Who thinks they should ditch 2 player battle

  • Thread starter gtbillyboy
OP may have a point with regards to CPU.

During split screen it must read two sets of inputs / dual shocks or wheels and process this.

It must also calculate two sets of responsive physics.

It must also render two views on the environment.

If we expect two player to behave the same way single player behaves then there may be limits to all of the above so that gameplay does not appear degraded during split screen.

Fortunately for us GT5p at least was calculating driving lines and physics for 15 other vehicles during single player so there may be plenty of overhead to process two sets of inputs and two driver physics equal in quality to single player.

If the physics calculations on the driver and AI cars is greatly ramped up to handle weather, and the rendering engine taxed even more to handle global shadows and day / night cycles then things may be different?

I agree with the OP, if it limits the single player in any way, then I'd rather it was out... the amount of hours I spend on GT compared to the amount of hours I have friends over playing two players is way out of proportion and probably says all sorts of bad things about my social behaviour, especially when a new GT is coming out.
I don't think split screen has ever taken anything from single player so that point isn't even arguable. The onlt thing it really affects is that is takes up a couple mb's of space on the disk.
Id be really happy if there was a 2P GP mode. i thought it was boring just 2 cars on track how about some other cars?

maybe something like this for online too

maybe 2P online?

Yeah, this is something I'd really like to see. Instead of racing 1 or 2 other people round Suzuka for 10 laps they should give you the option of bolstering the field with AI, seeing as they're now much improved too!
And I'd love to have split-screen online multiplayer. Although I can see people taking advantage of it by orchestrating attacks etc. on other players.
OP may have a point with regards to CPU.
No he doesn't, because he was implying that including a split screen 2 player mode has an effect on how much CPU power can be used for the single player game. Ofcourse it has an effect during a 2 player game, no one is suggesting otherwise or that 2 playe mode will have al the graphical bells and whistles as the single palyer mode. It never does and this is further demonstrated in GT5:P's 2 player mode. The issue being discussed if based on the OP's false assumption that having a 2 player mode in the game b virtue of just being thier reduces the CPU power available for the single player game when it doesn't.

However, if you don't have any family or physical friends, I can completely understand why you would think offline multi-player games are useless.

The PS3 is more than capable of running 2 - 4 players without crippling the system, unlike the PS2. GT4 and ToCA3 2 player races are horrid on PS2, even running on the PS3. Handling goes to crap and graphics take a big hit.

Anyone else find it odd how the OP has a tone as if he/she has not even played GT5P? 2 player is just fine, flawless almost. Can't use heads up/bumper cam.
WTF @ this thread.

Two player gaming is DYING. No game these days features two players.

I'm glad GT5P has got two players and it would be absolutely terrible if they removed it from GT5.

I've not bought many racing games this gen. Why? No two player.

Burnout Paradise? No two player, no buy.
Midnight Club? No two player, no buy.
DIRT? No two player, no buy.
GRID? No two player, no buy
DIRT 2? No two player, no buy.


GT5 better have two player.

But my one complaint about GT5 split screen is that it is a bit boring without the A.I. racing. It would be great if there were extra cars racing alongside.
Gran Turismo has always had 2 player mode. I don't want that feature out of the game either. Why the hell would PD take it out? It would be a bad move.
I'd not only like to see them keep it, but also to beef it up to 4 or even 6 or 7 player. Maybe 7-player is a little unrealistic for people with small screens, but if you have a 60" TV, that's actually enough for nine 20" screens.

I think 6 player could work. In 1080, that'd mean six 640x540. So on a 50" screen that's 19" screens for every player. The aspect ratio is a little odd (32:27), but I think it could work. I don't know if it takes more power though to process 6 players inputting, but I can't imagine it'd be harder than processing 15 computer drivers.

Also, I don't understand why there's only nose and chase view in 2P. I can understand cockpit, but what about hood cam? I think that should be in.
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Besides GT being amazingly fun to race alone(gt mode, online) I love racing with family. Its what makes this game so much fun.
My theory is that polyphony could ditch this and free up memory and cpu resources to dedicate to the main game - at the moment they are obviously holding back some of the true power of the ps3 so it can run the 2 player split screen mode.

