Where was God on 9/11?

  • Thread starter Pako
I believe that both should be taught. And let the kids believe what they want. Both are a religion. There is no scientific evidence that proves evolution right. If you don't believe the Bible then you have to believe it. There is no other choice.

I just thought I'd add this.....

My years at ICR have been punctuated by numerous creation/evolution debates, but actually my first such debate came as a sophomore in high school. When the issue came up, I was selected to "debate" the class evolutionist.

My opponent began her presentation by defining evolution as simply "change over time." She documented many examples of change in non-living things as well as plants and animals. Even people change over time. We are, on average, taller than our ancestors just a few generations ago. As a population certainly we age. No one could dispute that these changes have occurred, thus she had "proven" that evolution had occurred.

And therein lies the crux of the matter. You simply must define terms carefully. Evolution in the meaningful sense implies big changes, like a fish turning into a person. Has this happened? Do the small changes we observe over time add up to the big changes needed by evolution? Did a single-celled organism become a marine invertebrate, then a fish, then an amphibian, then a reptile, then a mammal, then an ape-like ancestor then a person? These truly big changes must have occurred if evolution really accounts for all of life.

It's instructive to try to imagine what must happen to turn a cell into an invertebrate, or a worm into a fish, or a fish into an amphibian, etc. List the structural changes needed. A cell doesn't have the genes needed to produce even a simple nodal chord, nor does a fish have the genes to produce legs. This extra genetic information must be added from some
external source, but science knows of no such source. Mutations do produce novel genetic changes, but never has a mutation been known to add coded information to an already complex DNA system. On the contrary, it usually and easily causes a deterioration of the information present in the DNA. For random mutations to add the information for a leg where there is none is asking a lot, in fact, asking too much. Never has a helpful mutation been observed, yet trillions are needed.

Listing all the differences between a fish and an amphibian, or a reptile and a bird, or reptile and mammal helps to clarify the immensity of evolution's task. Not only are there skeletal changes, but think of the totally new organs needed, different reproductive systems, altered respiratory and cardiovascular make-up, thermal schemes and on and on.

Step back and take a look at the big picture. Evolution, as a concept of everything, is worse than non-science, it is nonsense. The highly complex information laden DNA code cannot yet even be read by today's genomists. How could it have written itself by chance mutation or genetic recombination. Surely some things simply cannot be.

When a vote was taken as to who won the debate, I came out on top 32-1. The lone vote for evolution was an exchange student from Marxist China, and even he admitted I had the better arguments. He just didn't dare vote against the party line.
Maybe that's the key. It takes a prior, gut-level commitment to evolution to continue to favor it in spite of the weight of evidence to the contrary.

Yes, it came from a creationist web site. Written by the president of ICR:)

Not saying anything about the bias or anything, because you've already said stuff about it. I'm too lazy to actually click on these links, but not lazy enough to discover you have a slight dislexia problem, or counting problem, or you edited this message and forgot to change the three to a four up there, here, I'll highlight it in red for you....

Very interesting, and some points that haven't been brought up yet, and it raises some additional questions. Just because our current science is limited and not able to inject DNA code that would reflect a major event such as a fish growing lungs and legs to climb out of the water, should we discount evolution as a possibility? Just because we are just now getting to the point where we can see and even travel beyond our atmosphere, yet we have no proof of E.T. life, do we discount the probabiltity that E.T.'s do in fact exist? Because our instruments of science and math, and the limitations of our logical thinking of comprehending infinity, do we discount God's existance?

There is a tremendous amount of information that we as a race have no idea nor can even guess at how things work, exist. We're still trying to figure out how the human brain works with all it's complexities we still know very little about it, yet we claim to know the answers of life. There is so much more than any of us will ever see, much less understand in our life time, or generations of lifetimes for that matter. If it's comforting to hold onto a belief (theory) that is based on our current technologies, then you have just become a product of our own limitations. To believe in only the things that you can experience with our 5 sences, then as a race, we are limiting ourselves from a much larger awareness of what's happening all around us.

Originally posted by B Campbell
Yeah, didn't you know, Canada doesn't have conservatives.

At least, not 'American' conservatives. I think it's something like 9 Canadian conservatives equal 1 American conservative.

