Where are all the cars!

  • Thread starter Russ15
The thing with those two games that you must also remember is the development of the cars must have been hundreds of times easier than pcars (well, this extent for the crew at least, I do respect that driveclub's cars are modelled immaculately) and yet, of the three, PCARS has the most.
Yeah, PCARS has way more detail physics wise (DC probably has more visual detail) than both.
Sms still haven't release an official car list. At this late stage i am kind of hoping they have something up their sleeve.

A last minute surprise as it were.
There are some rumours of the Bentley GT3 being in at launch but no confirmation. Added with day 1 patch perhaps?
PD add each different livery as a seperate car rather than just as an option for the car.

Well, Simbin did it too with Race Pro.


"350 (...) cars model". The game really had only 50 cars.
Well, Simbin did it too with Race Pro.


"350 (...) cars model". The game really had only 50 cars.

Good for them and there is plenty to choose from in that game too. I wasn't attacking anyone for using that method. What I was pointing out was that if PCARS did do it that way then they'd have hundreds of cars too.
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Did you read anything from the last page? Of course we would like those cars, but SMS have a tight budget.

And please do not make the whole "$60 for an empty game" argument when:

A. This is one of the most advanced games ever in terms of physics engines- SMS probably worked harder on simulating air pressure than PD simulating an entire car. This is a case of astonishing quality over quantity.

B. both driveclub and the crew launched with around 50 cars. But it's okay for them?
I never said this is an empty game, I just want a couple more cars. I know it's a quality game and I am excited for its release, and last I never said anything about other games and what they have. I just want the whole package, cars, tracks, quality, what's wrong with that?
I am going to complain about the lack of cars when I have driven every one available around every track and I am bored of what I have been given.

I collected 1100+ cars in GT5(all of them). I bought loads from used car garage (because I had to.){that meant a lot of grinding BTW}. I drove about 200. Many of those only once. Even though I only drove about 200 cars I was never bored.

I completed (platinum) NFS rivals. 47 cars. No boredom for 2 months. Once I had all the cars, I completed all the missions, then I completed all the challenges.

Is car numbers the only thing that matters?
I never said this is an empty game, I just want a couple more cars. I know it's a quality game and I am excited for its release, and last I never said anything about other games and what they have. I just want the whole package, cars, tracks, quality, what's wrong with that?
I think what people are saying is that you have the whole package in Project Cars, but you're looking for a different package. The car count is actually huge for a sim at launch. As I mentioned earlier and I think someone confirmed it, it has the highest launch car count of any sim in history. Sims aren't about trying as many cars as possible in as short a time as possible, it's about getting to know a car, learning it's subtleties and nuances, tuning it for different tracks and different driving conditions, really exploring each car to it's fullest potential.

Think of it as fine dining vs. a buffet. You get less food when dining in a nice restaurant, but the quality is superb, everything is done just the way you like it, you savour every bite, the wine matches the dish, you leave feeling full and satisfied.

Or you can go to a buffet, have endless refills of diet coke and eat from a trough. :sly: Sometimes that's ok you don't always want fine dining, but that's why there's more than one game on the market.
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I collected 1100+ cars in GT5(all of them). I bought loads from used car garage (because I had to.){that meant a lot of grinding BTW}. I drove about 200. Many of those only once. Even though I only drove about 200 cars I was never bored.

I can relate to this, and it's the exact reason why I'm glad the focus on Project CARS has been on quality and realism, rather than headline grabbing numbers and gimmicks like PD do with Gran Turismo.

I think I had around 500 cars on GT6 after over a year of playing it. I had all of the cars I wanted, and then some, and probably only drove 2/3rds of them at least once.

I bought the anniversary edition, so I did almost the entire career with cars I got for free with the game, and the only online series' I did required me to use 2 different cars, so the rest of the time was spent grinding for cash so I could buy some of the cool cars I wanted to try out. I'd buy the car (example: Ferrari 250 GT SWB), drive it for a few laps of time trial, doing a little tuning to get it to handle decently, then probably take a few photos, and I'd never use it again.

