Where is the world now?

  • Thread starter Joey D
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Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
When a natural disasters happens the United States either comes running or we are bashed by the rest of the world because we didn't come fast enough. The tsunami is a perfect example, the world jumped on us hard core when we didn't send aid as soon as it happened. However we here in the United States have a disaster that is up there with the tsunami and who sends us aid? No body. I want to know why? Why is it that the world hates America, yet expects us to give when they need it. Futhering my belief that the USA should be isolationist and never get involved in foriegn affairs.

And for anyone who is going to say that the hurricane isn't on the same page as the tsunami, I would suggest you look at the news.
I'm pretty sure the tsunami killed like, what, 200,000 people? And the hurricane killed...oh, 10,000, maybe?

Quit complaining. Nobody bashed you for being slow to send aid to the tsunami vitims, and nobody's denying you aid for the hurricane, it's been over for a DAY. ONE DAY. The tsunami effort is probably still finding victims; entire islands were engulfed by it.
You know who's the only person to send us aid as of right now? Citgo...yes an oil company. I guess they feel bad for raping us for years.

And yes the world would have a coniption if something happened in the world and we didn't respond right away, why because we are just the worlds ATM.
It's the same Old Europe mentality.

And yes, PS, they were complaining about the US. The whole damned UN was complaining only 6 hours after the Tsunami that the US was not quick enough, even though we sent the most money and man power to the affected areas.

I say we don't need them. Our National Guard and Coast Guard are doing a magnificent job. Normal Americans with the help of organizations like the American Red Cross and Salvation Army can do the job that the world refuses to do.
I'm pretty sure the tsunami killed like, what, 200,000 people? And the hurricane killed...oh, 10,000, maybe?

Quit complaining. Nobody bashed you for being slow to send aid to the tsunami vitims, and nobody's denying you aid for the hurricane, it's been over for a DAY. ONE DAY. The tsunami effort is probably still finding victims; entire islands were engulfed by it.

Yeah, it is on the same scale when you compare it to natural disaters that have hit this country. The only one that compares is the earthquake in 1906 in San Fransico.

So you relax with the hostile attitude.
I'm pretty sure the tsunami killed like, what, 200,000 people? And the hurricane killed...oh, 10,000, maybe?
I don't want to ever hear you complaining about the war in Iraq, seeing as 10,000 Americans dieing isn't a big deal to you.

Back on topic. I was talking to a friend of mine today, I had exactly the same thoughts. Pretty effed up if you asked me.
Well I'm glad there are more people out there that see where I'm coming from. And hell we've given money for so long I wouldn't refuse any aid.

On another note is disgust me that you have places price gouging things (mostly fuel) because of the hurricane. Thousands died from the storm, and thosands more will die from insuficent medical care. It's sad that people are dying and you have other that think they can capitalize off of it.
Exactly, I've seen everything from t-shirts to water bottles and of course, high prices at the pump.

What is more disgusting is that people (Democrats in particular) are trying to politicize the disaster for their own gain.
What is more disgusting is that people (Democrats in particular) are trying to politicize the disaster for their own gain.

Exactly...its not Bush's fault that a terriable storm slammed into the Gulf coast. While he is no saint, I can't blame this on him.
Viper Zero
Exactly, I've seen everything from t-shirts to water bottles and of course, high prices at the pump.

What is more disgusting is that people (Democrats in particular) are trying to politicize the disaster for their own gain.

Seriously! I mean I can see how they would use 9/11. But how did Bush create a hurricane?
I'm only guessing here but I would assume that, as America is the richest nation in the world, other nations (the ones that haven't worked themselves up into a fury of hate for the 'Demon America') generally are assuming that anything they can offer is a drip in the bucket.

Of course, it has only been a short time yet and I must say that Katrina got very nasty very fast - it was only a couple of days ago that I was hearing talk of her as being almost nothing more than a bad storm.

It's a shock to hear of so many dead. Is this media hyperbole or is it really as bad as it's now sounding? Regardless, those that have lost their nearest and dearest have my sympathy.

Best wishes to everyone in the affected area that things will begin to improve and my thoughts are with you (for whatever good that does :embarrassed:).
I'm pretty sure the tsunami killed like, what, 200,000 people? And the hurricane killed...oh, 10,000, maybe?

PS is right. The Tsunami killed at least one order of magnitude more people than this hurricane. Though it probably did less damage in terms of dollars :lol:.

Anyway, this hurricane - even if it took out 10,000 people (which I highly doubt) isn't on par with the Tsunami.

