Where was God on 9/11?

  • Thread starter Pako
Originally posted by B Campbell

Anywya, when someone is getting overbearing with thier Christianity, I just tell them, "According to the bible, only approximately 14,000 people are going to heaven. Total. How are your chances?"

Originally posted by NASCARnut
Umm...I don't think they had cars back then.

The fossil record also shows a universal global flood. Worldwide fossils of animals and fish have been found buried in swimming positions---suddenly and catastrophically preserved in a moment of time. Rhinos, zebras, and hippos have been found buried in volcanic ash in Nebraska in swimming positions. The Beresovka River mammoth of Siberia was discovered half-kneeling, half-standing with buttercups in its mouth. In Scotland, tons of fish have been found in positions of terror with their fins extended and eyes bulging. Another fossil graveyard in Germany shows a mixture of plants and insects from all climatic zones. When these kinds of fossils are found together, it is usually indicative of global flooding and rapid burial.

If you want more proof read this page.
http://www.theoutlaws.com/unexplained9.htm :)

Um, I read the page and what you quoted and it in no way proves the statement you made.

Like DGB454 said, I'm not trying to force you to believe what I do. If you feel that way, I'm sorry, I'm just stating what I believe and why I believe that.:)
You do realise you said this, right? "...accept God as Lord and Savior or to reject him and his free gift to all of us. It's right there waiting for you. All you have to do is take it."
Originally posted by B Campbell
But didn't you know, the Earth is only 6000 years old! So there's no way we could have evolved in 6000 years.

"According to the bible, only approximately 14,000 people are going to heaven. Total. How are your chances?"

I agree with the first part but not the last. Show me where it says only 14,000 people will go to Heaven
Originally posted by B Campbell
But didn't you know, the Earth is only 6000 years old! So there's no way we could have evolved in 6000 years.

I work with a very religious man, and obviously our political views clash. When he brings the religion into any argument, I just drop it, it's no use arguing with someone who is going to bring up 'facts' like that.

Anywya, when someone is getting overbearing with thier Christianity, I just tell them, "According to the bible, only approximately 14,000 people are going to heaven. Total. How are your chances?"

Actually it's 144,000. Plus it doesn't say that those are the only ones that will make it. It simply says that 144,000 will be around the throne in heaven before God. The "elect" or the best of the best.
Originally posted by B Campbell
But didn't you know, the Earth is only 6000 years old! So there's no way we could have evolved in 6000 years.

well thats the creationist theory 4 u :/

and the world was made and populated in how mant days?
7? :odd:
I think we should drop the Creation VS. evolution theory.
it's too hard to prove either.

Ever wonder why they call it the evolution theory and not the evolution fact or the creation theory and not the creation fact?
Originally posted by DGB454
Actually it's 144,000. Plus it doesn't say that those are the only ones that will make it. It simply says that 144,000 will be around the throne in heaven before God. The "elect" or the best of the best.

Wow, thanks. Do you know what passage that is? I was just going to tell NASCARnut that I didn't know and was going to drop it.

To diverge even more off topic, I think it's really impossible for us to understand what the Bible actually means and interpret the words in a literal fashion. Not only is it vague, but it has gone through several translations to make it into one of the several versions you may read in English, and has been 'edited' many times through the centuries. We have no idea what the original really says.

To illustrate my point, take one of the popular internet translation functions of a search engine or browser. Translate an English passage into French, then German, then Japanese, then back to English, and see how it reads. This is a bit more extreme than what the Bible has been through, but the same point applies.
Originally posted by B Campbell
Wow, thanks. Do you know what passage that is? I was just going to tell NASCARnut that I didn't know and was going to drop it.

To diverge even more off topic, I think it's really impossible for us to understand what the Bible actually means and interpret the words in a literal fashion. Not only is it vague, but it has gone through several translations to make it into one of the several versions you may read in English, and has been 'edited' many times through the centuries. We have no idea what the original really says.

To illustrate my point, take one of the popular internet translation functions of a search engine or browser. Translate an English passage into French, then German, then Japanese, then back to English, and see how it reads. This is a bit more extreme than what the Bible has been through, but the same point applies.

Rev. 7:4

If you go to the NIV it is supposedly the best translated version today. They went back to the old Hebrew manuscripts and translated it but I agree that there is always something lost in translation. Plus it is always open to the interpretation of the reader. Especially Revelations. You almost have to read the whole Bible to get it. There are refferences to old testament passages that unless you have read the old testament and know it well you would miss.
I try to stay away from Revelations unless I have a lot of time and a good concordence handy.
Originally posted by DGB454
Ever wonder why they call it the evolution theory and not the evolution fact or the creation theory and not the creation fact?

Of course, both cannot be proven yet. And the evolution theory is merely a suggestion of course. But I will never be able to understand what beliefs can make a sane person consider the possibility of creation - as described in the bible - to have ever taken place. Which does not mean I don't respect your beliefs, I just don't understand them, or care to understand.
Originally posted by B Campbell
...Not only is it vague, but it has gone through several translations to make it into one of the several versions you may read in English, and has been 'edited' many times through the centuries. We have no idea what the original really says.

That's why I'm learning Latin and reading the Latin translation of the Bible off the Vatican's website. What, Latin was it's 3rd translation? From His word(debateable, but from my standpoint, I'll just say that to please about half of you, for the other half, I'm trying to please you by including the word *debateable*), from Hebrew(Old testament), then from Greek, and then into Latin. After that it went into German and all other languages after Germans made the first translation into the native languages.

