- 9,589
- GTP_DelphicR
- Esoterik1
Washington State had an 86% voter turn out... I think that's a record for this state...
CNN says:
Bush: 249
Kerry: 211

CNN says:
Bush: 249
Kerry: 211
Viper ZeroCNN, for some reason, is still not counting Ohio. Bush won Ohio.
Bush 269
Kerry 242
Solid LiftersIt looks like deja vu. Edwards came out to the fans waiting for the word, and said, "Wait unitl every vote is counted." So, it looks like we wont find out who gets Ohio until tomorrow. Sorry, but Ohio is too close to call. Though, if Kerry wins Ohio, which would hurt Bush, he still is not a for sure winner. Bush could still lose Ohio, and still win the election. So, it looks better for Bush, but it's still too early to say for sure.
Solid LiftersNeveda Governor just declared the state for Bush. It's now 254 to 242 which means the best Kerry can do is 269. If that happens, it means the HOR would get to vote who becomes the President, because of the tie. Because there are more Republicans than Democrats in the HOR, it's safe to say Bush will continue to be the President of the United States.
Bush wins!
No. Ohio Governor just stated that Bush won Ohio, and that Kerry should concede. The votes that have not been counted, wont surpass the vote lead held by Bush. So, it looks like Bush has Ohio and that means he wins. The "11 days to wait" no longer matters.silviadrifterSorry, but it's still way too early to tell... We have a possible 11 days to wait before getting a total count...
CNN is still saying 249 to 242... in favor of Bush...
Solid LiftersNo. Ohio Governor just stated that Bush won Ohio, and that Kerry should concede. The votes that have not been counted, wont surpass the vote lead held by Bush. So, it looks like Bush has Ohio and that means he wins. The "11 days to wait" no longer matters.
You do know the votes not yet counted for Ohio are mostly Republican areas of the state, right? What are the chances of all estimated 140,000 plus votes yet to be counted will go to Kerry? None. Bush got Ohio, and Nevada and that ends it.silviadrifterlol....
We'll see...
Viper ZeroIt's funny how CNN (and silviadrifter) still refuse to put Ohio in Bush's win column. 100% of the precincts have reported in. Bush won, get over it.
Bush 269
Kerry 242
TheCrackerits a sad day for the world
Because if we just stop pissing them off they'll all go face Mecca and leave us alone. Remember? Bush is responsible for terrorism.Tacet_Blue@Do You Race: Kerry made a big deal about leaving the troops in Iraq and being tough on terrorism, so why do think you wouldn't have to look over your shoulder, with him elected?
K_SpeedI wouldnt want a "war minded" (as he said himself)
K_SpeedOh boy, theres gonna be so much contreversy.....and were gonna have to talk about it at school for hours
K_SpeedI can already see the european people laughing at the US, some of them concerned. Terror will rise even worse when Bush elected. The US is a damn strong country with a whole lot of power. But Bush wont use these powers responsibly.
If I was an american living in the US, I wouldnt want a "war minded" (as he said himself) to be my president and to run my country. Sometimes war is neccesary, but this time it wasnt and I dont think the world can trust this man to lead this kinda of a country.
But its up to you people over there. We over here will just laugh, and think how these smart people who invented pretty much everything thats on this earth for voting such an complete, idiot.
Oh boy, theres gonna be so much contreversy.....and were gonna have to talk about it at school for hours
Ghost CIn other news, there's supposed to be only 135,000 provisionals in Ohio uncounted. Provided that they were all votes for Kerry (Not possible), he'd still lose by around 1,000 votes. Even the liberal media has accepted that Kerry lost. In fact, I think the only ones who haven't accepted Kerry's defeat are Kerry and Edwards.