Quiet, muppet!I feel LOVED
Just had a cup of coffee with Danny in London.
Thank you.Lol thanks @kolio123 I feel special. Back at you man. You're a cool dude.
My List
1. @kolio123
2. @Przem98
3. @smeadows99
I try not to lie, I try my best.
Thank you.
I think you misspelt my name, or maybe you didn't.I am actually trying to remember his previous username... who was he?!
I'd like to meet @Decambre95 because he is my current teammate for many different series. He is awesome.
I'd like to meet @JockeP22. And lets make a list...
@Aki Ishikawa
These are in no specific order except for @Decambre95. He comes first.
Same@GTRacer22 would also have to be on my list. Why must I keep remembering people?
@Niku Driver HC @photonrider @hsv