Where are all the Race Mods?

  • Thread starter WFO Krypto

WFO Krypto

United States
United States
Where in the heck are all the Race Mods in the public lobbies? They have just disappeared. I saw one for the first time last Sunday. The guy starts behind me in the 2nd row, watches the guy next to him No Brake me into the first turn, and does nothing. I called him out asking, "hey moddy, did you see that guy no brake me?" He quits the race and leaves the lobby. WTF?

Do these flippin guys even do anything anymore?
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Maybe I was just spoiled from having dealt with some good Mods then? In my previous experience, back in the day, the first thing the Moddy did was boot the guy from the lobby. The second thing they did was let you know, either by message or in game chat, that the guy has been reported.

Maybe their standard procedures have changed?
The game is old and boring for regular hopper bouncing, so I'm sure a lot of them have moved on and aren't spending as much free time on the hoppers anymore. It's not a paid job for them or anything, so they can't be expected to spend hours a night playing a game that hasn't had any updates and they are bored of.

The only marshals I've seen lately have been when running organized leagues. I've actually been doing hoppers quite a bit over the last 3 weeks, and I haven't seen a single marshal or whatever they call them nowadays in the public hoppers.

The adventure back into the hoppers reminded me why I never got into them in the first place, and reinforces the fact that hoppers are not the place to look for serious racing.
I find myself spending most of my time in the Race Regulation Hoppers for A Class. I have never ventured any higher in class, otherwise I would most likely run the other one as well.

In an open public lobby, you darn well better get a clean lap in, or you are going to be back in the "mosh pit" of boneheads. I often find myself pulling over and letting them go if I get caught back there with them, just so I can get a clean lap to start the next race up front.

The last 3 - 4 weeks I have been spending a lot time trying to tune cars that nobody would think of racing, to try to make them competitive.
In an open public lobby, you darn well better get a clean lap in, or you are going to be back in the "mosh pit" of boneheads. I often find myself pulling over and letting them go if I get caught back there with them, just so I can get a clean lap to start the next race up front.

Even if you do that to get to the front you still end up just racing with a couple of knobs in leaderboard cars that have no racecraft.

I'd much rather just run in organized racing where I don't have to do silly stuff like that and can have quality racing with competent drivers in balanced cars.
Even if you do that to get to the front you still end up just racing with a couple of knobs in leaderboard cars that have no racecraft.

I'd much rather just run in organized racing where I don't have to do silly stuff like that and can have quality racing with competent drivers in balanced cars.

It's hard for me to find organized racing to fit my schedule. Another thing, is a lot of them have some restrictive rules for the cars. If the car fits the class, let it run. All the rules in these organized events kind of puts me off of them.

Another thing is the race distances. I don't want to run a 25-30 minute race, let alone an hour. I would love an organized private lobby ran to mimic an open lobby. Most private lobbies the guy running them don't know what he is doing, and thus there is long wait times in between races. Not for me!
Most people go to organized leagues to get away from the terrible driving standard and competition in the hoppers, so yeah you probably aren't gonna find one trying to mimic the casual approach of the hoppers.

It can definitely be hard to find a good league to race with, but if you aren't actually into motorsport or competition then it's probably not worth the effort.

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