Who is the next Batman?

  • Thread starter R063R
It might also confirm a Jason Todd Robin, since the article did make mention the state of Robin.

EDIT: Captain America wins the chicken contest. BvS will now move to March 25th 2016.
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Here I thought they were going to go with something more in line with the "New 52", but a 50 year old Batman at "The Dawn of Justice"?

That just doesn't seem like it'll work. Will Henry Cavill's Supes still be in his thirties, or will he be a similar age?

As for Snyder's body of work:

Sucker Punch was a lovely concept, but the deeper-level dream sequences, lush as they were, were a jarring departure from the tone of the film. The cabaret dream level worked. It's something a young midwestern girl would actually imagine... robot suits and zombie Nazis? No. It failed to develop the characters to any extent, spent too much time on action sequences and not enough time furthering the plot or making more than a tenuous connection between the dream-dance sequences and said plot, and just felt too long in parts. So much wasted potential.

300 was incredibly faithful to the source material, and it was worth watching... once... but it's formulaic, grindcore stuff. And once you've seen it... you've seen it. I don't think I'm watching the next one, especially since it looks like more of the same.

Watchmen... I wonder how much of what was actually good about the movie was due to the source material? As it was, it lacked something. Heart? Pacing? Giant Space Squids? Who knows?

Man of Steel was... well... I learned three things from Man of Steel. First, you've got to be willing to sacrifice your own life for your goals - Jor-El... willing to sacrifice someone else's life to further your goals - Jonathan Kent, and finally... willing to actively kill someone to further your goals. The movie inexorably pushes you towards that conclusion by forcing the story down some very obvious rails, ignoring glaring holes in the plot simply to further its point.

My hopes for BvS are somewhere between 50:50 and low. Seeing as how the Batman costume shown at the ComiCon carried a very obviously Miller-esque theme... then it's safe to assume it's mostly TDKReturns, sprinkled with something or another. Minus, of course, Batman dying... because he has to appear in "Justice League"... obviously. :D
That I don't know. Superman was close to Batman's age in the comics to the point where he looks like he is 50 when he is actually 75-80, an age that Bruce actually looked.

However, with all of this news breaking out about Bruce's age and the like in the film, it could be entirely possible that we might get a Batman Beyond film sooner rather than later. A few reasons why, Bruce was about 50 when he retired as Batman, second is that the apparent age gap between Superman and Batman might suggest an younger appearing Superman in the future (in other words, his Kryptonian physiology might keep him young), and finally was the year that Bruce became Batman would line up with a more modern, and not futuristic Batman Beyond. When you factor all of that in, it is entirely possible that not only BvS might completely be off base with TDKReturns in terms of story, but it might be ignored completely as a source of inspiration.
It might also confirm a Jason Todd Robin, since the article did make mention the state of Robin.

EDIT: Captain America wins the chicken contest. BvS will now move to March 25th 2016.

So DC blinked first? not too surprising after the fantastic Cap 2.

Still not sure what to make of this news or the movie to be honest, Marvel and to an extent Sony have been giving the Avengers-Spiderman universe some time to grow, DC's way is unique but not sure how it will pan out, old Batman makes sense in that regard, skip the intro sort of speak.
I think they made it pretty clear that BvS has nothing to do with the Nolan trilogy.

It's the Miller Novel which is what this is based more around than anything the Animated movie that everyone is comparing this too because of how new it is...isn't correctly based. Though this is suppose to be original and just an inspired by case of the TDKR I don't see how it's being mangled @prisonermonkeys also just like all comic book movies, fans of the comics shouldn't expect there favorite stories to be played out in full or even part ways on the silver screen. That goes with any book turned movie or book characters turned movie.

So DC blinked first? not too surprising after the fantastic Cap 2.

Still not sure what to make of this news or the movie to be honest, Marvel and to an extent Sony have been giving the Avengers-Spiderman universe some time to grow, DC's way is unique but not sure how it will pan out, old Batman makes sense in that regard, skip the intro sort of speak.

Old Batman makes sense because of the Justice League that WB wants to put out on the big screen. I think they are going for a Tower of Babel mixed in with Crisis series due to how it seems to center around their biggest money maker, Batman. However, with the Gov't aspect in the movies they need to be careful that they aren't just doing a Marvel/Disney thing as we've seen with the IM series, CA series, Hulk, and Avengers and still doing the same bit. I mean they did this to an extent with DKR and Man of Steel already but be different is key or you just have a bunch of similar heroes told differently from a different company facing the same battle.