In todays network based world, they should really support 2 player mode online or over a LAN (i.e. you need 2 machines). I'm not sure these days anyone is going to buy gt5 that isn't connected to the internet, or wouldn't be prepared to sacrific this for a better main game.

so do you not have any friends in the real world? if they binned 2 player battle and forced and to have to do it LAN id be pissed cuz only a handful of my friends have PS3;s and when one who dosnt comes over and wants to play me what am i supposed to tell him? go buy a PS3?

but including 2 player mode would probably take up as much room as 1 car. and guess what it takes up no Ram or CPU usage when not being used. please at least research stuff before you post.
To quote Juan Pablo Montoya:


2 player has been fun for me and my family on the previous GT titles and I do not want 2 player removed. In fact, I actually would like it to be Multiplayer online. Up to four players at once in one room while taking on 12 other live players would be phenominal and I could enjoy not only racing my friends that live near me without them having to spend so much on a PS3 and a Internet connection(which isn't always perfect) but I could race friends that live far away. Thats my take.

I like beating my sons to much! ( 38 and 30 ):sly:👍

For some reason, this sounds so wrong:lol:
NO They got to keep 2 player mode. New games are always focused on the online multiplayer and they let down the split screen multi. It's fun to race with a friend sometimes not always with people all around the world you don't even know.
My theory is that polyphony could ditch this and free up memory and cpu resources to dedicate to the main game - at the moment they are obviously holding back some of the true power of the ps3 so it can run the 2 player split screen mode.

In todays network based world, they should really support 2 player mode online or over a LAN (i.e. you need 2 machines). I'm not sure these days anyone is going to buy gt5 that isn't connected to the internet, or wouldn't be prepared to sacrific this for a better main game.

Wat if a player's internet connection goes down and she/he wants to race a friend at that moment? Taking 2 players mode out is a "bad bad" idea
Two player is one of the features I use most in GT. If anything, they should expand on it and improve it. No online experience, no matter how good, can compare to sitting right next to your friend and battling it out. 4 or 6 player local multiplayer would be even better.
I think that offline simultaneous multiplayer on the one system is vital to console gaming in general. On other platform types such as PC, its virtually impossible with modern games, but people still play the classics simply for the offline multiplayer aspect. This is probably the biggest reason why Nintendo's [very outdated specs] consoles/handhelds continue to outsell more modern and advanced consoles such as the PS3 and the X360. To be honest, perhaps online mode should be axed??? Using your logic it would take up far to much system resources away from the main single player mode. 2-4 player split screen would utilize no more than 1-2 MB on a BluRay disc with 56,000+ [please correct me if I'm wrong] MB of storage. It would simple not be run when the other game modes are running, and as such would not utilize ANY of the PS3's CPU, GPU or RAM.

Also, first post. Greetings to all.
I just returned from marvelous weekend party with 40 people, lot of fun playing GT5:P on splitscreen and this strange idea thread just snapped into my face...
How dare you even suggest such a thing? Some of us have actual human friends, and enjoy hanging out in the same room with other people. Please, next time you have a thought like this, just......don't. :ouch:



OP may have a point with regards to CPU.

During split screen it must read two sets of inputs / dual shocks or wheels and process this.

It must also calculate two sets of responsive physics.

It must also render two views on the environment.

If we expect two player to behave the same way single player behaves then there may be limits to all of the above so that gameplay does not appear degraded during split screen.

Fortunately for us GT5p at least was calculating driving lines and physics for 15 other vehicles during single player so there may be plenty of overhead to process two sets of inputs and two driver physics equal in quality to single player.

If the physics calculations on the driver and AI cars is greatly ramped up to handle weather, and the rendering engine taxed even more to handle global shadows and day / night cycles then things may be different?

I agree with the OP, if it limits the single player in any way, then I'd rather it was out... the amount of hours I spend on GT compared to the amount of hours I have friends over playing two players is way out of proportion and probably says all sorts of bad things about my social behaviour, especially when a new GT is coming out.

The only drawback is the two views department. And the physics portion and controls won't matter one bit. What's one extra set of discrete controller inputs versus fifteen sets of physics variables for a full field of AI cars (not to mention the AI itself, as all fifteen drivers are deciding whether to push, fall back, overtake and whatnot)? Kid's stuff.

And the two views department can simply use down-scaled models to fit the smaller screens... like they use for the rear-view and lower-definition models for far-awar cars already. No big hassle.

Pfffffff at this thread.

I want 4 players!

In this generation of online gaming, some people still do have real friends round.

Nothing quite matches the fun of driving four-up in Mario Kart. of course, accurate driving goes out the window in a four-player view... at least for me... because I shift by ear, not by tach. :lol:

Why not make the second player go online?

It's time to "shake and bake!" Ricky Bobby style! :D
MotorStorm had a mountain of fecal matter dumped on their heads because the left out multiplayer in MS1. Now, oddly enough, in MS2 (PR) there is up to 4 players. The masses handed it to them on a platter and the developer responded by making things right. Too bad EA doesn't listen.
G'day, long time reader, first time poster.

They better not cut 2P split-screen.

I've probably spent over 50% of my game-time playing 2P races.