Yeah, especially when the Canadian government is trying to legalize cannibus...:embarrassed: :mischievous:
Originally posted by neon_duke
[B...and a myth - "God created Heaven and Earth and all the living things in 6 days, and on the 7th day He rested...."[/B]

This is kind of disturbing and offensive, but seeing that I've probably unknowingly offended you, Duke, I'll won't start a spam war because it would be pointless and immature, but I will say this: please call Creation, whether Jewish/Chrisian, Buddist, whatever, a theory, and not a myth. Just asking for a favor here...

DGB454 and Nascarnut, that's basically what my IS called for, for both Creation and Evolution to be taught in schools. If you guys want, I can post it here, or I can upload it and link it from one of these links...
Originally posted by rjensen11
This is kind of disturbing and offensive, but seeing that I've probably unknowingly offended you, Duke, I'll won't start a spam war because it would be pointless and immature, but I will say this: please call Creation, whether Jewish/Chrisian, Buddist, whatever, a theory, and not a myth. Just asking for a favor here...


Don't you see though? For someone who doesn't choose to entertain the thought of a divine source, the concept of God is a myth to that individual. For him to call it anything else, it would take a major turn in his belief system, because by not clasifying it as a myth, he would in turn be acknowleging His existance, or possibility of existance.
Originally posted by Pako

Don't you see though? For someone who doesn't choose to entertain the thought of a divine source, the concept of God is a myth to that individual. For him to call it anything else, it would take a major turn in his belief system, because by not clasifying it as a myth, he would in turn be acknowleging His existance, or possibility of existance.
I agree. neon_duke (or myself) classifying creation as a theory would basically require him to believe in it.
Originally posted by Pako

Don't you see though? For someone who doesn't choose to entertain the thought of a divine source, the concept of God is a myth to that individual. For him to call it anything else, it would take a major turn in his belief system, because by not clasifying it as a myth, he would in turn be acknowleging His existance, or possibility of existance.

aso... I was basically just judging it to be called a theory out of fairness, I guess I could see your point... Oh man, I woke up too early this morning... I hate school......................
Originally posted by rjensen11
Not saying anything about the bias or anything, because you've already said stuff about it. I'm too lazy to actually click on these links, but not lazy enough to discover you have a slight dislexia problem, or counting problem, or you edited this message and forgot to change the three to a four up there, here, I'll highlight it in red for you....
:lol: I wasn't going to include the one from Apologetics' Press, but in the end I decided to and didn't change the wording.
Originally posted by DGB454

What bothers me about the whole thing is that evolution is still taught in classrooms as fact.

What school did you go to? As it has been said earlier in this thread, it is called the Evolution Theory, and it is taught as such in schools. I guess they just have to assume the students know what the word 'theory' means - did you teach your son that one?

Here's a question: would you rather they tought Creationism as fact?

Originally posted by Pako
There is a big difference between these two approaches. I've been out of the public school system for eleven years now, and perhaps the material is more careful when discribing these Theorys.

I would be sort of tedious to listen to that after every sentence. For two weeks:

"Trilobites lived for millions of years, but were unsuccessful because they were ill-suited to the changing environment according to evolution theory. Soon after, other animals filled the gap, according to evolution theory. Eventually, these animals gew larger and larger as they becaome more suited to the lush environments, and they became the dinosaurs according to evolution theory. Based on the bone structure of dinsaurs and birds, we believe that they have common distant ancestors according to the evolution theory."

No, instead the unit is titled 'Evolution Theory', and the students are expected to know what unit they are studying.

Originally posted by NASCARnut
There is no scientific evidence that proves evolution right. If you don't believe the Bible then you have to believe it. There is no other choice.

What, no other religions exist?

Mutations do produce novel genetic changes, but never has a mutation been known to add coded information to an already complex DNA system. On the contrary, it usually and easily causes a deterioration of the information present in the DNA.

