I made my judgement during the race based on pretty much the view that you posted. At the point of this shot if you look at the orientation of both cars looking towards the APEX of the corner and neither car changes lines then it is apparent the line I as the outside car will intersect the apex at just about the white line on the outside of the blue pavement.
We are still on the straight here and the OP has been on the brakes for a good bit already and our speed difference is pretty high already as I am still carrying full straight line speed (the op shows to still be running at 119 mph and he has been on the brakes for a while in this photo) and have not needed to start braking at all at this point unlike the op at this point.
If you compare the two photos using the beginning of the curbing as a reference above you can see the short distance traveled on track and speeds of over 120 mph and the difference in relation to how out cars are positioned between photo 1 and photo 2 to give an indication to the speed difference between the two cars.
In the second photo it is pretty obvious his front bumper is just up to the left side of my rear bumper and contact is being made..
Also in the second photo the contact appears to have already started to turn my car pushing the rear towards the outside of the track and even with the added turning force from the contact I am still showing the same basic trajectory towards white line on the outside of the blue pavement away from the curbing.
The above diagram depicts exactly the circumstance I feel that we had. In that diagram it does not really make any difference where the car was on the straight but where and how the cars are positioned at the end of the straight and the start of the corner. Where this incident occurred is not a slow speed corner with a heavy braking point and turn in but a high speed corner where trajectory and momentum are important aspects.
With the line that the op had to take then he had to brake fairly hard and therefore losing his momentum to maintain that inside line at the speeds we were traveling. As I had stated in an earlier post my car positioning on the straight was done with the exact intent of if the op chose that line to force that exact scenario giving me back the better momentum required to maintain the position on track.
I still stand by that the pictures do indicate that the op by taking the line and the positioning on the track at that point he had to take to attempt the pass in that location he could not maintain the speed and momentum that was required to be able to complete all facets of the passing process or maintain his position of being along side entering the corner granting the rights for a racing lane.
If he had of kept his front bumper up alongside at least my rear wheel but preferably my door then I would have made sure he had plenty of room like I did on the straight where he was given room to attempt the overtake . As the lead car I do not feel obligated to give the trailing car a lane.
I try to race clean, I am subject to mistakes or judgement calls like everyone else. I have learned through the last month racing online a certain level of aggressive behavior is present and taking a complete passive approach will result in being pushed around all over the track.
I do now hold my line or not just give way because of aggressive attempts of overtakes. I have learned that online races are what they are to a certain degree.
Some will not agree with my reasoning or my decision, some will. It was a judgement call made at full speed in the heat of a racing battle, v