Where was God on 9/11?

  • Thread starter Pako
That was the name of the camp I was referring to - buggered if I could remember it. We'll never know how many died there.
You should be happy for what didnt happen to the US government, if the terrorist plan went as they planned it to, the US wouldnt have a capital, with half of the senators dead, Dik Cheney would be dead, and no white house.
yea, but I hate to say it, but Mr. Cheney's heart is going to give out sometime...
I do believe the US would still have a capital, no matter what the terrorists do. I hope the word you were searching for was 'Capitol,' which is how the building version is spelled.

We don't need a White House or **** Cheney to run this country (into the ground). All we need is WorldCom!
Does it block "Dick?"

We don't need a White House or Dick Cheney to run this country (into the ground). All we need is WorldCom!

the US would be on its knees, begging Europe to help them if the Talibans plans for 9/11 all went according to plan.

Instead of complaining about what happened, think about what could've happened

Oh yea, i meant capitol. Half the senators and congressmen would have been dead. Imagine the turmoil of trying to replace them?
Sure, but if they were all in the Assembly room at the time, it could take them out.

And one plane took out the entire World Trade complex, no? :(
It probably just depends on how the plane would have hit the capitol, the only thing that stopped it was those passengers who wrestled with the terrorists which ended up the plane crashing
Originally posted by Pako
Where was God on 9/11?

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane
Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" (regarding the
attacks on 9/11).

Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said,
"I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years
we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government
and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has
calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His
protection if we demand He leave us alone?" In light of recent
events...terrorist attacks, school shootings, etc., I think it started
when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently)
complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.

Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school...the Bible
says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as
yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they
misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might
damage their self-esteem . We said an expert should know what he's
talking about. And we said OK. (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide)

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the
world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but
question what the Bible says.


First of all I find this tirade frighteningly right-wing and a little fundamentalist. Remember - the people who crashed into the WTC were acting in the name of "God". Ever wondered how so much of the suffering, pain and attrocity in this world is carried out in the name of religion?

You argue that God was not looking out for the US, cos you guys have rejected his word so much (as a nation). Well, the idea of a petulant God withdrawing his supposeldy uncondidional love for his children because of their misbehaviour is frankly very scary. Are we doomed to be forwever striving to earn God's love, or does he give it freely as any parent should? This chick's theory sucks dude.

If you ever wondered if there was a God out there on 9/11, the obvious answer is yes, but his name was Allah, cos in the riduculous battle of "my God is better than your God", the other guy won that round.

Oh, and one more thing....

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it
out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."

Yes you reap what you sow - your foreign policy has managed to generate such hatred around the world that you are now a target for massive terrorist action. And as your chief ally we're right in line to catch it too. Cheers for that.
Originally posted by troy
I don't belive in god. I don't belive there is some spirit that built this earth. Or created humans. I do however believe there could of been a man that was trying to spread his beleifs and only after he died we appreciated them.

well put very well put but despite it i belive in god but i cant help my thoughts of where was he on this sad sad day i believe this to be no laughing matter i wonder what where his thoughts on 9/11 man i really hate osama bi laden dum ass i dont care i you edit that i hate him not midle easterns because they got the distorted truth but osama needs to learn and i would teach him along with half the planet to learn some respect for life and he aint dead yet but he will be if i ever find him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Just as Job was tested of Satan, with God's permission, So have we been tested.
For the most part, we have "tightened the circle" and pulled together as a nation. It's sad that something so terrible had to happen for us to reach out to each other.
But I kind of like the fact that American's are, for the most part, being a little nicer to each other, and to other nations.
Thankfully, we didn't have to lose everything before we pulled together.
Hopefully, we will continue to pull together, as a nation...who knows? As a world? :earth:
Originally posted by vat_man

Formation of Israel in 1947 - you can pretty much trace a lot of modern dramas in the middle east to this event.

Before everyone jumps on me - that is, in addition to all the old, ancient troubles...