You need to do more research on mutations. You're confusing the observed 'deterioration' of the organism as deterioration of the DNA, which are two very different things. One f the parts of evolution theory is that genetic mutations happen infrequently and 99 times out of 100 (or even more often) are detrimental to the organism.
Campbell: I agree with NASCARnut -- either you believe in evolution, or you believe in Creationism in some form, by some religion (not necessarily Christianity/Catholicism).
Although now that I think about it, NASCARnut, there is another theory: The Raelians, headed by a man called Rael -- a former sportswriter -- believe it was aliens who made people be on Earth. :rolleyes:
There are many other theories, in fact. I just finished a 100-level Astronomy class and we talked about several of them, just to give you an idea of how easy it would be to find this knowledge. I'm saying this: educate yourself.

Anyway, that's not even what I was saying. The statement was "If you don't believe the Bible then you must believe in [evolution]." This is a totally ignorant statement, saying that you must either believe in the Bible or evolution theory. In reality, you could believe in the Koran, or Wicca, or Buddhism, or you could believe we are de-evolving. Ignoring different 'where did we come from' answers, the statement was: You believe in Christianity or you believe in evolution. Ignorance.
Originally posted by M5Power
Although now that I think about it, NASCARnut, there is another theory: The Raelians, headed by a man called Rael -- a former sportswriter -- believe it was aliens who made people be on Earth. :rolleyes:

"aliens who made people be on Earth" implies creation doesn't?
I say this guy developed, and planted a single celled organism (on earth), which evolutionised. Who's with me?

Originally posted by rjensen11
This is kind of disturbing and offensive, but seeing that I've probably unknowingly offended you, Duke, I'll won't start a spam war because it would be pointless and immature, but I will say this: please call Creation, whether Jewish/Chrisian, Buddist, whatever, a theory, and not a myth. Just asking for a favor here...
rjensen, there is no offense intended. But I will continue to use the actual true definitions of the words fact, theory, and myth. Consequently, evolution is a theory because it is backed up by physical evidence (DGB454 and NASCARnut, I'll have a long post to make on that subject in a bit). Creation is a myth because there is absolutely no physical evidence supporting it. The only 'evidence' in support of creationism (in its many different religious forms) comes from non-scientific stories told from generation to generation. That is in fact the very definition of a myth and so that is how I refer to 'Creation'.

I really do want to get back into this but time is short at the moment.
Why am I supposed to drop it but you and NASCARnut aren't? Just asking.

Do you agree that the Theory of Evolution is scientific? Please define what a scientific theory is, or would you like me to? ;)
Heh, you know, I figured I'd end up putting together a "Best Of The Church And State Thread" post. But I'm not gonna bother if the other side isn't interested in playing anymore.
Im just not interested in nit picking. I mean it seems like that's what we are doing anymore. Maybe I'm just getting a little bored of this subjet. In a few days I might be interested again.
Originally posted by Neon_Duke
rjensen, there is no offense intended. But I will continue to use the actual true definitions of the words fact, theory, and myth. Consequently, evolution is a theory because it is backed up by physical evidence (DGB454 and NASCARnut, I'll have a long post to make on that subject in a bit). Creation is a myth because there is absolutely no physical evidence supporting it. The only 'evidence' in support of creationism (in its many different religious forms) comes from non-scientific stories told from generation to generation. That is in fact the very definition of a myth and so that is how I refer to 'Creation'.

I really do want to get back into this but time is short at the moment.

Have you played Vice City? Let's press the issue!

Originally posted by DGB454
Im just not interested in nit picking. I mean it seems like that's what we are doing anymore. Maybe I'm just getting a little bored of this subjet. In a few days I might be interested again.

Don't you see? That's what this is all about! The nit picky details and beliefs! If you don't get the nit picky stuff, then it doesn't matter, because you don't understand too much, and live in your own ignorance WANTING to live in ignorance, kinda like saying "I know what I want to know, now I'm shutting everything out."
Pako: I'm only about halfway through, but I see a few flaws in his thinking, or at least areas where he makes a statement from a premise that can be interpreted in other ways. I'll try to highlight a few of these and rebut them later, but I need to run right now.

Right on, well until later then. BTW - Does a "Flaw" constitute a different perspective of events/data/ideas?
I'm about halfway through it, too. But I have to go home now. But I'll say this... making "a statement from a premise that can be interpreted in other ways" isn't a flaw, really.

When thinking evolution one must maintain a panoramic perspective.