Why do they lie with these screen shots?

  • Thread starter GT Motion
The screen shots on the homepage of the new "in game footage" is too good to be true, they rendered out all of the jaggies and act like the game will look that good. Anyone who has played the prologue knows that the game is littered with jaggies.

I love GT but they are such liars with their screen shots, I mean, look at the PSP on their home page, the PSP does not look half as good as their homepage ad insinuates.

Why cant we just get real screen shots and not these renders?

I really hope I am wrong and they somehow improved the graphics and jaggies times 10 but for some reason I feel like when we get the game the jaggies and graphics will be back and not what is promised in the screenshots. :(
Well judging from the demo's they are fairly close graphic wise. You also can't really determine what GT5 will look like from GT5P as there have been years of separation.

The only thing we can do is wait and see.
I think those are photomode screenshots which can add a lot of quality to the shots... also they are being shown at lower than real life resolution which helps remove jaggies.

As for why show them instead of ingame shots? Well... technically it's not lying and it looks better... marketing.
It's no different to the sudden difference in Turn 10's screen shots of Forza 3 then seein g the actual in game graphics being noticably worse. It's marketing, and by using an ingame tool like photomode that enhances the graphics while remaining ingame, they can do so without technically lying. That said, I'm not saying thoes pics are definitely photomode pics, beacuse when a picture is scaled down like that it can sometimes give the impression that it looks better than it actually does. You lose certain defining details when you make a picture smaller and it becomes harder to spot the cues that set it apart from real life.
If you aren't happy with the way GT5p looks.... I mean...who cares?

Enjoy not playing it. The jaggies... the jaggies... there isn't a game that has better visuals than GT5p with less jaggies. Thats a fact.
The screen shots on the homepage of the new "in game footage" is too good to be true, they rendered out all of the jaggies and act like the game will look that good. Anyone who has played the prologue knows that the game is littered with jaggies.

I love GT but they are such liars with their screen shots, I mean, look at the PSP on their home page, the PSP does not look half as good as their homepage ad insinuates.

Why cant we just get real screen shots and not these renders?

I really hope I am wrong and they somehow improved the graphics and jaggies times 10 but for some reason I feel like when we get the game the jaggies and graphics will be back and not what is promised in the screenshots. :(

FM3 does the same, maybe go there as well and complain also? Oh wait, need for Speed shift does the same.. oh wait.. etc etc..

Sure it's all in game, but photo mode adds bit more of good lightning and less jaggies... at 8 mega pixel resolution! I don't care, when I race I think about racing, when I wanan go to photo mode I do not want jaggies, so far PD does great job.
All games do it. It's not just GT5, or Forza, or NFS, or any other racing game. It's all games across all genre's. The fact is it looks very unproffesional to release shots of a game with jaggie's or any glitches in them. It's not lieing, it's professionalism.

Also as stated, when you reduce the size of a picture then the aliasing issues are far less noticeable.
Here's one of GT5 Prologue's bullshot:


And here's one straight off my screen:


You do see the more "jaggies" compared to the top photo but for most part, it's pretty close. At this point of gaming console advancement, you shouldn't expect anything like the top photo. Even a high end PC would be stuttering at that kind of resolution and the amount of AntiAliasing etc.
I didnt see much of the Forza Ad's so I cant compare that, but NFS showed in game footage in their commercial, actual gameplay. I love GT so dont trip out on me Fanboys, but when I had GT PSP the difference between that and what they advertise is lightyears.

GT > Forza > NFS just FYI for the haters.
What jaggies? Forget the aliasing and low quality shadows gt5p. We all know everything looks better now!
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Guys this doesn't just happen in the Video Gaming Industry, it happens everywhere. When was the last time you bought something at McDonalds that looked exactly like they advertised it. What we get is partly squashed, with tomatoe sauce sticking out the side. Would you buy something that would look like that? Probably not. I'm perfectly fine with these screenshots.

Well, jaggies are a significant matter IMO, but the jaggies in GT5P aren't very much. That's why I usually pick the PC versions of games, but nothing is perfect, and you will undoubtedly see jaggies on all recent heavy games.
You dont sell a lifetime subscription to TIME.

You sell a lifetime of information, news and windows into other cultures.

Same thing. Embellished.
The screen shots on the homepage of the new "in game footage" is too good to be true, they rendered out all of the jaggies and act like the game will look that good. Anyone who has played the prologue knows that the game is littered with jaggies.

And how on Earth would you produce JAGGIES on the CAPTURE CARD?

Sorry my dear kid, but sometimes many of you really fail on test of primal inteligence.

BTW I have a Pioneer 720p plasma and I literally do not have almost any jaggies on my screen, from any game, not just GT. So, maybe you should buy yourself a decent screen instead of complaining.
GT5P definitely has plenty of jaggies for all to view. My new top of the line Sony 1080p shows 'em all. Those screens are ********. Nothing new..
I really hope I am wrong and they somehow improved the graphics and jaggies times 10 but for some reason I feel like when we get the game the jaggies and graphics will be back and not what is promised in the screenshots. :(
It's quite simple really - GT5P looks bloody marvelous on my 1080p TV. If the final GT5 looks anything like GT5P, just with more cars, tracks, and race modes, I'll be very happy.

