Conspiracists are not stupid or uneducated, quite the opposite. They come up with sometimes very plausible theories of occurances or phenomenons that require research and proof to seem accurate in many ways.
No, but they seem to suffer from paranoid delusions. If they felt that one issue was a conspiracy then I could think that maybe they have seen something that I haven't or maybe they just can't believe something, but they tend to find a conspiracy in everything. For example, the people that believe loose change also tend to believe that everything the Republicans do is a conspiracy of some sort, even to the point of thinking that they allowed black people to die in Katrina, or some extreme cases think Bush started up Katrina with his hurricane machine.
It goes the other way as well. When Clinton was in office I heard everything from he is the antichrist because he resembles the description given by Nostradomus

to Clinton/Janet Reno ordered the Waco compound set on fire, to missile attacks in the Middle East were designed to distract/hide the media from Monica Lewinsky, to he had Watergate witnesses killed.
Many times there seems to be politically motiovated emotional reactions psychologically backing up these crazy theories.
The stupid and uneducated people aren't coming up with any theories, they are the ones who are eating what is put on their plate, no questions or complaints.
I heard this exact comment from a conspiracy theorist I work with. Just because I don't see a gunman on the grassy knoll or a missile in a grainy photograph does not mean that I am stupid or uneducated. It could be that there is no evidence to solidly defend the conspiracy theory or that I have seen evidence to the contrary. Conspiracy theorists will try and explain evidence against their theory as fake or planted, but everything they have must be pure fact.
Come on, everyone hears how politicians are dishonest liars, that stereotype in itself is enough to not believe anything they say for some people.
There is a big difference between taking money under the table, lying on the campaign trail, and illegally searching offices and murdering, scheming villains like we see in the movies, which is the only place I have seen these kinds of politicians.
I honestly believe that conspiracy theorists just get so worked up in their political beliefs that that they completely villify the politicians they don't support and if they continue down this thought process they eventually attempt to attach purely evil actions to that person, which in their villified vision makes complete sense to them.
I am sure that if there was enough solid evidence to find any conspiracy theory true that political commentators would ride it until it was investigated. Short of a few extreme activists, celebrities, and struggling politicians trying to make accusations nothing has come about from any of these theories. Then when you consider how many things get leaked nowadays from "unidentified sources" you would think that something as big as some of these accusations would be leaked, but it hasn't.