Still, Blazin has a point - who has rushed to our aid?
From what I've seen, the Democrats that are complaining are stating that since Bush's environmental policies have "failed" (Kyoto, "Global Warming/Climate Change", etc.), America must feel the wrath of mother nature. Plus, I've heard Democrats whine about not having enough National Guard troops, saying they are all over in Iraq, which is totally untrue. Louisiana alone has 8,000 guardsmen on duty not in Iraq.

As far as I'm concerned, the Democrats will not only lose in 2006, but in 2008 and beyond, if they keep preaching this kind of nonsense.
Viper Zero
From what I've seen, the Democrats that are complaining are stating that since Bush's environmental policies have "failed" (Kyoto, "Global Warming/Climate Change", etc.), America must feel the wrath of mother nature. Plus, I've heard Democrats whine about not having enough National Guard troops, saying they are all over in Iraq, which is totally untrue. Louisiana alone has 8,000 guardsmen on duty not in Iraq.

As far as I'm concerned, the Democrats will not only lose in 2006, but in 2008 and beyond, if they keep preaching this kind of nonsense.

Yes, in 6 years the president's policies have brought about a hurricane.... right.
It's a natural diaster. You can't blame anyone. If anything, it is the victims' own fault for living in an area with common natural diasters. Why are people angry?
You have to remeber the mentality of psyco liberals, they will blame everything on Bush...now a normal liberal will blame the things that are Bush's fault on Bush.
You have to remeber the mentality of psyco liberals, they will blame everything on Bush...now a normal liberal will blame the things that are Bush's fault on Bush.

Depends on your definition of iberal. To me, liberal means 'center'. The pyschoes you refer to sound more like socialists to me. ;)
Center is a moderate, Right is Conservative, and Left is Liberal. Uhhh really right I guess would be Fasict and really left would be Socialist. Then you have Libertarians that really can be thrown anywhere.
You have it wrong. :sly: It goes:

Communist - Socialist - Liberal - Conservative - Fascist

Well, at least that is what is taught here.
Grand Prix
You have it wrong. :sly: It goes:

Communist - Socialist - Liberal - Conservative - Fascist

Well, at least in the Canadian government system.

Isn't it just

Communist - Socialist - Liberal

In the Canadian system?
Actually, here it's more like:

Socialist - Liberal - Conservative
------------------Bloc Quebecois

However there is a Communist party, but it's so pathetic it doesn't count.

Edit: Hahahaha, yeah that's a good joke. :sly: Conservative Canadians aren't too hard to find if you look in the right (ignore the pun, lol) place. They are normally the guys that complain about our millitary and economy being too weak, and that we should have a more aggressive stance on trade. ;)
Anyways lets get back on topic, sorry I diagressed into the wrong area.
You have to remeber the mentality of psyco liberals, they will blame everything on Bush...now a normal liberal will blame the things that are Bush's fault on Bush.

Pfft. Funny how me and none of the other liberals I know are doing that.

But what's funnier is about how a conservative pro-lifer killed Dr. Gunn.
There are psycos of all politcal beliefs, and I know a lot of liberals like that. But I know a lot of conservatives who are crazy too. But lets get back on the topic.
I can understand if they're looting for food. But they're not, they're looting valuables, so send them all to Madame Guillotine I say.
Viper 0
From what I've seen, the Democrats that are complaining are stating that since Bush's environmental policies have "failed" (Kyoto, "Global Warming/Climate Change", etc.), America must feel the wrath of mother nature. Plus, I've heard Democrats whine about not having enough National Guard troops, saying they are all over in Iraq, which is totally untrue. Louisiana alone has 8,000 guardsmen on duty not in Iraq.

As far as I'm concerned, the Democrats will not only lose in 2006, but in 2008 and beyond, if they keep preaching this kind of nonsense.

Perhaps this was the Democrat you were citing?:

"I don't treat my dog like that," 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair. "I buried my dog." He added: "You can do everything for other countries but you can't do nothing for your own people. You can go overseas with the military but you can't get them down here."

Did you mean the hurricane victim was the democrat :confused:

The looting of necessities is understandable. I can't imagine anyone in here who would not loot for survival after a devastation like this.

But if this is how the military handles riot/life-survival situations with citizens within the US itself, imagine how it gets overseas.

The Superdome situation is crazy. Shootings, rapes, and beatings. Corpses are just laying around the stadium. Hurricane victims are dying every day in New Orleans. It's only been a couple of days so response is understandable. Right?
Heck, I think it only just ended this morning. And they're already complaining about not receiving emergency funds.

*Maybe since (according to BlazinXtreme) America took so long to help the tsunami victims, this is what they get?
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