Oh, and as to if I believed what I said earlier, I do agree I used piss-pore words. What I ment is that people just don't want to, not that they can't. They don't want to believe in things that are not tangible(yet they still believe in Love, yet that can't be scientifically proven...) because they don't want to have the chance at being wrong, and if I offend any more people with this, I'm sorry.

Oh and please, stop with the references to specific passages. I'm religious(not as religious as they come by any means, but I do think I am fairly religious...) and I just don't think it's best to do all that right now. After all, not all people are Christian. What about people of other Faiths?
Originally posted by M5Power
But because of a poorly-researched British website you believe evolution is? Are you married?

Evolution is a theory. It cannot and never will be proven. I promise you that. Now that we've all posted our thoughts on creation vs. evolution, can we please drop it. I'm tired of arguing about it.

I don't think 14 year olds can get married.:P
infact, the dinosaurs were gods idea of a joke just to keep us guessing what they were. In actual fact he/she planted them there and they didnt come from any animal, just from a sickos imagination....

fact! :P
In an attempt to make this a little more light hearted.

And before anyone starts up on me being blasphemous, If (IF) God exists then i'm certain he has a sense of humour.

I knicked this from one of our national newspapers.


I am privileged today to bring you another set of minutes from the most recent meeting of the United Deities – that is, all the gods, past and present.

1. The chairgod said that, as usual, the first item on the agenda was the possible merger between the Jewish God and the Christian God. He assumed that nothing had been done to effect a rapprochement between these sister religions, or he might have heard about it on the grapevine.

2. The Christian God said it was not a good time of year for him to get anything done, as he had to deal personally with Christmas and attend millions of carol services and nativity plays, in spirit or in person, which was a bit of trial, even when you were omnipresent.

3. The Jewish God said with the best will in the world, baloney. It was a long time since Christianity had much to do with Christmas. It was just a feast of giving and taking, eating and drinking. After all, he said, it was not even a Christian festival in essence – it was an old pagan midwinter festival that had been taken over by the Christian God from the old Welsh gods.

4. A Welsh god said not so much of the old, thank you very much.

5. The Jewish God said he was sorry.

6. The Welsh God said no offence taken.

7. The Jewish God reiterated his feeling that Christmas was Christian only in name. If any supernatural figure could take responsibility at Christmas time, it was not the Christian God, but Father Christmas. [Laughter.] Come to think of it, continued the Jewish God, why had Father Christmas never been invited to attend one of these sessions?

8. The Christian God said he didn't want to cause the Jewish God any distress by breaking the news to him, but apparently Father Christmas didn't exist. [More laughter.] In any case, Christmas was not just a church festival; it was also his only son's birthday, and he felt quite strongly about that.

9. Zeus said that if he had to bother every time one of his hundreds of children had a birthday, he would be a suitable case for retirement. Why, he did not even know the names of half of them. But then, in his day, gods had a healthy sex life, unlike some namby pamby gods that he could mention...

10. The chairgod said this wasn't getting anywhere and if the Jewish God and Christian God approached reconciliation in this spirit, he wasn't surprised that it never happened.

11. The Christian God said maybe the big question was not why he and the Jewish God were not blood brothers, but why the Jewish God and Allah had not come to some agreement. After all, it was not Christianity and Islam that were at daggers drawn in the Middle East.

12. The chairgod said he did not see why politics had to be drawn into this. It had been agreed long ago that the gods were not responsible for the actions of their followers. If they were, then every god should feel very guilty indeed, as humans tended to behave badly no matter who they followed.

13. Except, said Allah, followers of Buddha, who did tend to be peaceable, and he would like to give them credit for that, and to apologise for what was done in the name of Islam to the biggest statues of Buddha in the world. Buddha said nothing as usual, but onlookers said they thought they detected a slight smile.

14. The Christian God said that if they thought Buddhists were exempt from bad behaviour, they were talking through their haloes. Burma was one of the most Buddhist countries in the world, yet their history was hideously bloodstained...

15. The chairgod intervened hastily to remind them that political point-scoring was a human vice, not a divine one, and at this rate they would be talking about sport, which was so far beneath contempt that even an Australian god would not descend to it, if there were one.

16. An Australian Aboriginal god said what did he mean, even if there were one? There were plenty. And the Aboriginal folk didn't play any violent team games till the white man arrived, so to that extent they were more civilised.

17. The chairgod said yes, well, he was sorry and now could they move on to the next item, which was the state of play in North Korea?
Originally posted by NASCARnut
Evolution is a theory. It cannot and never will be proven. I promise you that.

Promise all you want, but eventually some theory about all of this will be proven, and I guarantee that it won't be that some guy just magically made everything appear in a week.

And creationism can be proven? Don't give me the answer that you never said it could be either...

Originally posted by NASCARnut
Creation is not a theory. It was created in 6 days and God rested on the seventh.l

Even if Evolution hasn't been proven yet, it is a lot more logical than the alternative.
Originally posted by slip2rock
If (IF) God exists then i'm certain he has a sense of humour.

Hehe, religion can be hilarious. Has anyone ever seen that one SNL skit where NBC throws together a Jesus show at the last minute.
"Jesus! Barry! don't fight, you guys have been friends since the Coast Guard. Jesus, you even named your son Barry."

Towards the end Jesus and Paul are chillin in Jesus's apartment playing basketball and lifting weights. Jesus even has a Michael Jordan poster on his wall.

One other classic part

Jesus to Paul: "So, uh, I hear you're pretty good at discipling" (I know I probably spelled discipling wrong)
Hehhhhhhh. See the 'Church and State' thread started by rjensen for a longer and more detailed version of the Creation vs. Evolution no-holds-barred steel cage grudge match...

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