Where is the world now?

  • Thread starter Joey D
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Perhaps this was the Democrat you were citing?

No, I was citing the governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D), Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, and Nancy Pelosi of California. All leaders of the Democratic party.

The Democrats rather blame the President for just about everything instead of showing support for the victims of the hurricane? Absolutely disgusting.

The National Guard and Coast Guard are going above and beyond the call of duty. It is amazing to see the excellence in their work.

Read this editorial, it summarizes all of this loony politicizing the hurricane:

Politicizing Tragedy or The American Left and Human Filth: Distinguish If Possible


Finish it, if you can, Sunny Boi.
I don't think it's right for the United States to demand help from smaller countries. To me, that's like Bill Gates losing his watch, and wants me to help him buy a new one. OK, not a great example, but you get the idea. Having said that, yes, I'm little surprised that nobody's lending a helping hand here. Where's Japan? Great Britain? Canada? Not even a gesture? Actually, I'm not even sure if our own U.S. government is doing all it can......
Canada's only just gotten plees for help from the Red Cross. I'm sure we're sending stuff, but it's not like you're suddenly going to see a huge rush of help come from out of nowhere. We have 35 million people, California has 40. Quit complaining.
It's not about complaining, PS, it is about gestures. I haven't heard of one country gesturing to help. I believe Americans can do it themselves, but it would be nice to have gestures from other countries.
Canada's only just gotten plees for help from the Red Cross. I'm sure we're sending stuff, but it's not like you're suddenly going to see a huge rush of help come from out of nowhere. We have 35 million people, California has 40. Quit complaining.
Are you talking to me? I'm just surprised by the lack of aids and show of support, U.S. government included. You are probably right though, more help will arrive as soon as the casualties increase. :rolleyes:
I don't think money is an issue, but it'd certainly be nice if other countries lent a few search-and-rescue teams, especially since manpower seems to be a big issue right now. Please?
Yes. I'm sure they could use some medical assistance, also.
Are you talking to me? I'm just surprised by the lack of aids and show of support, U.S. government included. You are probably right though, more help will arrive as soon as the casualties increase. :rolleyes:

No, I wasn't talking to you. Just thinking out loud, really.

Supplies take a while to get there, remember. It's been a day. Toronto is 3000 miles away, and, I'm sure whatever Mexico ha(s/d) to offer takes a while to get there soon. Maybe just because a whole pile of donations weren't aired on TV means that they have bigger things to show? Like, you know, people dying and losing their relatives and their homes and having gas price go up a bazillion $$.

I know Canada has sent aid, and I'm glad they did, but the news of it is probably eclipsed by the problems at hand. Don't worry about it, it's comming. It's just not headlining news.

The tsunami, however was MASSIVE. Like, GI-FRICKIN-GANTIC. That's why everyone heard about it and donated something.
I don't think money is an issue, but it'd certainly be nice if other countries lent a few search-and-rescue teams, especially since manpower seems to be a big issue right now. Please?

I just want you guys to know that the world is not turning its back on America. Canada(British Columbia) has already sent a top notch search and rescue team. And when Blazinextreme said those things about isolating the US, I think that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!!!!! No country should isolate itself from all the others. When they do they just **** everything up for themselves. And I think the US tried this path of isolation before but obviously couldn't succeed.

Nation bashing is nothing new, it happens to every country. And for the record, I would never put this hurricane on the same level as that Tsunami. Those people were so screwed by those tsunamis, I felt so sorry for them. I feel sorry for the hurricane victims too, it looks really bad for those guys. But I have to admit IT LOOKS SO COOL! RIDING AROUND IN YOUR BOAT LIKE THAT!!! :dopey:
Yeah, because let's face it, a hurricane doesn't screw anyone. It's like a friendly high speed guest doing some sight seeing. And I mean, it's not like a a state or two getting nearly leveled means much. Historical districts? To hell with them - We should've known better than to build something historical there, right?

I've also enjoyed the fact that nobody upon nobody has rushed money - We don't especially need food or water or man power, we have all that, we just need money to keep all of it sustained - to the aid of the US. We donated what, about five hundred million to the tsunami aid, not counting the man power and supplies?

