Who On GTP would you like to meet?

  • Thread starter MistaX
Now you I didn't forget. :P
Well its about time I refurbish My list for the umpteenth time.

@Danny because you are an interesting man and I'd love to get to know you.
@Daniel for helping me through some stuff and supporting me :)
@BRRT_Angel because you are such a badass.
@Ryou because of reasons you know :)
@Silver Wing because you are a fun guy.
@vetteman24 because you are a very kind man.
@GTRacer22 because you are the kind of guy to have a beer with and the guy to have at the party.
@GranTurismo916 because we can go to a BANKS concert together. And then a Rae Shrummurd concert and criticize every little detail. Lol
@Michelin because you are a very kind person and we can argue over NASCAR things.
@Jordan because you are god.
@Cale so we can fan girl over Taylor Swift ^.^
@Smurfybug so I can bop you in the face... several times.
@Mrs. Famine So I can rat out how much of a bad boy @Famine is
@Famine so I can apologize for ratting you out to your wife.
@KuniKino****a so I can try to fix what Angel did to you :P
@Clayton Hardy See here's the thing. I want to meet you so I can cut off your mullet.
@Ken Koios because you have been a very good man to me, and everyone on GTP. Someone give him a freaking medal. Seriously. :cheers:
@AudiMan2011 so we can say "Argy Bargey" in public all day :P
@Furinkazen because you are a pretty cool guy.
@BayneHamlin1121 because you are freaking hilarious, and very nice.
@SVX bcuz ur a cul guy
@Skython so we can babble like idiots
@RedDragon because you are an incredibly happy girl :)
@Whitetail so I can call you a redneck :P
@Ph1sher so I can see you race
@ITCC_Andrew because despite your banning and crazy way to go out, you were always a pretty nice guy.
@FrzGT because ponies.
@unit-one because you are an awesome artist. Id love to see you draw.
@Aki Ishikawa because you are a very kind, and intelligent person.

If you aren't on this list please don't feel like I hate you! I likely forgot quite a few.

I can also school you in Scottish. :P

New people I want to meet:

@BRRT_Angel as she is one of the bravest, most badass women I've raced against.
@GTRacer22 because he's just one of those cool guys to chill with.
@vetteman24 as we share interests in both GT and Forza.
@Whitetail as he's fast and knows how to multiclass.
@watermelon punch as she was one of the nicest people I met when trying to break out into different racing leagues in GT.
@hsv for motorsport related gossip/debates/arguments.
@RCKakashi14 so I can steal a go on a WMMT machine as well as discussing real/model cars.
@Michelin so I can go round with him saying "Here we go yo, here we go yo." :P
@GranTurismo916 so we can binge on Oreos. :P:lol:
@Ameer67 as he's a really good guy for cruising with/getting chased by.
@nascarfan1400 & @Michelin would watch the 2011 Ford 400 together

I can not assume that will end well.

I can also school you in Scottish. :P

New people I want to meet:

@BRRT_Angel as she is one of the bravest, most badass women I've raced against.
@GTRacer22 because he's just one of those cool guys to chill with.
@vetteman24 as we share interests in both GT and Forza.
@Whitetail as he's fast and knows how to multiclass.
@watermelon punch as she was one of the nicest people I met when trying to break out into different racing leagues in GT.
@hsv for motorsport related gossip/debates/arguments.
@RCKakashi14 so I can steal a go on a WMMT machine as well as discussing real/model cars.
@Michelin so I can go round with him saying "Here we go yo, here we go yo." :P
@GranTurismo916 so we can binge on Oreos. :P:lol:
@Ameer67 as he's a really good guy for cruising with/getting chased by.

Here we go yo, here we go yo. :P hahahaha
My list:

@Famine I'd ask myself why, but I'd rather not
@Jordan Because seriously, who wouldn't right?
@Daniel so I can wham him in person (Also, I have a feeling I have played Battlefield or something alongside him once and never even knew...)
@mister dog Just seems cool xD
@Hollow because she is the first person from GTPlanet I cruised with
@Classic known him a little while and would be nice to meet him one day

and a few others whose names elude me at present!

Much editing here.
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Since it appears to be a trend that we give some explanation why we want to meet people, I can roll with that.

