Well its about time I refurbish My list for the umpteenth time.
@Danny because you are an interesting man and I'd love to get to know you.
@Daniel for helping me through some stuff and supporting me
@BRRT_Angel because you are such a badass.
@Ryou because of reasons you know
@Silver Wing because you are a fun guy.
@vetteman24 because you are a very kind man.
@GTRacer22 because you are the kind of guy to have a beer with and the guy to have at the party.
@GranTurismo916 because we can go to a BANKS concert together. And then a Rae Shrummurd concert and criticize every little detail. Lol
@Michelin because you are a very kind person and we can argue over NASCAR things.
@Jordan because you are god.
@Cale so we can fan girl over Taylor Swift ^.^
@Smurfybug so I can bop you in the face... several times.
@Mrs. Famine So I can rat out how much of a bad boy
@Famine is
@Famine so I can apologize for ratting you out to your wife.
@KuniKino****a so I can try to fix what Angel did to you
@Clayton Hardy See here's the thing. I want to meet you so I can cut off your mullet.
@Ken Koios because you have been a very good man to me, and everyone on GTP. Someone give him a freaking medal. Seriously.
@AudiMan2011 so we can say "Argy Bargey" in public all day
@Furinkazen because you are a pretty cool guy.
@BayneHamlin1121 because you are freaking hilarious, and very nice.
@SVX bcuz ur a cul guy
@Skython so we can babble like idiots
@RedDragon because you are an incredibly happy girl
@Whitetail so I can call you a redneck
@Ph1sher so I can see you race
@ITCC_Andrew because despite your banning and crazy way to go out, you were always a pretty nice guy.
@FrzGT because ponies.
@unit-one because you are an awesome artist. Id love to see you draw.
@Aki Ishikawa because you are a very kind, and intelligent person.
If you aren't on this list please don't feel like I hate you! I likely forgot quite a few.