I'm glad we're getting about five hundred or five thousand in return for that. I really am. I'm going to have fun the next time I see some foreign country asking the US for aid - I'll personally call the number to donate and laugh in their faces. I'm about tired of the rest of the world thinking that America should just carry them on our back and that we should expect nothing in return.
No, I wasn't talking to you. Just thinking out loud, really.

Supplies take a while to get there, remember. It's been a day. Toronto is 3000 miles away, and, I'm sure whatever Mexico ha(s/d) to offer takes a while to get there soon. Maybe just because a whole pile of donations weren't aired on TV means that they have bigger things to show? Like, you know, people dying and losing their relatives and their homes and having gas price go up a bazillion $$.

I know Canada has sent aid, and I'm glad they did, but the news of it is probably eclipsed by the problems at hand. Don't worry about it, it's comming. It's just not headlining news.

The tsunami, however was MASSIVE. Like, GI-FRICKIN-GANTIC. That's why everyone heard about it and donated something.
True. Maybe it was just overshadowed by the bigger news. Sorry!

Ghost C
Yeah, because let's face it, a hurricane doesn't screw anyone. It's like a friendly high speed guest doing some sight seeing. And I mean, it's not like a a state or two getting nearly leveled means much. Historical districts? To hell with them - We should've known better than to build something historical there, right?

I've also enjoyed the fact that nobody upon nobody has rushed money - We don't especially need food or water or man power, we have all that, we just need money to keep all of it sustained - to the aid of the US. We donated what, about five hundred million to the tsunami aid, not counting the man power and supplies?

I'm glad we're getting about five hundred or five thousand in return for that. I really am. I'm going to have fun the next time I see some foreign country asking the US for aid - I'll personally call the number to donate and laugh in their faces. I'm about tired of the rest of the world thinking that America should just carry them on our back and that we should expect nothing in return.
I'm gonna say it again, but I don't think the richest country in the world should be demanding $$$ from smaller countries. I just hope there will be plenty of help from American volunteers and charities. I have this bad feeling that carjacking and looting by these victims shown on the news will have negative effect on amount of help they'll be receiving.
Nobody is demanding money. I just think it's ironic that people expect the US to rush to the aid of EVERYONE, yet we recieve little, if anything, in return.

What goes around will eventually come around - Don't say you didn't see it coming when the US closes the door to the huge vault of money we reserve for giving to other countries and says "Sorry, this isn't for you anymore".
Ghost C
I'm about tired of the rest of the world thinking that America should just carry them on our back and that we should expect nothing in return.

OK. First of all, those countries that have needed aid can barely support themselves! So what are they supposed to do? Foreign aid is out of the question!
We are not talking about a poor little country hit by a unthinkably horrible natural disaster with almost 170,000 Dead and nearly 130,000 missing, we're talking about the richest country in the world with a horrible (but not even close to that of the tsunami) Disaster, with the death toll in the thousands. It’s still very horrible, but as you can see, much more aid was needed for tsunami relief efforts.

Also, relief efforts are not instantaneous. These things need to be planned out and organized. And that’s why bush is being criticized, it’s never fast enough. (People always find something to complain about at times like these.) So now that things are getting organized, Canada is sending aid. The Canadian military is being sent in, tons of supplies will be sent down, other countries will likely follow, right now the US should focus on what THEY can do.
OK. First of all, those countries that have needed aid can barely support themselves! So what are they supposed to do? Foreign aid is out of the question!
We are not talking about a poor little country hit by a unthinkably horrible natural disaster with almost 170,000 Dead and nearly 130,000 missing, we're talking about the richest country in the world with a horrible (but not even close to that of the tsunami) Disaster, with the death toll in the thousands. It’s still very horrible, but as you can see, much more aid was needed for tsunami relief efforts.

Also, relief efforts are not instantaneous. These things need to be planned out and organized. And that’s why bush is being criticized, it’s never fast enough. (People always find something to complain about at times like these.) So now that things are getting organized, Canada is sending aid. The Canadian military is being sent in, tons of supplies will be sent down, other countries will likely follow, right now the US should focus on what THEY can do.

Shows their real initiative. . . eh?