Also Sony has done a bad job with their Marvel characters, I'd say at least Fox is doing a decent job no where near the actual Marvel/Disney level but still not all that bad.
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It's the Miller Novel which is what this is based more around than anything the Animated movie that everyone is comparing this too because of how new it is...isn't correctly based. Though this is suppose to be original and just an inspired by case of the TDKR I don't see how it's being mangled @prisonermonkeys also just like all comic book movies, fans of the comics shouldn't expect there favorite stories to be played out in full or even part ways on the silver screen. That goes with any book turned movie or book characters turned movie.
I wouldn't call myself s die-hard fan of the comics. Just cynical about anything Snyder touches. I find his style of film-making to be juvenile at best and ADHD at worst.
If Jena Malone is to be believed, we may have the identity of our Robin. Malone, who has past work as an extra in several films, is reportedly making her big break in BvS as Carrie Kelley. Fans of Miller's works should know that Kelley is the first female Robin in Batman lore in The Dark Knight Returns. However, there will be some discrepancy as the comics version of the character is 13, and Malone is 23.

Malone is facing a $5 million fine for breaking a Non-disclosure agreement with Warner's over the leak.
Batman v Superman will have a trailer attached to Jupiter Rising next month, but the big fish here is that Batman v Superman may actually be split into two films, if Clevver Movies is to be believed. Part 1, titled Enter the Knight, is slated for a October 23rd, 2015 release date whereas Part 2, actually called by its former title, Dawn of Justice, will still maintain its old March 25th, 2016 release date.


What do you think of the developments?

[Editor's Note: I tried to visit the site on the image. One variation took me to a news site that I can't really trust, and the other is giving me connection issues for some reason. A possibility for the latter could be because the site is not ready for public consumption yet. Take with the usual grain until it is confirmed or deconfirmed through official sources.]
So, part one is where Batman partners with an underage girl and rides a horse, part two where he wears a dress and a wig and scowls at Superman?


Half of me thinks this is your typical "cash-grab", splitting a movie into two parts to make more money off of this. The other half thinks this is the studio realizing that backing down an entire year simply because of "The Avengers" might not have been a good idea, since keeping the buzz going for so long after they announced the movie will be difficult.

Or they could be thinking of testing the waters before making bigger plans. If "Enter the Knight" bombs or does worse than they hope, they could redraw their plans for the "Justice League" movie arc.

My hopes for this project were never that high, anyway. And whether or not this rumor is true doesn't change my opinion on it.
Splitting a film into two parts halfway through production suggests to me that the production doesn't really know what it's doing.
A standalone batman movie had to happen for me, this if true is if anything hyping up part 2 even more if they nail the first one. Then again they're releasing the movie in something of a bogey year (incredible amount of heavy names this year).
Batman v Superman will have a trailer attached to Jupiter Rising next month, but the big fish here is that Batman v Superman may actually be split into two films, if Clevver Movies is to be believed. Part 1, titled Enter the Knight, is slated for a October 23rd, 2015 release date whereas Part 2, actually called by its former title, Dawn of Justice, will still maintain its old March 25th, 2016 release date.


What do you think of the developments?

[Editor's Note: I tried to visit the site on the image. One variation took me to a news site that I can't really trust, and the other is giving me connection issues for some reason. A possibility for the latter could be because the site is not ready for public consumption yet. Take with the usual grain until it is confirmed or deconfirmed through official sources.]
When it comes to Batman/Superman, nothing can possibly top this:

Or they could be thinking of testing the waters before making bigger plans. If "Enter the Knight" bombs or does worse than they hope, they could redraw their plans for the "Justice League" movie arc.
But October to March is a very narrow window to redraw plans.

I'm just guessing that they are looking at a 3+ hour running time and decided they could make far more money by releasing it as two 1.5 hour movies. Plus, if it is following any kind of conventional storytelling you will have Batman show up and get in a fight with Superman over whatever McGuffin they use and then once they realize they are fighting for the same things (great detective skills there, Bats) they team up. Two plot arcs that could each be fleshed out better with more time.

Or, Zack Snyder is being Zack Snyder and won't allow necessary things to be cut properly and Warner Bros. doesn't want another case of Watchmen, where the number of screenings possible in a day cuts into profits.

Splitting a film into two parts halfway through production suggests to me that the production doesn't really know what it's doing.
If it weren't Zack Snyder I would agree 100%, but he tends to fight the studio on cutting time, which is possible when you are married to one of their big money executive producers. I'm leaning more toward compromise on time issues.

But, after Man of Steel, I wouldn't be surprised if things got out of hand somewhere.

Maybe Affleck wanted more screen time. You get a lot of leverage when you have two great back-to-back awards seasons. If he went diva over something I'm guessing they wouldn't want to lose him at this point.

Ultimately, after I was displeased with MoS, this news doesn't affect my expectations. They aren't high enough to be damaged.
It's still possible to save money on post-production... effects, editing, etcetera...

Then again, no matter how flawed it will probably be, it will still make big money, as will the sequel.


In the end, I think your theory on Zack Snyder exceeding his time allocation is the most probable answer.

Ultimately, after I was displeased with MoS, this news doesn't affect my expectations. They aren't high enough to be damaged.

I was on the fence about Watchmen, but I didn't like MoS all that much, either.