Where was God on 9/11?

  • Thread starter Pako


Staff Emeritus
United States
NW Montana
GTP Pako
Where was God on 9/11?

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane
Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" (regarding the
attacks on 9/11).

Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said,
"I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years
we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government
and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has
calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His
protection if we demand He leave us alone?" In light of recent
events...terrorist attacks, school shootings, etc., I think it started
when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently)
complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.

Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school...the Bible
says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as
yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they
misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might
damage their self-esteem . We said an expert should know what he's
talking about. And we said OK. (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide)

Then someone said teachers and principals better not discipline our
children when they misbehave. The school administrators said no faculty member in
this school better touch a student when they misbehave because we don't
want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want to be sued (there's a big
difference between disciplining, touching, beating, smacking,
humiliating, kicking, etc.). And we said OK.

Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions if they want,
and they won't even have to tell their parents. And we said OK. Then some
wise school board member said, since boys will be boys and they're going to do
it anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms they want so they can have
all the fun they desire, and we won't have to tell their parents they got
them at school. And we said OK.

Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't matter what we do
in private as long as we do our jobs. Agreeing with them, we said it doesn't
matter to me what anyone, including the President, does in private as
long as I have a job and the economy is good. And we said OK.

Then someone said let's print magazines with pictures of nude women and
call it wholesome, down-to-earth appreciation for the beauty of the female
body. And we said OK.

And then someone else took that appreciation a step further and published
pictures of nude children and then further again by making them available
on the Internet. And we said OK...they're entitled to free speech.

Then the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and movies that
promote profanity, violence, and illicit sex. Let's record music that
encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide and satanic themes. And we said
it's just entertainment, it has no adverse effect, nobody takes it seriously
anyway, so go right ahead.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they
don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill
strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it
out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the
world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but
question what the Bible says.

Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like
wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think
twice about sharing.

Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through
cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and

Are you laughing?

Funny how when you forward this message, you probably will not send it to
many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or
what they will think of you for sending it.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than
what God thinks of us.

I don't belive in god. I don't belive there is some spirit that built this earth. Or created humans. I do however believe there could of been a man that was trying to spread his beleifs and only after he died we appreciated them.
Uh-oh, this actually makes sense... Beware of the flame, Pako! :eek:
:lol: Flame is good....how else could I cook my chicken?

I can clearly see that this thread can and probably will take on a life of it's own, despite the original post. This a good thing as it shows our social interaction among other people within a society.

In reading the original post, the question that comes to my mind, is what are we willing to sacrifice in order to have seperation of church and state. Was it so bad before the liberals became a doninating force in our government? Disreguarding a religious debate, the morals of this country are on a downward slide along with our quality of life. What do you think is the cause of this?

Interesting isn't it?

Liberals have a proud legacy of moral relativism and guilt spreading and don't you forget it!
Originally posted by Talentless
Liberals have a proud legacy of moral relativism and guilt spreading and don't you forget it!

Yep - we should all be so lucky to be using the Internet that Al Gore invented! :D
Well I'm not religious, and believe that it is unfair to force religon onto our children :shakehead

Remember that the World Trade Centre incident was carried out under the name of Religon, ok so it's Allah and not God but all the same.........:earth:
I agree with you that religon should not be forced. I also think that anti-religon should not be forced as well. But I don't that Graham's daughter is suggesting forced religon as a solution.
Well, I don't believe in much of anything religius, I'm like as reform Jewish as someone could get, we don't go to temple exept on a major holiday(gives me and my bro reasons to get out of school, and a lot of times, my crappy temple's parking lot is full and we go home)or if it's a family thing. We do celebrate Hanuka(why not? it's great getting 7 little gifts a 1 huge gift, I got my PS2 on Hanuka) and Passover with family, but other than that, we don't care.

People say that religion is good and that it helps in your life, sorry, not for me. If it worked to begin with, would I be an ugly short kid? No I wouldn't.

And I'm getting really tired of all of those Jesus this and Jesus that stuff. First of, Christianity uses Jesus for most everything, even though he was Jewish. And then there's Christmas, just an excuse to get stuff, and for older men to get children to sit on thier lap and think that Santa is all good. It just screws up travel, shopping, and gas prices. And everything is Merry Christmas, Christmas this, X mas that, and kids get off of school for it, but Hanuka, the 8 day oil lamp miracle, a major holiday celebrated by millions of people, and probably over 50% in ST.Louis, but we don't get off at all for Hanuka, not 1 day....what is Judism not as good as Christianity?

Then there's Jahova's Witnesses. What did they witness? And why do they have to go door to door to convert people? If they were worthy, wouldn't people join anyway? They are useless IMO...

And then comes all of the people who give an imaginary being credit for virtually everything that happens. "I just won the Datona 500, God was with me". I highly doubt God spends several hours driving around in circles while people are dying...

And, according to most, God is everywhere all the time, so God was there. Hate to say this people, but God is not always good for everyone.