"Oh ****, wtf do we do!?"
"Uh. . .uh, I dunno!"
"WTF? Noone's comming! What the hell is wrong with you guys?!"
". . . Yah!"
OK. First of all, those countries that have needed aid can barely support themselves! So what are they supposed to do? Foreign aid is out of the question!
We are not talking about a poor little country hit by a unthinkably horrible natural disaster with almost 170,000 Dead and nearly 130,000 missing, we're talking about the richest country in the world with a horrible (but not even close to that of the tsunami) Disaster, with the death toll in the thousands. It’s still very horrible, but as you can see, much more aid was needed for tsunami relief efforts.

Also, relief efforts are not instantaneous. These things need to be planned out and organized. And that’s why bush is being criticized, it’s never fast enough. (People always find something to complain about at times like these.) So now that things are getting organized, Canada is sending aid. The Canadian military is being sent in, tons of supplies will be sent down, other countries will likely follow, right now the US should focus on what THEY can do.

Hoho. So basically, you can sum up those two paragraphs by "The US is too greedy, but I think they should give everyone else tons of money"
Ghost C
Hoho. So basically, you can sum up those two paragraphs by "The US is too greedy, but I think they should give everyone else tons of money"

If you fully read and understood what I was trying to say, you wouldn't have come to that conclusion :odd:
Well US cant say much against Australia, we are only 20million people, yet we are always sending what little (compared to US) army we have over to help you guys, that alone costs us lots of money, what do we get in return? (i honestly dont know what we do get). We were also one of the 1st nations to help the tsunami aid, and we sent over lots of troops and speciaists to help as well. I think Australias TV program hotline raised over 20 million (which is $1 for every person) which is a lot as its the publics money not the governments.

So i think as much as My prime minister would love to help out your country he is already financially commited for sending troops to iraq. So we help you guys out, just not in aid money :D.

I think Australia does quite alot considering we have 10x less people than the US.
The US can easily afford to fix this problem though, as horrible as I sound, the US spends as much on the Iraq operation in 1 week as it would take to fix up this problem. Thats some perspective on how much cash the US is waving about. Charity should be given if the country in question is in real financial strife and otherwise couldn't fix itself (tsunami etc), which is a situation America is hardly in. I'm not saying we shouldn't help in other ways though, or give as much love and support to our American friends as anyone else, but donations of money won't really get the problem fixed any faster in this case.
Donating money won't help solve the problem? That's about as ass backwards a conclusion as you can draw.

We have the best engineers, the best emergency specialists, the best air and naval abilities, and no shortage of food and water. What we do have a shortage of, however, is money to rebuild. Sure, there will be companies and private citizens willing to help rebuild for free, but that will only go so far.

So what, we're the richest nation in the world. We'd be able to EASILY rebuild all of the destruction in a week - If we weren't too busy handing over money by the truckload to foreign countries to help them out.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just an American.
Ghost C
Donating money won't help solve the problem? That's about as ass backwards a conclusion as you can draw.

We have the best engineers, the best emergency specialists, the best air and naval abilities, and no shortage of food and water. What we do have a shortage of, however, is money to rebuild. Sure, there will be companies and private citizens willing to help rebuild for free, but that will only go so far.

So what, we're the richest nation in the world. We'd be able to EASILY rebuild all of the destruction in a week - If we weren't too busy handing over money by the truckload to foreign countries to help them out.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just an American.

Your one type of an American, the type that thinks money can solve all the woes of the world! Where do you think that money goes towards? America doesn't need money! Saying America needs money from other nations is like saying this 300 lb kid needs food he hasn't eaten in 20 mins!

I think your just thinking like a greedy moron here. Your saying that America needs to stop giving help to weak nations with starving children, proverty stricken people, people who have lived there life in the lowest standards of living since they were born, and I'm talking millions of people! Just to help out a few thousand that have the highest standard of living and plenty of money from the strongest government in the world to help them get back on their feet.
Ghost C
Donating money won't help solve the problem? That's about as ass backwards a conclusion as you can draw.

We have the best engineers, the best emergency specialists, the best air and naval abilities, and no shortage of food and water. What we do have a shortage of, however, is money to rebuild. Sure, there will be companies and private citizens willing to help rebuild for free, but that will only go so far.

