Where was God on 9/11?

  • Thread starter Pako
Originally posted by NASCARnut

Atheism has never still, never given answers to our existance.

What if I don't care at all about our existence, and only care about the fact we exist?
Originally posted by NASCARnut

Atheism has never still, never given answers to our existance.

I don't want to start a debate on the creation of the world and whether there is a god or not, and it will always be the religious people against the scientists, but i don't think that what you're saying there is true. Scientists have allready found some answers.

But we are drifting away from the main topic here.
Originally posted by M5Power
A few years ago, a commercial airline pilot in Egypt aimed his plane, full of passengers, towards the ground, muttering "God will save me." But guess what? God didn't save him, or his passengers. Every one of them died.

There's a little lesson about putting all your trust in your 'saviour.'

Well perhaps he put his faith in a false god. When Christians say their God will save them it doesn't always pertain to the here and now. Salvation is immediate for those that ask for it but the salvation isn't for the flesh.

That's something that I don't think you will understand. I'm not trying to say you aren't smart to understand it (you seem very intelligent) but I don't think you care to understand it.
Originally posted by DGB454
Well perhaps he put his faith in a false god. When Christians say their God will save them it doesn't always pertain to the here and now.

That's because they know God doesn't exist in the here-and-now.
Originally posted by DGB454
They? I am a they...I know he exists in the here and now.
So then go stand in front of a train when it is coming.

Not wishing death upon you or anything, but if you're so confident, I'd like to see it happen.
You might not like the explanation but I know because he lives in me. I feel his presence. I know you might come up with some other reason of what I feel and what I know to be true like it's just my need to believe in something but it wont deminish what I know.
Originally posted by M5Power
So then go stand in front of a train when it is coming.

Not wishing death upon you or anything, but if you're so confident, I'd like to see it happen.

I think Jesus said it best when Satan was trying to tempt him. Satan said basically that if God exist and will protect you then jump from the top of this temple. Jesus replied"It is also written "Do not put the Lord your God to the test"" Mat 4:7
Originally posted by M5Power
I'm not trying to diminish what you know, I'd just like to know how you know it, or prove that it exists.

I've already told you how I know he exists. Prove that he doesn't.
Guys...I'm not trying to get into a big debate on the existence of God or the non existence of him. Just stating my beliefs. I don't question your non beliefs. I'm not trying to make you believe. You believe what you want. Just don't be so quick to jump all over someone just because of their faith. I here so many on this board jump all over the people who express faith in a God and call them radicals among other things. It seems to me the radicals are those ready to say something negative to anyone who is a Christian just because they are a Christian. Why is that? Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid that we are trying to brainwash you? Have I or any of the others ever tried to tell you you have to be Christian and believe the way we do? Or are you afraid that just maybe we might be right?
Originally posted by DGB454
Guys...I'm not trying to get into a big debate on the existence of God or the non existence of him. Just stating my beliefs. I don't question your non beliefs. I'm not trying to make you believe. You believe what you want. Just don't be so quick to jump all over someone just because of their faith. I here so many on this board jump all over the people who express faith in a God and call them radicals among other things. It seems to me the radicals are those ready to say something negative to anyone who is a Christian just because they are a Christian. Why is that? Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid that we are trying to brainwash you? Have I or any of the others ever tried to tell you you have to be Christian and believe the way we do? Or are you afraid that just maybe we might be right?

Gee - for a paragraph that started with 'Guys...I'm not trying to get into a big debate...' you certainly came home with a rush there.

I don't know if there is or isn't a god - there might be an almight creator. I just can not accept all of the rhetoric, crap and hypocrisy that goes with all of the major religious belief systems. If there is this all-powerful, all-loving superior being I can not accept for one moment that this being would accept all the awful things done in his name - wars, masscres, ethnic cleansing - and make the demands of his followers that the various faiths do. It is the complete overturn of reason by various religions - the 'creation vs evolution' debate being a classic - that I find particularly galling.
Originally posted by gt2_gs
Meh, i believe god is for the week minded who need to believe in someone. Well heres a tip, why not just belive in yourself, eh? You can get alot more done if you believe in yourself than in something that doesnt exist.

Hmm, I find it the opposite, you can't even spell the proper word! It's weak, not week you dumbass! And I believe that those who do not believe in God:
A:) Are not able to believe anything that is not tangible
B:) Are not capable of raising their thought and mind to a higher level.