@Luke because banter
@Furinkazen banter
@LancerEvo7 banter
@Spurgy 777 banter
@neljack banter
@cnd01 Alabanter
@Ninners banter
@gokartman78 banter
@Panoz banter
@DaxCobra because he created my avat--- actually, make it banter.
@raceorama123432 banter
@Roflwaffle banter
@The Bman banter, but I know he doesn't wanna meet me because I'm creepy.
@RedPartyhat because in person he's unable to spam links.
@MustangRyan not really because of banter, I just suppose he's a - cool person, or something.
@Tom the cheery commentator.
@Matty I miss ya

And last but not least, I'd like to mention @Famine because I'm just curious what he's really like whenever he's not writing long thoughtful posts in bold indigo.
My list:

@Famine I'd ask myself why, but I'd rather not
@Jordan Because seriously, who wouldn't right?
@Daniel so I can wham him in person (Also, I have a feeling I have played Battlefield or something alongside him once and never even knew...)
@mister dog Just seems cool xD
@Hollow because she is the first person from GTPlanet I cruised with
@Classic known him a little while and would be nice to meet him one day

and a few others whose names elude me at present!
Why thank you! :D
Not to give people more alerts, but since everyone's been giving reasons, I guess I'll give mine as well.

@xXKingJoshXx - You're funny, have inspired quite a lot of my humor on here, and you have an awesome car.
@Slash - You're like a big brother to me. You're always there when I'm having problems and you're still helping me get through my social anxiety.
@Doodle - Because you #rek everyone in GT and you're one of the first people I met on GTP (I started posting Jan 2012).
@Doog - You have a sense of humor that no one can't help but laugh at.
@Zyla - Not to be lazy, but basically for the same reason as Doog.
@Ferraridude308 - The same reason as the previous two, but also because you have pretty nice cars.
@Katiegan - Because there are no girls on the internet.
@sparkytooth - So I can get rekt by you on Smash 4 for Wii U.
@Beav - You're a nice guy, even if I don't necessarily agree with all of your opinions.
@SVX - SUBARRRRUUUHHH IMPOSSIBRUUHHHHH. And you're a pretty cool guy. It makes me feel good whenever you like one of my posts. :P
@Ameer67 - Because you're my uncel aimer.
@ProjectWHaT - So we can eat Chinese I don't know, honestly. You've been one of my "friends" on here for quite a while. And you're cool. I use cool too much.
@hsv - You're another brother to me. You're constantly making me feel good about myself. :D
@nascarfan1400 - Not only because of Fun Runs, but because you're a well-rounded guy and you're a great organizer. And because you love BANKS and hate Rae Sremmurd.
@GTRacer22 - Because I want to experience McDonalds internet. Wait, no I don't.
@Skython - You're a very funny guy, and your accent is awesome. :P
@The Stig Farmer - Actually, I'm not sure if I want to be around you because you're usually drunk. :lol:
@legacyMACHINE - You're a very nice and positive guy.
@AudiMan2011 - You have a cool accent and we often share opinions.
@vetteman24 - You're one of the only people I can talk to on GT6 1-on-1 (including @nascarfan1400 and @GTRacer22) without feeling a bit uncomfortable.
@theformidlog - Because I want to see how high you actually are.
@Michelin - Another cool accent guy. And, WHOOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHH
@Aki Ishikawa - You're another brother to me. You make me realize when I'm just spewing nonsense.
@BRRT_Angel - So I can get roasted on the highest heat.
Not to give people more alerts, but since everyone's been giving reasons, I guess I'll give mine as well.