So what, we're the richest nation in the world. We'd be able to EASILY rebuild all of the destruction in a week - If we weren't too busy handing over money by the truckload to foreign countries to help them out.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just an American.
Any shortage of cash is simply a managerial/organisational problem for the US government. You guys have easily enough cash in the bank to fix this problem. You spend the equivalent money required to fix this problem on Iraq, every week. Its not an issue of whether the world is percieved to be giving America the same care and support as those who suffer elsewhere have recieved (who truly couldn't fix the problem themselves), its simply an issue of need. America is the last country on earth that NEEDS charity. Basically your only excuse is disorganisation. Its not the world's responsibility to donate funds to the richest nation on earth just because the American government is inefficient with opening up the required funds to fix the problem in a timely manner.

In my country's case, Australia is already up the US's bum so far with unwavering support for military operations we really have nothing to do with, I think we have gone above and beyond what we were ever required to do (nothing). I figure Austalia is fine not giving cash, we are one of the most generous countries in the world given our population. We gave a MUCH larger sum to those who suffered in the tsunami than the US did, we can only spend so much on foriegn aid, our resources are stretched as it is. We have our own problems thanks, so stop whingeing. Besides, those suffering elsewhere have it much worse than any American, but they just aren't on the news right at the moment. You just expect $$ because its a recent news story. Disasters like this happen quite often around the world. People deal with it. There are still people in the world who's whole lives have only been suffering and poverty. This disaster IS sad and I feel for everyone affected, but the truth is that its only a minor hiccup (and an easily affordable and fixable one) compared to problems that exist elsewhere. Considering that ALL people are born equal, what you're inferring is that American's lives should come before other's, who are still suffering much worse and for longer than you guys ever will.

The concept of charity should be pure generousity for the sake of human life, for the sake of human rights. There isn't a disclaimer saying that if you donate you will automatically recieve charity from everyone else one day. Its not a business transaction mate. Its about NEED. The reality of being the richest country in the world is that you don't actually NEED cash from poorer nations who have way tighter budgets than yourself. Richer nations usually donate to the poorer nations. Thats the nature of charity, its about helping relieve real suffering when it occurs in countries which are otherwise powerless to prevent it. The reality is that you may percieve mean-ness by the world, but the reason you're not getting the same support is because YOU CAN AFFORD IT EASILY. Any donation would be token - simply to make it LOOK like a particular country cares, without really speeding up the repairs in any real way (as long as the US government can direct funds to where they're needed in an efficient manner, which is really your own fault if you don't have your **** together, considering the resources you have at hand). I can't think of many countries that have the budget to go handing out cash to the richest country in the world simply as a token of generosity to make some yanks FEEL GOOD. It would be a crime against humanity to not give it to a more needy cause.

Why would I save 10 babies when I could save 100 or more with the same money? Nationality makes no difference in my concept of responsible charity.
As far as I can tell 20 or so countries have offered aid, including Honduras and Venezuela, it's the US Government which has been reticent in accepting it.

"I'm not expecting much from foreign nations because we hadn't asked for it. I do expect a lot of sympathy and perhaps some will send cash dollars. But this country's going to rise up and take care of it," condescended Bush on ABC's 'Good Morning America'.

Maybe it's time to get of your high horses and start asking some questions of your illustrious leader?

Edit - Like "Why are our sea defences so crap?"
Ghost C
Nobody is demanding money. I just think it's ironic that people expect the US to rush to the aid of EVERYONE, yet we recieve little, if anything, in return.

What goes around will eventually come around - Don't say you didn't see it coming when the US closes the door to the huge vault of money we reserve for giving to other countries and says "Sorry, this isn't for you anymore".

I'm afriad you dont know much about what goes on outside your country and only know what the media tells you.

Ever since the Iraq war started Australia has been by your side, we always are helping you guys and what do we get? Im sure UK troops came to help you as well, remeber it wasnt our war, it was yours, nothing in Australia was in any more risk after 9/11 then before. The biggest threat for Australia came when we accepted to help you guys. Like i said earlier your country may not recive lots of money from others but most of us (UK, Australia) are willing to help you if your willing to swallow your pride and ask. Im positive if Mr Bush phoned Jonny howard, and said Yo, can you send over a few dudes to help us evacute some Aussies and Americains, Johnny would help right away.

I just hope when the time comes and Australia needs your help that you wont forget that we've answered your calls and been on your side ever since WWI.

"Mateship" is valued highly in Australia.
I'm afriad you dont know much about what goes on outside your country and only know what the media tells you.

