- 10,116
- Maryland, USA
- swift-bass
JacktheHatHow exactly is irony rough?
Excellent grammar there.
JacktheHatHow exactly is irony rough?
SwiftIt seems to me that America is in a catch 22. If we take money from other nations then chances are they are going to feel that we "owe" them something. If we don't send cash out to other nations fast enough, we're just greedy rich Americans. Either way, it makes America look bad.
SwiftBTW, I do understand that the average American is rich compared to about 2/3 of the planets population.
TheCrackerIts got nothing to do with 'owing', its got everything to do with the 'rich' helping those less fortunate. I would have thought that you, as a Christian, would understand that concept. America needs no financial 'aid' from any other nations, although i'm sure its been offered. One of the things you do need is Oil - the EU has already offered this.
its probably closer to +90%
TheCrackerIts got nothing to do with 'owing', its got everything to do with the 'rich' helping those less fortunate. I would have thought that you, as a Christian, would understand that concept. America needs no financial 'aid' from any other nations, although i'm sure its been offered. One of the things you do need is Oil - the EU has already offered this.
its probably closer to +90%
danoffHow about this. We'll take care of ourselves if you take care of yours....
Oh wait, nobody but the US can seem to manage to do that.
Young_WarriorThe reason why noone is sending america aid is because america doesnt need it. You guys have enough resources and money to deal with the matter yourselves. How many people actually died due to katrina? Couple hundred?
In the West Indies countries such as jamaica have been hit by cat 4 hurricanes annually and they didnt exactly get aid from other countries. They sorted themselves out and theyre a poor country. Isnt jamaica a third world nation?
danoffHow about this. We'll take care of ourselves if you take care of yours....
Oh wait, nobody but the US can seem to manage to do that.
Small_FryzNo nobody...
You won WWII on your own didnt you.
SwiftOk, let me get this straight. Since we have more money then everyone else, we should then give it to everyone and expect no help at all? I am a Christian and I give an amount of money away every month that would equal most BMW car payments. So I'm not a greedy person. But it is really annoying to give and give and give then when we're in need. "Well, it's America, they'll be fine. But they'd better help us the next time we get a famine or natual disaster!" That's the attitude that I'm talking about. I realize that not all countries are like this. But enough of them are to make a difference.
SwiftSo I'm not a greedy person. But it is really annoying to give and give and give then when we're in need. "Well, it's America, they'll be fine. But they'd better help us the next time we get a famine or natual disaster!"
SwiftNot at all. But I'd have to say that it wasn't going to well until we got involved, wouldn't you?
Young_Warriorthe rich 20% of the worlds population consume 80% of the worlds food.
America makes up about 15% of that rich worlds population.
And if by 'taking care of ourselves' you mean sticking your nose into everyone else's business then i guess you are right
Young_WarriorHow did america become the most powerful nation in the world in such a short space of time?
Americans never like to talk about the crimes which got them rich yet speak about and tell other nations what to do.
America got rich by its slave labour and the two world wars.
Also american companies are basically raping all other countries by its poor unfair trade standards. If you guys were more fair and balanced then continents like africa wouldnt need your help but the fact is that america needs africa also.
BlazinXtremeThis thread is starting to sicken me, I just asked a simple why and it turns into an American bashing thread. I try not to be racist or prejudice but sometimes I just can't help it when you see people act like this. Could I go off about a bunch of countries? Yes I could, but do I? No because it doesn't help solve anything.
America does have a lot of money because well we worked for it. I don't think any other country deserves our money. It seems like the rest of the world is a bastard to us, I just want to know what would happen if we cut off their funding?
Ghost CSomething wrong with the world? Blame America.
We need some money? Call America.
Something went right in the world? Don't even think about saying America had anything to do with it.
America needs help? Hah. **** those damn Yanks we already helped them once for all the six hundred times they helped us, we don't need to help them.
Puh-lease. If you people could get any more biased, I'd be thoroughly impressed.
Young_WarriorIm sure the rest of the world didnt decide to be bastards out of nowhere.
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
If any nations should be super rich dut to hard work ethics it should be germany. Theyre whole life and work attitude is to work fast safely and efficently. Time keeping is a uber most with them and they are one of the hardest working nations in the world.
Just imagine if all the countries in the world decided to boycott america and not send any trade. America would pretty soon be down on their knees. America take and thay take alot andquite frankly american society is all about media and marketing and the brainwashing of a nation with patriotism and drowning their people in propaganda.
Just imagine if all the countries in the world decided to boycott america and not send any trade. America would pretty soon be down on their knees. America take and thay take alot andquite frankly american society is all about media and marketing and the brainwashing of a nation with patriotism and drowning their people in propaganda.
BlazinXtremeAmerica does have a lot of money because well we worked for it. I don't think any other country deserves our money. It seems like the rest of the world is a bastard to us, I just want to know what would happen if we cut off their funding?
Small_FryzIve already said how UK and Australia and even NZ helped out the US, especially Australia in WWI, II and veitnam, and now Iraq.
I think we do a lot for you guys. What countries are you aiming these statements at? 3rd world countries?
BlazinXtremeAmerica does have a lot of money because well we worked for it.
Young_WarriorYeah you guys sure knew how to keep your slaves in line to do your work.
Yeah you guys sure knew how to keep your slaves in line to do your work.
BlazinXtremeYou realize how easy it would be for America to substain itself? Pretty damn easy. We would not be begging the world...in fact if we were isolationist I think America would be much better.
BTW I like this Ghost C guys...at least he knows whats up 👍.
Ghost CI believe it was the US who saved Europe's ass in World War II, but that's not the point.
I'm aiming my statements at the citizens of every country. Not the governments - The governments are probably more than willing and ready to send the US aid.
I'm speaking of the biased citizens, the ones who believe that America owes the world something so much that they believe the rest of the world should refuse America aid in it's time of need. The completely biased people who think that America is corrupt, and for that reason we deserve no help - But we should help everyone else, because as we all know corrupt national leaders are always in to forking over billions of dollars in foreign aid EVERY. YEAR.
Basically, the people like Young Warrior or TheCracker.