- 170
- Portugal
- Metalmurphy
There were reports that Microsoft made some sort of sketchy deal that made Aston Martin exclusive to them. But it doesn't seem like that's the case.
Test Drive Unlimited 2 beta has them, and that's multi platform.
There were reports that Microsoft made some sort of sketchy deal that made Aston Martin exclusive to them. But it doesn't seem like that's the case.
Can somebody identify the white car with gold/yellow wheels behind the Subaru WRC please?
That would be Spoon's version of the new Honda CR-Z
It's actually kinda worrying there's no Veyron in the Pic, maybe it's not Premium. If it was I would've thought they'd put such an Iconic car somewhere in there!Hmm, so no Bugatti Veyron as a premium?
What was the deal with doubt as to wether Aston Martin would be in the game or not? I remember something vaguely. However it seems this picture lays doubt to rest.
Can somebody identify the white car with gold/yellow wheels behind the Subaru WRC please?
Hmm, so no Bugatti Veyron as a premium?
Hmm, so no Bugatti Veyron as a premium?
Wait, wait, wait? Do you mean to tell me that you automatically disregard every car that isn't in this screenshot? Are you kidding me? I guess going by your train of thought there aren't any Ferraris (since they aren't in this pic) or Lamborghinis other than that SuperVeloce (since they aren't in the pic).
What a baseless assumption.
What is new that we haven't seen / heard of from the car list here...?
I couldn't spot a stock Toyota Supra, only the race spec.
Hang on, what about this?
What is new that we haven't seen / heard of from the car list here...?
I couldn't spot a stock Toyota Supra, only the race spec.
Hang on, what about this?
I thought you guys might want to take a look! (& list, as you do)
I'm not sure about Magazine scans but I have a Hi-Res photo of the scene with a large selection of cars on the Test Track. So here it is!
(Ok, so it's a little fuzzy at the zoom level the GTP Forum displays, but i'm sure we'll be able to identify every car in the shot.
And a little bonus shot of the 'VW Owners Club during their AGM' :lol:
Oh, there is quite a bit more. It's a full feature, I havn't read any yet, but i'm sure i'll let you know if there is anything, you know.... Noteable.[/QUOTE]
The photo looks good enough to me 👍
I've just read the article and it's pretty good. There are quite a few comments from Kazunori and the section about them going to Dunsfold to model the track is interesting. You should post pics/scans of the rest of the article if you can, Below is Jordan's view on posting magazine articles so it's all good.
[I]"I don't think scans posted in the forum will cause much of a problem, but if we receive complaints about that they will need to be removed."[/I]
Thanks guys for the replies, but i'm not suprised that you tried after I blew your minds and eyes!
Oh, yeah, the brown vehicles at the back i'm pretty sure are the two Army VW's we saw a little while back, called the Schwimmwagen, Kubelwagon... I think.
If anybody needs a confirmation with identifying any vehicle, I can probably do that, since my naked eyes on the picture in the mag tell me everything!
Look harder, there's a Mk.III at the back.
Edit: Red Evo, 3rd car from the back 5th row, what generation is it? Looks between IV and VI.