I got bored long before I would have had all of the cars, simply because there was very little difference between the cars. Pretty much every ff and fr just understeered everywhere, and ever mr and rr would understeer into a corner and oversteer out of it. You'd do a little ridiculously unrealistic tuning (reverse ride height and 0 camber, along with other things) and you'd dampen the car's tendency to understeer/oversteer.

An example of how stupid the handling and tuning is in GT is the Mercedes 190e Touring Car. I used this in an online series, and no matter what I did to the set up, it would always understeer. I ended up with maximum front downforce, minimum rear, which would make a real race car undriveable by itself, but that's not where the unrealistic tune ended, oh no. I had softest front spring rate, hardest rear, higher front ride height than rear, no camber at all, massive negative toe front AND REAR, and a 2/10 brake bias split. Try set up the 190e on Project CARS like that and see how well you do.

PS. I won the race I entered with those settings by a very big margin.
Too many people are missing the point -- regardless of whether PCARS has a reasonable number of cars or not, it currently does not have enough diversity to adequately cover everyone's interests. @Russ15 has a legitimate point, which warp9engage already expanded upon:
...there is simply no denying that some big names are missing from that list. The game's current manufacturer roster (not counting fictional cars) is comprised of basically British and German cars. Britain and Germany certainly make good cars, but so does the likes of Italy, America, Japan, France. So far, there's only one manufacturer flying the flag for each one of those countries and they don't always number high, comparatively speaking, in their car count. No one needs another 1000 car game, nor is that what's expected of pCARS, I believe. As others have said: "Quality over quantity". However, to achieve quality of selection with lower numbers, the choices have to be both good and varied. Therefore, something like 6-10 cars from a couple of new manufacturers would be very welcome.
I'm pleased with what's available, but I know that I got lucky because I just so happen to be a fan of BMW, Ruf, and Caterham, and other cars in the game.

I know this subforum is going to spend the coming months crucifying anyone who wanders in and dares to ask about more cars, and that's sad. Here we have a brand new IP trying to edge in on Gran Turismo and Forza's turf, giving them a kick in the pants and trying to move the genre forward, and you're all going to chase away potential fans who happen to prefer cars that you personally aren't bothered about just because it's fun to gang up and laugh about Gran Turismo's bloated car list?

There's so much straw flying around this thread we might as well erect stanchions and call it a barn.
Too many people are missing the point -- regardless of whether PCARS has a reasonable number of cars or not, it currently does not have enough diversity to adequately cover everyone's interests. @Russ15 has a legitimate point, which warp9engage already expanded upon:

I'm pleased with what's available, but I know that I got lucky because I just so happen to be a fan of BMW, Ruf, and Caterham, and other cars in the game.

I know this subforum is going to spend the coming months crucifying anyone who wanders in and dares to ask about more cars, and that's sad. Here we have a brand new IP trying to edge in on Gran Turismo and Forza's turf, giving them a kick in the pants and trying to move the genre forward, and you're all going to chase away potential fans who happen to prefer cars that you personally aren't bothered about just because it's fun to gang up and laugh about Gran Turismo's bloated car list?

There's so much straw flying around this thread we might as well erect stanchions and call it a barn.
Yes I like Ferrari,Chevy,Oldsmobile,Pontiac,Lamborghini,Nissan,Toyota,etc,etc. Perhaps there is a licensing issue?
I truly do not want a stable of tuning cars for drifting or stance or drag racing. I want this to be exactly what GT is not.PCARS is giving us what the community(crowd funders) asked for. What's wrong with that?
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SMS has a finite pot of money, and if the Ferrari license costs them around £100,000 (and that's probably understating the price by a big margin), that would pay for around 5,000 hours of programming. Guess which one I'd rather have? If the devs had a larger amount of money, say closer to 5 million Euros, that might have been in a position to afford it.

