I also agree with this, somewhat. I think each indiviual can have their own kind of privilege when it comes to certain scenarios, it isn't just exclusive to a group of people because they are the majority.
Prime example is Asians.
While there are remarks that they have been discriminated against, studies have shown that not only are Asians more likely to succeed academically. They also earn more money than any other race in America:
I keep seeing Asian Americans brought up as an example of proof white privilege doesnt exist, or that it is surmountable because they make more money then whites.
For starters, Asians are a relatively small minority in the US compared to blacks and latinos.
94m - Black & Latino
16m - Asian
Blacks and latinos make on average half as much money as whites, and have over 15 times less material possessions in terms of value then whites.
Many asians, like East Indians, came to the US already educated or wealthy. East Indians make more money in the US then anybody, they average a 6 figure salary. Is this because they overcame white privilege and racism in the US, or, like many asians, came to the country already highly educated, essentially starting at the top, while passing down their wealth and work ethic to their children, like many whites have done for generations?
It should also be noted that Asians and East Indians do not carry nowhere near as many negative stereotypes as blacks or latinos. This is likely due to them being a smaller portion of the population and not being seen as much of a threat as the larger minority groups.
A quick personal story about myself. I recently went back to school to become a pharmacy technician. I finished the top of my class. I got certified. Despite this, I could not find employment. Most of the white students in my class were already employed as pharmacy techs even before the class finished and before certification.
I went to interview after interview and got continuously rejected. The breaking point was when I was interviewed by yet another hostile white male Pharmacist. At the end of the interview he refused to shake my hand and simply turned his chair around and went back to work on his computer. No good bye, no thank you for coming in, he just turned his back to me. Words cannot describe how humiliating that felt. I did nothing wrong, yet I was treated as subhuman. After that I gave up on becoming a pharmacy technician and started looking for minimum wage work again.
So yeah, when people say blacks, mexicans or whoever should 'try harder' and stop complaining they have no idea about the psychological challenge they have to face. The stereotype is that asian kids are expected to excel and succeed, and black and mexican kids are expected to fail. That weighs heavily on people.
It's not that it doesn't exist, it's that it only exists in certain circumstances. In others, as you say, it's a hindrance. In some situations it's far better to be white than black. In others it's far worse to be white than black.
And it has a better term that already exists and only needs a single word: Racism.
The same applies to "male privilege". Sometimes it's better to be male, sometimes it's worse. That'll be sexism then.
The issue isn't whether such things exist or don't, but whether it's a reasonable justification for something happening or just an excuse.
White privilege is born out of indirect racism. But lets say white privilege is just a different term for racism If thats the case, then why do so many deny it, or even mock it? Wouldnt that be the same as denying or mocking racism?
The term 'white privilege' is used to call attention to indirect racism and disadvantages that many people of color still have to fight in contemporary America and elsewhere. Direct racism has been heavily reduced or kept in secret, but indirect racism still exists and is very prevalent.
It also seems you are insinuating that since all races and sexes have in some way or another a degree of privilege, then that the playing field is somewhat level because advantages of privilege will even themselves out with the disadvantages. I strongly believe this not to be true. As a man, I know in general I have significantly more advantages going for me then women. This does not make me a self hating man, feminist, apologist, or whatever. Im just seeing things the way they are instead of trying to idealize them.
I'm not saying that this can't happen, but I've never seen it.
...but given that I don't see this kind of thing at all it makes me wonder if it's limited to your immediate surroundings.
One of the greatest perks of white privilege is never seeing or noticing racist acts - because it almost never happens to you.
Believe me I get lulled into a 'sleep' from time to time thinking others in the US see me as just another person, only to have what I call an 'awakening'. Thats what I call moments where I realize just how much I stand out, usually in a negative way, because Im not white. Whether its being followed in a store despite wearing designer tailored clothes, or having someone compliment you for speaking english well.
When my brother was dating a white girl, her father asked him what race he was. After my brother told him, what was the father's response? "Oh, OK. As long as your not black."
Look, you can't get angry at people because they won't go out with you, even if it's for inherited traits like skin colour. They're allowed to choose to go out with people that they find attractive, for whatever reason. I think Indian chicks are hot. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
You just sound mad that you can't get a date to me.
Im not angry at all or calling out people for preferring to like those with a certain skin color or whatever. Im simply saying some facets of white privilege are benign, and having the majority of the population look like you is one of them. It would be nice if 90% of the people around me looked like me. Would this help me get a date much easier? Im sure of it. Sour grapes? Sure, I'll admit to that. But it is a disadvantage for me.
We have no idea just now deep white privilege goes. Theres benign perks like having all the major super heroes look like you, to sinister perks like having your resume preferred over another because your name sounds white and the other sounds ethnic.