If all you are concerned about is how some images look, you really can't have many other worries in your life. At the end of the day, if you don't like how the final game looks when it comes out, don't buy it. Nobody here really cares if you get it or not you see.
And how on Earth would you produce JAGGIES on the CAPTURE CARD?

Sorry my dear kid, but sometimes many of you really fail on test of primal inteligence.

BTW I have a Pioneer 720p plasma and I literally do not have almost any jaggies on my screen, from any game, not just GT. So, maybe you should buy yourself a decent screen instead of complaining.

:confused: I don't see how a capture card would remove jaggie's, unless this was some kind of after capture feature.

Also this game most certainly does have jaggies. You don't list the size of your screen but from my understanding the smallest plasma's produced are 42" so on a screen of that size or larger you are definitely going to notice jaggies. I know this because i play GT on a 1080p 42" plasma. Also have played it on a 32" LCD 720p and the case is the same.
Yes, GT5P looks bloody marvelous in my place too, but there is lot of aliasing, harsh shadows, digital mess in fences and car grilles which immediately attract my eye.

Although GT has my piece of heart, I like to say things like they are, many people seem to have big problem with it.
I really don't know how old are most of you guys but I'm 32, and back from when we had to wait about 15 minutes (or more...) to load a single game on the ZX Spectrum 48k. The leap between then and today is mind-blowing.

Things can alway be improved? Yes they can and they should. But these things take time, testing, experience, learning from what has been done. So I've been pretty happy with all GT games so far. Every one of them had improved over the last one on visuals matter. Will GT5 be perfect? No definetively! Not even GT10 (if there will be ever one) will. But will definetively be far better then GT5. So, relax, don't rush demanding perfectiveness right now. That's something you'll never achieve.
Yes, GT5P looks bloody marvelous in my place too, but there is lot of aliasing, harsh shadows, digital mess in fences and car grilles which immediately attract my eye.

Although GT has my piece of heart, I like to say things like they are, many people seem to have big problem with it.
Lots of aliasing? Harsh shadows? Digital mess? We must be playing totally different games, running in different resolutions, or my TV is just better. I will agree on the shadows - they are not so good, and the interior lighting on the cars is far too dark. But, for the most part, lines are smooth and the game flows nicely.

bullie77 speaks sense. Compare GT5 to GT1 - what right do you have complaining? Heck, go back to games like the original "Out Run" in the arcades - things have moved on so much, yet still people complain about the pettiest little things.

Like I said, and will keep saying, if you don't like it, don't buy it. If you buy it and continue to point out faults, more the fool you.
I noticed Jaggies when doing time trials in my Lotus Evora in prologue.

It was third person view and just above the spoiler, when the the car turned in you could see a few jagged edges. But when racing i have started to use Cockpit view, and the only jaggies are on the dashboard, but i am looking at the road...

You saw what GTPSP did to counter this, they moved every other frame one pixel to the side, a simple but very effective method of reducing jaggies without putting stress on the GPU like Anti-aliasing does. I don't think GT5P has this, but PD are probably going to put it in GT5. It was after all, only something they thought to do with the very limited graphical ability on the PSP, but seeing as they are pushing the limits of the PS3's capability, they should do the same.

Even if there are jaggies in GT5P there are so many more in other games with much poorer visuals. GT shots from photomode arn't going to have any jaggies, thats where most of the images we see are from. But in the gameplay you don't notice it if you are racing. I only noticed in the time trial because i was alone on the circuit. If i was racing i would be more concerned about that Elise in my blind spot that i was about to cut off in the braking zone :scared:
I am 32, beggined with Z80, Defender Of Crown, Nether Earth and Crazy Cars too and can only say that those kiddings in style "You don't see those imperfections in fact, remember those old days of ZX..." are good only to annoy people with healthy eyes. Good luck with this BS, blind men...
Jaggies... I dont really mind them but I will say when I notice them in GT5:P.. I have a 37" Sharp Aquos Full HD LCD tv... and I notice jaggies the most running on 1080p... When I run it in 720p the jaggies are less visible and more AA is also noticeable... but I think these are commonly known things for regular visitors of the forum. The things is... they really only catch my eye in the main menu when you see the car and the camera pans around it etc. When I'm racing on track I dont notice jaggies at all, but thats obvious because im concentrating on holding the car in a corner, going as fast as I possibly can without losing grip catching up to the next driver in line... :D So yeah.... jaggies... you cant live with 'em, but you can definitely live without 'em ;)
Lets just say that if I can get the following kind of shots out of GT4 for ps2 (with some contrast/brightness tweaking)


Then I have no doubt that the shots we are seeing are most likely from photomode with ingame(racing) graphics not far behind. Polyphony knows how to max a system out, GT4 on PS2 STILL looks really, really good. I have no worries.
I honestly don't give a damn about jaggies when I'm passing some clown, I do care about proper physics. But the jaggies are there, you guys saying they are not are sounding crazy. And you guys that put a guy down for not having a 1080p TV are as$es honestly. Who the hell made you guys king Sony and able to put down someone for making a observation?

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