Also, bear in mind that there may be a lot of discussions going on that we haven't been told about; sadly, the community has proved itself on a few occasions to be untrustworthy, especially when it comes to very sensitive discussions, so the devs won't tell us until the contracts are signed.
Too many people are missing the point -- regardless of whether PCARS has a reasonable number of cars or not, it currently does not have enough diversity to adequately cover everyone's interests. @Russ15 has a legitimate point, which warp9engage already expanded upon:

I'm pleased with what's available, but I know that I got lucky because I just so happen to be a fan of BMW, Ruf, and Caterham, and other cars in the game.

I know this subforum is going to spend the coming months crucifying anyone who wanders in and dares to ask about more cars, and that's sad. Here we have a brand new IP trying to edge in on Gran Turismo and Forza's turf, giving them a kick in the pants and trying to move the genre forward, and you're all going to chase away potential fans who happen to prefer cars that you personally aren't bothered about just because it's fun to gang up and laugh about Gran Turismo's bloated car list?

There's so much straw flying around this thread we might as well erect stanchions and call it a barn.
We all know there are many great cars missing from the list. Thing is once the explanation of "small budget, new game, licensing is expensive, did the best we could" comes up, that should end the discussion because no amount of hue and cry about the car list will change anything in any way. The thread should have ended around post 7 but everyone has to put their two cents in, the OP comes back trolling and on and on it goes.
*goes to read post 7*

Yup, nothing more to say. Let's move on.

Remember GT1. It had 125-150 cars. The car count was impressive for its time, but GT1 also had a lot of innovation for the racing genre. If Pcars brings innovation to this genre, gamers will flock, sales will soar, and content will increase. Let's be patient.
Not exactly. You see, PCARS doesn't make you race for prizes like XP or cash or unlocking new cars. Everything is available to you from the beginning. There's no need to win anything to see all the content the game has to offer. You could say this is one of those games in which, literally, it's not the winning but the taking part that's the most important.

I know how the game is set out... I backed it in 2011. :lol: That's exactly my point, I'm in it to win races, not to win cars or XP! The Incentive is the win, I need no more motivation other than that, to try and achieve the main objective of a race, finish in first place. Sure if I don't finish first, I had fun along the way (If I did not I would not play these games). :cheers:

I know this subforum is going to spend the coming months crucifying anyone who wanders in and dares to ask about more cars, and that's sad. Here we have a brand new IP trying to edge in on Gran Turismo and Forza's turf, giving them a kick in the pants and trying to move the genre forward, and you're all going to chase away potential fans who happen to prefer cars that you personally aren't bothered about just because it's fun to gang up and laugh about Gran Turismo's bloated car list?

It would be easier for Turn 10 or PD to stop wasting the on track potential of their games and offered some sort of racing closer to real life than it would for SMS to deliver 200 cars though. So for me, the ball is in their court. :)
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I truly do not want a stable of tuning cars for drifting or stance or drag racing. I want this to be exactly what GT is not.PCARS is giving us what the community(crow funders) asked for. What's wrong with that?
Not everyone who asks about other cars (even roadcars) wants Project CARS to become something it isn't, whether that's a "tuner bro" playground or something just like Gran Turismo. Not that it matters, because SMS built the game they wanted to build, and they're not going to make a 90-degree turn into Forza Horizon territory just because some dude on an internet forum wishes he could drive a Nissan Skyline.

Wishing for more cars never killed anybody, and it won't twist SMS's arm into compromising the vision of the game, whatever you want it to be. If someone comes around looking for JDM tuner cars, try linking to the GTP wishlist thread or pointing out related cars that are already in the game (eg. Lancer Evolution X), or something more constructive, instead of slapping people down for liking things you don't like, the way this thread has gone.

