and springs

Arc Team http://www.arc-team.it
Corbeau seat base http://www.corbeau.com/products/accessories/gaming_base/
CST Pedals (http://www.cannonsimulationtechnologies.com PS3 model not yet available
Derek Spears Design http://www.derekspearedesigns.com/
ECCI 6000 for G25 (http://ecci6000.com
Fanatec Wheels http://www.fanatec.de
Frex GP International http://www.frex.com/gp/
GTEYE spring http://www.gteye.com.au/
Heusinkveld Engineering http://www.h-engineering.net/shop/sim-pedals-ultimate/
HKS Racing controller (https://eagl3.com
HPP pedals http://www.hppsimulation.com/
Logitech Driving Force GT (http://www.logitech.com
Logitech G27 (http://www.logitech.co
Ricmotech http://www.ricmotech.com/default.asp
Sensodrive http://www.sensodrive.de/EN/Produkte/Force-Feedback-Wheels/Force-Feedback-Wheels.php
SIM SPORT The Perfect Pedal (http://www.sim-sport.net/
Thrustmaster T500 RS (http://www.thrustmaster.com
Sim racing store http://www.simracestore.com
Ultra force Sim Seat http://ultraforcesim.com/

Thanks fellow racer, My wheel stand pro broke but was not really very good anyway. Too much movement for my liking.
Pagnian imports http://www.pagnianimports.com.au/ Have placed my order. Sim racing rated 5/5. Cant wait.
I don't blame you, I returned my CSL seat as soon as I tried to sit in it, it was flippin' awful.

I don't blame you, I returned my CSL seat as soon as I tried to sit in it, it was flippin' awful.

I wish I would have done what you did, I even swapped the two seat pins around to give it a little bit more of reclined feel. But it was not enough, I also use a blanket bunched up for lumbar support. At best I am lucky if I can get an hour or two before I have to get out of because of back and hip pain. It may not be as bad if it would be able to recline, I even e-mailed fanatec about trying to make it more comfortable and their response was, there were no solution to my problem and they couldn't do anything.
Does anyone know if the Human Racing GT Chassis is still being made? I see some on ebay being sold but the store at Human Racing's site has been down for months and they have not responded to inquiries.
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I wish I would have done what you did, I even swapped the two seat pins around to give it a little bit more of reclined feel. But it was not enough, I also use a blanket bunched up for lumbar support. At best I am lucky if I can get an hour or two before I have to get out of because of back and hip pain. It may not be as bad if it would be able to recline, I even e-mailed fanatec about trying to make it more comfortable and their response was, there were no solution to my problem and they couldn't do anything.

When/If I can start to get more seat time again, I'll probably get the either the 4Play w/seat option or the ProSimU T1000 w/seat option as both of those are actually fully adjustable (like my Playseat) and don't move the wheel and the pedals at the same time. It's just shocking to me how many seats in that list lack real customization, so if you have long legs like I do, your SOL.

When/If I can start to get more seat time again, I'll probably get the either the 4Play w/seat option or the ProSimU T1000 w/seat option as both of those are actually fully adjustable (like my Playseat) and don't move the wheel and the pedals at the same time. It's just shocking to me how many seats in that list lack real customization, so if you have long legs like I do, your SOL.

I highly reccomend the 4play racing chassis. I got the one with the seat. I also bought a bunch of extra 8020 and I've had awesome fun configuring it exactly how I want. 8020 rigs are the best. Built to last. Always expandable and infinitely configurable. No other rig can even come close for functionality.
It handles a direct drive wheel with 20+ NM of torque and it barely moves. The wheel shakes the monitors but that's because its all one big unit. The OSW Lenze motor and mount never ever moves. If I mounted tripples separately you'd never be able to tell it had any movement at all. Best rig I've ever owned.

Here's a closer look. And below that is a video that shows the current, much more elaborate setup complete with direct drive servo wheel, heavy duty pedals from protosimtech, and some butt kickers, all hard mounted and sturdy as hell. ...this hobby is suuuuper addictive lol. I've sunk way too much money in. Itl probly get sold some day when the first kid arrives sadly. Lol.

And some raceroom racing Impressions.
1) When the steering wheel plate is fully inserted into the 'metal sleeve' if you will, how far off the ground is it?

2) Can you adjust the steering wheel plate toward you without raising it higher off the ground? The wheel plate height on my Playseat is 22 inches and I'd like to keep it that height(ish).

3) Measuring from the floor, when the edge of the seat is aligned in front of the base, and the pedal plate is moved the furthest position back, what is the distance between the front of the seat and where the pedal base begins?

4) Does it slide on carpet very well?

1) 27 Inches

2) Nope.

3) 36 inches is the full range of pedal space (seat all the way back, front of seat to end of pedal plate) but I may not really get what you're looking for? There's plenty of legroom anyways.

4) No.
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I highly reccomend the 4play racing chassis. I got the one with the seat. I also bought a bunch of extra 8020 and I've had awesome fun configuring it exactly how I want. 8020 rigs are the best. Built to last. Always expandable and infinitely configurable. No other rig can even come close for functionality.
It handles a direct drive wheel with 20+ NM of torque and it barely moves. The wheel shakes the monitors but that's because its all one big unit. The OSW Lenze motor and mount never ever moves. If I mounted tripples separately you'd never be able to tell it had any movement at all. Best rig I've ever owned.

Here's a closer look. And below that is a video that shows the current, much more elaborate setup complete with direct drive servo wheel, heavy duty pedals from protosimtech, and some butt kickers, all hard mounted and sturdy as hell. ...this hobby is suuuuper addictive lol. I've sunk way too much money in. Itl probly get sold some day when the first kid arrives sadly. Lol.

And some raceroom racing Impressions.

Good links and info buddy, thanks! What do you use to cut the 80/20. Some kind of radial arm saw I'd imagine, yea? Any specific blade to use? Or would using something like a nice dremel cut it after it's clamped down properly?

Good links and info buddy, thanks! What do you use to cut the 80/20. Some kind of radial arm saw I'd imagine, yea? Any specific blade to use? Or would using something like a nice dremel cut it after it's clamped down properly?

chop saw would work the best i would guess , quick and square
I don't know if this question was posted before but I'm not into reading the whole thread :D

Does the Fanatec Clubsport pedals work with the Thustmaster T300RS in the PS4 platform? Specially the new V3?
Hey there. What happened last night? One moment you were there the next you were gone.

I will be honest, I do not have a clue if they work. Will try to find the answer.


here is a site with info and links, not the V3, yet maybe you can contact them.


Thanks cape.
Last night? Man, I'm getting the third best lap time and POOOOF! All gone! Some freaking problem that they ask if I want to report! Noooo! I don't wanna report s**t! I wanna go back to qualy right now!
I message Ggg to invite me back he says he can't! It's not working! Now I'm pissed! Then frustrated... Then **** this! Im going to bed.
Hi,I have a custom made cockpit that I bought and I want to reverse my pedals like

How many degrees should I place my pedals?
I use a g27 logitech steering wheel.
That is something you gotta figure out yourself, budz. Sit on your rig, place your feet in a confortable position and adjust the pedals angle to that position.
That is something you gotta figure out yourself, budz. Sit on your rig, place your feet in a confortable position and adjust the pedals angle to that position.

Yeah,but it's difficult to figure out the position when I sit on the seat.
I thought there was a standard position.
Yeah,but it's difficult to figure out the position when I sit on the seat.
I thought there was a standard position.
I ran inverted G27 pedals for years at about 60 degrees. 30 degrees puts the pedal faces 90 degrees to the floor. 60 makes it about 120.