since about the 1990's when the attacks were going on, the U.S. had to come in to the Middle East to keep SCUD missiles from firing into Isreal. The events in the M.E. dragged in more countries, then 9/11 happened, now its a war on the M.E. and North African terrorists. No one knows how long that'll last, or what it'll cause, or what impact it'll have on the world.
i dont know i just get this cold, spine-chillin' kind of a feelin' when i think about it. i dont know maybe i need sleep...yes...sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepp...
Paco, what religion are you, by chance? Catholic? If so, that's cool. I'm Catholic, and I agree that we (although I'm being hypocritical by judging here) have seriously fücked ourselves over. Besides, isn't there somewhere in the Bible(I can't remember exact passages or chapter numbers or any of the specifics) saying that there will be wars and such, but as long as we love Jesus, therefore we love God, and will have a seat in Heaven?
Different religous denominations have different views on what it takes to get to heaven. Some say that you have to be one of the 144,000 chosen ones to get to heaven, while the rest of us "good" people "shall enherit the earth", while other denominations believe that asking Jesus, their Lord and Savior into their hearts to be the director of their lives will get them to heaven. While other denominations believe that someone else can "Pray" them into heaven, asking God for mercy on thier souls. Eitherway, if we aspire to be as "Christ like" as we humanly can according to his examples and teachings I really don't think we have a lot to worry about. In looking at all the different Denominations or different religions for that matter, I can't imagine that God would say, "Yep, you guys are the only ones that figured it out, the rest of you are OUT!!" I was raised in the Nazarene church, which is a christian based denomination of prodistent (sp?) origin I think. My dad was a minister, so I was subject to the church all my life, yet with most "Legalized" or "Organized" religions, I can find faults with them because of the human factor intoduced as elements into all of them. On the other hand, I can see a lot of good that can come out of said religions.... As far as the original post from Billy Grahms daughter, I don't whole heartedly agree with everything she said, but it does raise some interesting questions and concepts.

At what price to we pay for freedom? At what price do we pay for peace? At what price to we pay for salvation?


Originally posted by MazKid
ohh BTW, I fully support the separation of religion and state. Putting religion with state creats needless controversy and problems. Ohh and the thing about the Pledge of alligience, first off, making kids say it every school day is just the goverment's way of brainwashing children to believe that USA is better than anyone else. And I do like the US a lot, it's a strong country, it's a good place to live if you can find the good place to live. But this pledge, not only does it give away freedom in a sense, but it means that if you value something of another country, you just broke the pledge! Everyone has broken the pledge on more than 100 different things, gurenteed. And it's a waste of time, a good 2 minutes just to say a fake pledge. Ohh and the God part of it, refer to my previeus post...

I totally agree. America is a great place to live, and I should probably be more grateful than I am that I wasn't born as a poor starving child in AIDS infested Africa. But I'm going to stick with my opinion and say that the pledge is a load of BS. I always stand up during it. But I do not open my mouth, nor put my hand over my heart. Maybe if we weren't so blindly proud of ourselves we'd realize why so many non-americans hate this place.
Originally posted by M5Power
Yes, and since then, Israel has been casually destroying, firing on, and killing innocent Palestinians! I've got the timeline somewhere.

Although it may be because I'm an ignorant American, but why can't somebody(an unknown person) take martial law over the two countries, then basically fuse the two together. Over 20-30 years, they forget about the borders, or simply find what was so wrong before, that the military leader lifts the Martial Law, gives the country(newly founded now) it's independance, and says that if there's any more trouble, they'll take it over again.

The point of having it be an unknown person, group, et cetera, is so they can't pin-point the source. They can go pointing fingers, but then they'd look like fools if they pointed at the wrong person, so that(hopefully) would prevent them from doing such.
Originally posted by rjensen11

Although it may be because I'm an ignorant American, but why can't somebody(an unknown person) take martial law over the two countries, then basically fuse the two together. Over 20-30 years, they forget about the borders, or simply find what was so wrong before, that the military leader lifts the Martial Law, gives the country(newly founded now) it's independance, and says that if there's any more trouble, they'll take it over again.

Though this is a very good idea it's somewhat naive. Do you think Israel and Palestine - who both want the land - would just give it to someone unknown, then precede to live side by side? The US wouldn't stand for that, I know.
Originally posted by SublimeDood10

I totally agree. America is a great place to live, and I should probably be more grateful than I am that I wasn't born as a poor starving child in AIDS infested Africa. But I'm going to stick with my opinion and say that the pledge is a load of BS. I always stand up during it. But I do not open my mouth, nor put my hand over my heart. Maybe if we weren't so blindly proud of ourselves we'd realize why so many non-americans hate this place.

I also agree that the plege is completley Büll****. I mean, we're basically saying that we'll protect it no matter the cost. Hell, the only two things I'm willing to do that for are as follows:

1) My Family

2) God

Vince Lombardi said something along
"God, family and the Green Bay Packers ... mattered"

P.S. I also found these quotes, and I couldn't pass them up:
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Benjamin Franklin

I believe in the sun even though it is slow in rising. I believe in you without realizing. I believe in rain though there are no clouds in the sky. I believe in truth even though people lie. I believe in peace though sometimes I am violent. I believe in God even though he is silent.

God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry it's weight
--Reggie White