@xXKingJoshXx - You're funny, have inspired quite a lot of my humor on here, and you have an awesome car.
@Slash - You're like a big brother to me. You're always there when I'm having problems and you're still helping me get through my social anxiety.
@Doodle - Because you #rek everyone in GT and you're one of the first people I met on GTP (I started posting Jan 2012).
@Doog - You have a sense of humor that no one can't help but laugh at.
@Zyla - Not to be lazy, but basically for the same reason as Doog.
@Ferraridude308 - The same reason as the previous two, but also because you have pretty nice cars.
@Katiegan - Because there are no girls on the internet.
@sparkytooth - So I can get rekt by you on Smash 4 for Wii U.
@Beav - You're a nice guy, even if I don't necessarily agree with all of your opinions.
@SVX - SUBARRRRUUUHHH IMPOSSIBRUUHHHHH. And you're a pretty cool guy. It makes me feel good whenever you like one of my posts. :P
@Ameer67 - Because you're my uncel aimer.
@ProjectWHaT - So we can eat Chinese I don't know, honestly. You've been one of my "friends" on here for quite a while. And you're cool. I use cool too much.
@hsv - You're another brother to me. You're constantly making me feel good about myself. :D
@nascarfan1400 - Not only because of Fun Runs, but because you're a well-rounded guy and you're a great organizer. And because you love BANKS and hate Rae Sremmurd.
@GTRacer22 - Because I want to experience McDonalds internet. Wait, no I don't.
@Skython - You're a very funny guy, and your accent is awesome. :P
@The Stig Farmer - Actually, I'm not sure if I want to be around you because you're usually drunk. :lol:
@legacyMACHINE - You're a very nice and positive guy.
@AudiMan2011 - You have a cool accent and we often share opinions.
@vetteman24 - You're one of the only people I can talk to on GT6 1-on-1 (including @nascarfan1400 and @GTRacer22) without feeling a bit uncomfortable.
@theformidlog - Because I want to see how high you actually are.
@Michelin - Another cool accent guy. And, WHOOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHH
@Aki Ishikawa - You're another brother to me. You make me realize when I'm just spewing nonsense.
@BRRT_Angel - So I can get roasted on the highest heat.

Thanks for being the only person that understands my accent! And yes, that WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH day was so 🤬 awesome! :lol:
No order:

not @polarbear345 ... oh wait I know him already dammit
certainly not @LancerEvo7 because he's from the Alabanter part of PA
Gotta not meet @TDZdave unless we get to drink beer!!!
Either @akmuq or @Luke whoever banters better
@Furinkazen unless he tries to banter
@Carbonox just in case I need a penguin
@Panoz 'Merica
@Andil because the Renault is OP
@neljack this is great banter, it really is
@paulmac2k9 because I have to meet the guy who specced a 🤬 Land Rover for ToCA
@raceorama123432 banter
@Storm_SP17 from the old Rolex days
@unrealanthony same as storm

Probably some I've left off
The people I wish to meet...

@AudiMan2011 - reader of my work, and probably we can talk about cars, real or scale model wise.
@KazaMR2 - another loyal reader of mine, and shares a common interest in Wangan racing. :lol:
@a6m5 - We can converse in Japanese, and teach me more about the language. :lol: (and about diecast cars as well)
@Niku Driver HC - let's talk about... anything under the sun. But I do want a tour in Portugal. :lol:
@silverman_GT - I'll challenge your WMMT5 ghost someday. :sly:
@PatrisS136 - Thank you for taking time to read my long work, I wish to meet you too.
@Mat123 - Probably we can talk about how can we get our dream FD RX-7s.
@AOS- - I wanna know where you get those rare 1:64 cars. NAO!!! :lol:
@Cano - Probably you can enlighten me with your diecast modding skills. :P
@Nessy - I like your avatar, and probably I can learn a thing or two on how to draw a car. :P
@Spacegoat - Hmmmmm.... let's see. Let's trade some diecast? Haha!
Haven't posted a list on here yet, well then:

@hsv - because he's the best bro imaginable! Also, he's extremely knowledgeable in motorsport topics.
@rallymorten - I've always got on well with him.
@GTRacer22 - he's a very cool person I've really come to like.
@nascarfan1400 - a good friend on here.
@Kodje - one of GTP's photo kings, also a fantastic person.
@MoMo PeeZero - the most optimistic and cheerful person I've ever met!
@jus1029 - a great friend and he's very kind. (good pics too :D)
@sparkytooth - he's a really fun friend to me.
@leeislee - simply an amazing artist!
@Giulietta73 - another photographer I respect a lot.
@MonGnoM - a good friend and a person I like.
@Furinkazen - he's good organizer and a person I like a lot.
@Aki Ishikawa - a knowledgeable person with whom you can talk about many things.
@Rage Racer - he seems a very knowledgeable person who knows a lot on history and geopolitics.

Of course, there's many more people I actually would like to meet. :)

Wow, what made you want to meet me ? Just curious :D

As for myself, i'd like to meet all of you GTP'ers. No kidding, GTP'ers are some of the coolest people i've ever here compared to the outside world of internet. Cheers to that everyone :D