Oh, and this thread is now looking a lot like a thread I started a while ago... it was something about Creationism vs Evolutionism, you might want to check it out, there are some VERY long posts there and full of good knowledge for both sides of the arguement.
'creation vs evolution' debate being a classic - that I find particularly galling.

So do I. But I'm sure for entirely different reasons.
Originally posted by rjensen11
Hmm, I find it the opposite, you can't even spell the proper word! It's weak, not week you dumbass! And I believe that those who do not believe in God:
A:) Are not able to believe anything that is not tangible
B:) Are not capable of raising their thought and mind to a higher level.

That is astonishingly offensive - and you wonder why the people you so conveniently classify get their backs up!

Well, I find people who carry that sort of attitude are:
A ) Intolerant
b ) Incapable of rational analysis
Originally posted by vat_man
If there is this all-powerful, all-loving superior being I can not accept for one moment that this being would accept all the awful things done in his name - wars, masscres, ethnic cleansing - and make the demands of his followers that the various faiths do.

God doesn't say "hey you go out and kill yourself for me." The muslims are the ones that belive if you go out kill yourself in the name of allah, you will go to heaven.
Originally posted by DGB454
Guys...I'm not trying to get into a big debate on the existence of God or the non existence of him. Just stating my beliefs. I don't question your non beliefs.

No -- and you handled your point of view very well - you didn't force your religion on us, and you made a fair argument for your case. It isn't like either one of us is going to change how we believe in this case based on posts on the Internet.

Why is that? Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid that we are trying to brainwash you? Have I or any of the others ever tried to tell you you have to be Christian and believe the way we do? Or are you afraid that just maybe we might be right?

I don't call anyone radical, ever, except for myself. The only problem I have is when someone has blind allegiance to the bible and claims it's the only thing they and the country should be following. I've got no problem at all with you.
Originally posted by rjensen11
Hmm, I find it the opposite, you can't even spell the proper word! It's weak, not week you dumbass! And I believe that those who do not believe in God:
A:) Are not able to believe anything that is not tangible
B:) Are not capable of raising their thought and mind to a higher level.

BUT ON THE OTHER HAND... I need not reply to this. This is an absolute joke. Don't say things like this, ever again. This is offensive and intolerant of my beliefs. If you've come here just to fuel the fire, though it looks like you haven't and you actually meant what you said, you need to leave. If you actually did mean what you said, you seriously need to re-evaluate your position on religion and freedom of it. Goodbye.
Originally posted by M5Power
Does the Bible make mentions of Ferraris? :rolleyes:
How about a little proof?

Umm...I don't think they had cars back then.

The fossil record also shows a universal global flood. Worldwide fossils of animals and fish have been found buried in swimming positions---suddenly and catastrophically preserved in a moment of time. Rhinos, zebras, and hippos have been found buried in volcanic ash in Nebraska in swimming positions. The Beresovka River mammoth of Siberia was discovered half-kneeling, half-standing with buttercups in its mouth. In Scotland, tons of fish have been found in positions of terror with their fins extended and eyes bulging. Another fossil graveyard in Germany shows a mixture of plants and insects from all climatic zones. When these kinds of fossils are found together, it is usually indicative of global flooding and rapid burial.

If you want more proof read this page.
http://www.theoutlaws.com/unexplained9.htm :)

Like DGB454 said, I'm not trying to force you to believe what I do. If you feel that way, I'm sorry, I'm just stating what I believe and why I believe that.:)
Originally posted by NASCARnut
God doesn't say "hey you go out and kill yourself for me." The muslims are the ones that belive if you go out kill yourself in the name of allah, you will go to heaven.

Arrggggh!!! I was talking about the Church, not God!!!!

The example of Islam you refer to is extremist - Christianity's record on this sort of stuff is no better.
Originally posted by vat_man
Also, it appears that website has no concept that evolution takes place in the context of millions of years, and many thousands of generations.

But didn't you know, the Earth is only 6000 years old! So there's no way we could have evolved in 6000 years.

I work with a very religious man, and obviously our political views clash. When he brings the religion into any argument, I just drop it, it's no use arguing with someone who is going to bring up 'facts' like that.

Anywya, when someone is getting overbearing with thier Christianity, I just tell them, "According to the bible, only approximately 14,000 people are going to heaven. Total. How are your chances?"
Originally posted by NASCARnut
The fossil record also shows a universal global flood.

Nearly every wordlwide religion has a flood story. This would lend credence to all other religions as well as Christianity.