Ever since the Iraq war started Australia has been by your side, we always are helping you guys and what do we get? Im sure UK troops came to help you as well, remeber it wasnt our war, it was yours, nothing in Australia was in any more risk after 9/11 then before. The biggest threat for Australia came when we accepted to help you guys. Like i said earlier your country may not recive lots of money from others but most of us (UK, Australia) are willing to help you if your willing to swallow your pride and ask. Im positive if Mr Bush phoned Jonny howard, and said Yo, can you send over a few dudes to help us evacute some Aussies and Americains, Johnny would help right away.

I just hope when the time comes and Australia needs your help that you wont forget that we've answered your calls and been on your side ever since WWI.

"Mateship" is valued highly in Australia.

Good stuff mate. Crikey youse put that well. 👍

Australia became much more a terrorist target as soon as we chose to help in Iraq, so I think its an extremely bad idea to even think about asking Australia for $$.

Btw our SAS troops kick ten kinds of crap outta ANYTHING the yanks have to offer. Thats why we help train many US troops over here in Aus. BECAUSE WE ARE AS TOUGH AS A BRICK ****HOUSE. We did some of the hardest initial work in Iraq, our crack troops going in first and taking out hundreds and hundreds of the best Iraqi henchmen and gaining control of many important strategic areas and installations. Hopefully, Australia is a friend Bush really appreciates (Johnny and George are good mates apparently), due to our kick-arsedness and irrational loyalty to America. I thought we might've learnt our lesson after Vietnam and stayed out of America's wars, but no...

We might ***** about going to stupid wars that have nothing to do with us, but like the greeks asking the spartans to help fight, when push comes to shove we kick everyone's arse. In every war we've fought in (WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iraq) Australian troops had the highest kill rate per soldier out of any country. Bet you fat yanks didn't know that eh?

from another article on The Guardians website
Why city's defences were down
The Louisiana coastline may have been so badly damaged by the hurricane because manmade engineering of the delta has led to erosion of natural defences, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers.

The engineering of the last 100 years that has reworked the Mississippi delta with thousands of miles of levees and flood barriers to protect communities and aid navigation, has also disturbed natural barriers which traditionally prevented storm surges and protected against hurricanes, says the society.

"Human activity, directly or indirectly, has caused 1,500 square miles of natural coastal barriers to be eroded in the past 50 years. Human activity has clearly been a significant factor in coastal Louisiana land losses, along with subsidence, saltwater intrusion, storm events, barrier island degradation, and relative sea level changes," the society said in a paper last year.

It warned that "New Orleans and surrounding areas would now experience the full force of hurricanes, including storm surges that top levee systems and cause severe flooding as well as high winds".

The damage done this time may be also linked to White House cuts in funding for hurricane defence to pay for homeland security terrorist defences.

Lloyd Dumas, professor of political economy and economics at the University of Texas at Dallas, criticised the government's failure to oversee a more efficient evacuation. "It's remarkable that with the massive restructuring of the federal government that took place with the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, they don't have more well thought-out plans to evacuate a city like New Orleans," he said.

"An emphasis should be placed on plans that have multiple purposes, like evacuation plans for a city like New Orleans that can of course be useful in the event of a terrorist attack but also in the event of a natural disaster like this one ... There were plans during the cold war to evacuate major cities in a few days."

Professor Dumas added that not enough provision seemed to have been made for poor people. "There doesn't seem to have been much attention paid to people who didn't have private automobiles," he said. "I didn't hear anything about school buses or city buses being used to aim people out of town." He said that there appeared to be little forward planning to cater to those on low incomes who would be unable to return to their homes for up to two months but who would not have the money to pay for that time in a hotel. "The Department of Homeland Security says on its website that it deals with natural disasters," he said. "They don't seem to have done a very good job. There doesn't seem to have been any long-term planning."

The war in Iraq was also being seen as playing a part in the federal response to the crisis. Many members of the National Guard who would normally have been swiftly mobilised to help in evacuation are on duty in Iraq. Although US air force, navy and army units were deployed to assist, the locally-based National Guard is depleted by the demands of the war.
It seems to me that America is in a catch 22. If we take money from other nations then chances are they are going to feel that we "owe" them something. If we don't send cash out to other nations fast enough, we're just greedy rich Americans. Either way, it makes America look bad.

BTW, I do understand that the average American is rich compared to about 2/3 of the planets population.
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