Aren't WMD members kind of supposed to help hype up the game? How is chasing people away helpful?
The thread should have ended around post 7 but everyone has to put their two cents in, the OP comes back trolling and on and on it goes.
What I see is other members trolling the OP by deliberately misconstruing what he said to take pot shots at Gran Turismo and other games. I predict there will be a lot more of this next month, and so on through the following months. That's why I suggest a more constructive approach.
Uhm chasing whom away? If they are uneducated enough not to read other stuff than this,then they shouldn't buy the game. We have what SMS gave us,live with it or go play (insert favorite game here). I wish I could forget this,so I will.
Uhm chasing whom away? If they are uneducated enough not to read other stuff than this,then they shouldn't buy the game. We have what SMS gave us,live with it or go play (insert favorite game here). I wish I could forget this,so I will.
Wow I thought this was where people can openly talk about a video game? Now with people getting defensive and calling people uneducated just because you don't like their post is just you showing your ignorance! Why is there always someone who can't just have a conversation without being a dick?
Wow I thought this was where people can openly talk about a video game? Now with people getting defensive and calling people uneducated just because you don't like their post is just you showing your ignorance! Why is there always someone who can't just have a conversation without being a dick?
I was not referring to you,so don't call me a dick. I am not ignorant, I am voicing an opinion and talking openly.
Yes maybe I should hold some peoples hands to walk them through the last 4 years of posts about the game. I know its easier than reading.
I was not referring to you,so don't call me a dick. I am not ignorant, I am voicing an opinion and talking openly.
Yes maybe I should hold some peoples hands to walk them through the last 4 years of posts about the game. I know its easier than reading.
I did not know who you were referring to it's just some people including myself have just started on here. I am man enough to apologize for the dick comment, but you seriously can't expect people to read 4 years of previous posts when there can be 50 in one day!
Aren't WMD members kind of supposed to help hype up the game? How is chasing people away helpful?

What I see is other members trolling the OP by deliberately misconstruing what he said to take pot shots at Gran Turismo and other games. I predict there will be a lot more of this next month, and so on through the following months. That's why I suggest a more constructive approach.
The question in the OP was answered in the first few posts as I said. No amount of discussion is going to change that. It's pointless to continue because there's nothing to discuss. There's a wishlist thread, a whinging and crying thread etc. This question has been beat to death on more than one thread in this forum at one time or another and the answer won't change no matter how many times it comes up.
Wow, this thread has escalated quickly...
Calm down guys. We all want more cars, it's natural. But as stated numerous times before, the developers have a limited amount of resources (all of them: time, money, hands).

We can only have a limited number of cars. And as for which ones, well again, the same resources limitations mean that you can't just take away a BMW and replace it with a Ferrari, take away a Lotus and replace it with with a Lambo, etc...

Time was taken to answer Russ' question, much more than was needed, while he could have worked the answer out by himself, if you take the time to analyse the situation.

So, yeah, sorry for sticking up with SMS and indeed laughing about PD's way of counting cars, because it is laughable. Just by their way of counting cars without cheating, I want to give SMS another fiver!

PS: and I do like diversity as well, by the way. I've been running the Zero Cup, a racing series that (in GT6 only) has been using 59 different cars in 64 events...

PPS: I was post #7 :D
@Johnnypenso -- The appropriate answer won't change -- time/money, DLC forthcoming, yadda yadda -- but the self-indulgent anti-Gran-Turismo rubbish sure could. Who cares what the game isn't or "shouldn't" be? It is what it is, and it's certainly no narrow-focused motorsports title like traditional PC sims.

SMS has explicitly framed the game as all-inclusive from the beginning: "Project CARS covers all the styles and forms of racing and car culture that you love." It already has various types of cars and locations (hello, Azure Coast and Pacific Highway!). What's the first DLC car, again? A supercar from a Fast and Furious movie? Hmm...

I believe enthusiasts of all kinds can find their own ways to enjoy PCARS, whether that involves a GT3 race at Hockenheim or taking a BMW 1M and drifting (gasp!) along Pacific Highway. I'd rather help people out instead of joining the mob shouting at them for liking the "wrong" things.

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