I have to say! those who are crybabies and complaining, 90% are kids/children, so don't give it any serious attention! Mature people dont use internet so much as kids, and mature people dont have time for stupid comments like "I want this, I want that", or 'this is stupid and that is stupid", "PD sucks", "GT5 is crap" and so on.. don't give it any attention!
I like the damn game, I have G27 and enjoy every minute of it.. I do understand that its far to be perfect and I try to improve or understand it here in GTP. I try to use GTP Feedback etc.
I dont like many games...
I do hate (maybe not hate but dont like them very much) games like World of Warcraft, HALO, Devil May Cry or any other game which is 100% or 10% fake (I mean like with Harry Porter

) style of story... but what I meant is .. I dont go to Halo forums and say how much I dont like it, that is just stupid, and I dont have time for it.. but who have so much time.. god damn kids!
don't give it any attention!