Who Do You Want To Be The Next President Of The US?

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Who Do You Want To Be The Next President Of The US?

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You said "America" made the plight of Kuwaitis worse, how?... by liberating them?

They are doing great now, and you say all Iraq has got to look forward to is sewing trainers, just like the people of Kuwait, who by the way have a higher average income than we do as well.

America didn't liberate Kuwait, it started it but didn't finish the job. As a consequence thousands of Kuwaiti's living on the border with Iraq suffered and/or died.
As a consequence thousands of Kuwaiti's living on the border with Iraq suffered and/or died.

Who killed them? It sounds from your post like American troops lined them up and shot them?

Where were these people and exactly how many were killed? Cite some credible sources. Exactly when did this killing occur?
Who killed them? It sounds from your post like American troops lined them up and shot them?

Where were these people and exactly how many were killed? Cite some credible sources. Exactly when did this killing occur?

They were killed by Iraqi soldiers. It happened after the US pulled out of Kuwait because it decided not to invade Iraq. You may remember it was called 'Operation Desert Storm'.
Cite some credible sources. Exactly when did this killing occur?

What is the casualty estimate? What army did Iraq use to accomplish this with? The one we had just demolished? Are you aware the the US maintained a strong military presence in the region from then till now? No-fly zones ring a bell? US aircraft getting shot at from time to time ring a bell?

Again, I ask you to post some credible sources.
What is the casualty estimate? What army did Iraq use to accomplish this with? The one we had just demolished? Are you aware the the US maintained a strong military presence in the region from then till now? No-fly zones ring a bell? US aircraft getting shot at from time to time ring a bell?

Again, I ask you to post some credible sources.

Yes I'm aware of the no-fly zone. I'm also aware of the revenge that was extracted on the Kurds (and also the Iraqis involved in the uprising in the south) unfortunatley I don't have my 'Big Book of World Conflicts' sat next to my desk at work to cross reference for you.
unfortunatley I don't have my 'Big Book of World Conflicts' sat next to my desk at work to cross reference for you.

Is that published by "LadyBird" :lol:

When you get home then, maybe look that one up for us ;) I don't even think conspiracy websites have anything about Kuwait citizens being slaughtered after the liberation...I'm going have a look for you :)
Yes I'm aware of the no-fly zone. I'm also aware of the revenge that was extracted on the Kurds (and also the Iraqis involved in the uprising in the south) unfortunatley I don't have my 'Big Book of World Conflicts' sat next to my desk at work to cross reference for you.

The "Big Book of World Conflicts" would do me little good either because I couldn't cross check your cross reference.

Send me a URL - I know you have internet.
Ok...on the "thousand of Kuwaits living on the border with Iraq suffered/died" total BS

You may be confusing them with the Iraq people who rose up and the end of Desert Storm

For your information:

"Almost immediately after Iraq accepted the ceasefire, uprisings began to spread from dissident areas in the north and south of the country.
Shia Muslims in Basra, Najaf and Karbala in southern Iraq took to the streets in protest against the regime.

Kurds in the north persuaded the local military to switch sides. Suleimaniyeh was the first large city to fall.

Within a week the Kurds controlled the Kurdish Autonomous Region and the nearby oil-rich city of Kirkuk.

In mid-February, President Bush Snr had called on the Iraqi people and military to "take matters into their own hands".

But the hoped for US support never came. Instead, Iraqi helicopter gunships arrived.

INDICT, a group campaigning for Iraqi leaders to be tried for war crimes, says civilians and suspected rebels were executed en masse, and hospitals, schools, mosques, shrines and columns of escaping refugees were bombed and shelled.

According to the US, which has been criticised for allowing Saddam Hussein to continue using the military helicopters, between 30,000 and 60,000 people were killed.

In the north, 1.5 million Kurds fled across the mountains into Iran and Turkey. As the harsh conditions created a humanitarian catastrophe, the UN launched Operation Provide Comfort, air-dropping aid supplies to the refugees."

There were no Kuwaits involved in that...but I did find

"About 600 people – mainly Kuwaitis - have been missing since the end of the Gulf War.
They are assumed to have been detained during Iraq's invasion of Kuwait or the war itself. Most are civilians.

Iraq says it lost track of foreign prisoners during the uprising in the south of the country in March 1991.

It also says that more than 1,000 of its own nationals remain unaccounted for.

But Red Cross officials have inspected Kuwait's prisons and found only 40 Iraqis, all common criminals. "

Not quite the scare story you are telling, is it...
Can you post the link to that Tacet or tell us where you got it? (not that it sounds fishy)

I did know about the fact that we d*cked over the Iraqis around that time.

Thanks for digging that up Tacet, that may have been what okoj was thinking of.
Can you post the link to that Tacet or tell us where you got it? (not that it sounds fishy)

I did know about the fact that we d*cked over the Iraqis around that time.

Thanks for digging that up Tacet, that may have been what okoj was thinking of.

No problem, I found it in BBC news archives

Iraqi Uprisings 1991
Yes, and also the border incursions in 1993 too.

okoj, you change your story a little bit every time someone proves you wrong...you see you first said thousands killed at the end of the war, well that was 1991, now realising you are mistaken, you pick some other incident. Again you provide no evidence.

Iraqi border incursions halted
In January 1993 incursions by Iraq into Kuwait were halted after a series of US-led air strikes against Iraqi missile and radar sites. Iraqi troops massed near the border in October 1994, arousing fears of another invasion, but prompt action by the US-led international community removed the threat and secured a formal recognition of Kuwait by the Iraqi government.

You see, your original point was that the US didn't finish the job and left thousands of Kuwaits to die, now you have been proved wrong, you dig up another "fact" which can be checked, and it turns out that the US actually prevented the incursions. Notice how it doesn't mention "thousands of dead"
Tacet thanks for the fact finding. Okoj, you might try doing some of that yourself instead of waiting for people like Tacet to try to figure out what you think substantiates your arguments.
okoj, you change your story a little bit every time someone proves you wrong... now realising you are mistaken, you pick some other incident. Again you provide no evidence.
That's a very typical modus operandi for him... and others like him.
The electoral college was designed to give white land owners more say in elections and the ratio of one white vote to five black votes was used.
For the purposes of establishing a state's population - and therefore its number of seats in the House of Representatives, and in part its number of electoral votes - each slave adult counted as 3/5ths of a person. But at that time they could not vote at all. So the electoral system was not designed to 'protect rich white men's power', no matter what your revisionist history book may say or how your teachers may try to portray it.

There was never a time when slaves had a 1/5th vote. Ever. Learn what you're talking about.
Ok, it was three fifths. How nice.
It (the electoral college) was and still is an unfair system.
Note: he tries to sidestep the counterpoint, ignores the fact that he's totally mistaken on the point about voting (not just the 3/5ths number), and reasserts his original statement, still with zero proof.
Tacet thanks for the fact finding. Okoj, you might try doing some of that yourself instead of waiting for people like Tacet to try to figure out what you think substantiates your arguments.

Glad to be of service ;)

It amazes me that people think they can post any old rubbish that they choose to make up, and not expect it to be challenged in any way.
You just gotta love an internet edumacation. That dude has been taken to school but he's still clueless. like a postmortem frogs leg being stimulated with a cattle prod he still responds.
I'm not going to get into it with you, Viper...

We all have our own opinions... Just because they are not your own, does not make them uninformed...

That is all...
