Why can we use in Gran Turismo driving aids like TC and ABS that never existed in some cars?

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If this is a real driving simulator, why can we use in Gran Turismo driving aids like TC and ABS that never existed in cars from the 70's, 80's or before?
Because of casual people. Not everybody has the same skills for driving. I can deal with no TCS (I never run with it unless I decide to cruise realistically so with it on in modern cars) and so can other skilled players, but others can't drive very well without it. It's an option regardless, so I don't see why you're bothered by it.
Oh, and I usually run with ABS because otherwise I'd run into a wall braking for a corner. It's also the case for other racers.
Because it's a game, is the simple answer.

Yeah, refering itself to "The Real Driving Simulator"...

I see how casual players would be pissed if there wasn't abs on the Auto Union and such, however we should get a ticked option "match real car" or something in the driving aids menu because it's a pain in the ... to go online and search the actual aids a car has in rl.
@moxlox maybe when you chip a car without an ECU you're actually adding fuel injection, airflow control systems, valve timing, etc. to the car. In which case it's a real bargain! lol

seriously though you're right it's stupid
It's called having options, & that's a great thing because the more options there are, the more people the game will appeal to. Many cars that didn't come with TC or ABS in the real world can still be fitted with aftermarket upgrades, so having the option to use such aids in Gran Turismo is actually realistic.

What annoys me is that an unrealistic beginners aid like SRF is forced on everyone at certain points of the game. :banghead:

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