Sorry if this pisses anyone off, but too bad, it's my opinion, take it how you like, but I don't worship anyone or anything, I'm not about to waste my life praising a "being", imaginary or not, and end up hurt and blaming God for something that was inevitable. If you have to blame someone, blame yourself or blame the person who hurt you in someway.
ohh BTW, I fully support the separation of religion and state. Putting religion with state creats needless controversy and problems. Ohh and the thing about the Pledge of alligience, first off, making kids say it every school day is just the goverment's way of brainwashing children to believe that USA is better than anyone else. And I do like the US a lot, it's a strong country, it's a good place to live if you can find the good place to live. But this pledge, not only does it give away freedom in a sense, but it means that if you value something of another country, you just broke the pledge! Everyone has broken the pledge on more than 100 different things, gurenteed. And it's a waste of time, a good 2 minutes just to say a fake pledge. Ohh and the God part of it, refer to my previeus post...
I love the way she can rationally imply that God has just left humanity to its own workings as a recent event, as if spanking, seperation of church and state or the media have had any influences on the will of God in the least. Jack the ripper figured out how to rape and murder without seeing a single "Deathwish" movie, just as Christians and Muslims were waging a war in God's name 900 years before the world had ever seen a suicide attack. The sad fact of life is that humans are violent creatures by nature, and part of what elevates us as a species is the ability to choose, and show restraint to our most primal urges.
Now we have this amazing invention called the media which provides us with a bombardment of information beyond anything we can comprehend as individuals. When the great explorers of Europe landed on North American shores where was CNN to deliberate the cause and effect of several million deaths caused by European diseases to the Native Americans? Terrible things have happened throughout history in every single corner of the world, and for us to think that the world is actually becoming a worse place to live is actually kind of greedy and self absorbed. There are fewer wars on earth at this moment than in all of recorded history, and while we will have horrendous events like 9/11, nothing is happening at this moment that compares to the losses of trench warfare in World War I. All of these advocates are too busy making $1.5 million+ debating the mistakes of others while the real differences are being made in places like community centers which have little or no money and still continue to help dozens of children. Perhaps we should walk through the Graham house, and see how much shame it puts most of the celebrity homes on MTV's cribs to before we decide that this person has any clue as to what goes on in an 'average' life.
Sure we have newer and deadlier diseases, weapons of mass destruction, Ike and Tina, Michael Jackson Marrying Elvis' Daughter, suicide bombers, MTV2, killer bees, and Sean Comb's reunion with J-lo, but there have been similar things througout history. Just remember that Catherine the Great was crushed by a horse on a pully system as it was being lowered on top of her for..... gratification :odd:
I think what Anne Graham(?) says is absolutely right. You can't ask "Where was god on 9/11?", if we keep pushing god out of society. Should you still expect him to stop something like this from happening if we keep telling him to get out of our lives completely?
What, so the free will of men has no place here?

I would have thought the actions of Muslim extremists would have served a strong warning on the dangers of fundamentalist religion. The people who put those planes into those buildings so strongly in their god they were prepared do die in his name - is that what you want?

Perhaps if people just focused on being good people and being good to each other, rather than pushing their own agendas and being so bloody selfish, a lot of this crap wouldn't happen.

Have you actually analysed in any depth events leading up to September 11? Why do you think no-one in the US Government was actually surprised by this?
Originally posted by MazKid
ohh BTW, I fully support the separation of religion and state. Putting religion with state creats needless controversy and problems. Ohh and the thing about the Pledge of alligience, first off, making kids say it every school day is just the goverment's way of brainwashing children to believe that USA is better than anyone else. And I do like the US a lot, it's a strong country, it's a good place to live if you can find the good place to live. But this pledge, not only does it give away freedom in a sense, but it means that if you value something of another country, you just broke the pledge! Everyone has broken the pledge on more than 100 different things, gurenteed. And it's a waste of time, a good 2 minutes just to say a fake pledge. Ohh and the God part of it, refer to my previeus post...

Brainwashing? I'm sorry but the pledge of allegence is not a Brainwashing theory, however, Video games, imo is the core of a secret militiant sect aiming at world domination, and we are all in training.... 😈
Originally posted by Pako

Brainwashing? I'm sorry but the pledge of allegence is not a Brainwashing theory, however, Video games, imo is the core of a secret militiant sect aiming at world domination, and we are all in training.... 😈

😈 so true :D
Originally posted by Saleen Man
Really? What happened in the 40's?

Formation of Israel in 1947 - you can pretty much trace a lot of modern dramas in the middle east to this event.

Before everyone jumps on me - that is, in addition to all the old, ancient troubles...
Yes, and since then, Israel has been casually destroying, firing on, and killing innocent Palestinians! I've got the timeline somewhere.
Yeah, yeah - lately it's been total Palestinian suicide attacks, but in the '60's, Israel did some pretty hard stuff.
Originally posted by M5Power
Yeah, yeah - lately it's been total Palestinian suicide attacks, but in the '60's, Israel did some pretty hard stuff.

That whole thing's been a hotbed - the Arabs tried to invade in '48 after opposing the formation of Israel in the UN, got their arses kicked, and it's basically gone on from there.

Having lived in a country that's only had one serious threat to its borders, I can't even to begin to understand how a mind that has been subjected to 55 years of basically constant warfare thinks.

The thing that ticks me off is Israel trying to take the moral high ground, and then pulling stuff like they did at that refugee camp a month or so again (something that's been quietly swept under the carpet) - I hate to think how many people died there - they'll never know, the tanks and bulldozers basically ground the human remains there into dust.
Well, I need not remind you of 1967 when Israel intelligence indicated that Egypt was planning an attack (along with Jordan and some other country...Syria! That's it!). In any case, Israel decided to strike first, without telling anybody including its allies - the whole world was up in arms, I'm sure.

Frankly I think Israel would be allowed the moral high ground nowadays, but for some reason, I can't seem to give them sympathy. Maybe it's them leveling a compound in Ramallah looking for militants (only fifteen) who weren't even inside the compound. What a joke!