Why do they lie with these screen shots?

  • Thread starter GT Motion
Well here is your problem then...

I didn't say most people will, I said That doesn't mean most people are being vocal about the issue at all.

If 100 game sites hosted the photos, an 50 of those sites had comments turned on and 1 person at each of 45 of those sites commented about the false representation, then "almost any place that hosts screens and allows comments" do indeed have someone mentioning it. But 45 people is certainly not "most people".

You read something into what I said that just wasn't there. You need to actually read what I say instead of trying to make my words fit your preconception of why I am wrong.

It's not my fault you didn't answer correctly. I originally said "It's not a huge issue to most people", then you reply "Oh but a bunch of websites have negative comments on the subject". I was talking about the amount of people who really were concerned about this issue, then your answer changes to the number of game sites hosting negative comments about it. And who's changing the subject??

Before you become an advisor on reading comprehension, make sure you practice it well...
Yeah my TV looks like the Better quality pics you posted! So I guess I am good.

But how do you do that? 1080i vs 1080p? Or any inside TV settings to play around with?

My TV runs at 1080p and every time I switch to PS3, I need to turn on GAME setting, ( seems that game setting only makes game play smoother and more clear at faster FPS)
Only the last less jagged pictures are mine(Suzuka), I made them for a discussion in another board, the display is a projector at 1080i(no game mode), the Suzuka jagged pics were taken by another user with a 1080p tv.

The first pics(M3) were from two different users one claiming big jaggies and other no, he made similar photos to compare, all both with 1080p tvs.

I don't know the setups but a lot of jaggies only can be or a very bad tv/console config or a tv with a bad image processing/scaler. That or people who come from PC and GT5P is his first game because at 1080 there is no other car game with better detail in console.
You said

That is the basis of your argument. I pointed out that is not a correct assumption. Historically the result of people being mislead tends to be that it eventually becomes more and more agregious until finally a law or rule is put in place to curb the missleading.

I read and understand what you are saying and that was where I was pointing out the problem with your statement.

Also the fact that you have become accustomed to this type of action isn't an excuse for it.

People were accustomed to slavery at some points in time, people were accustomed to treating women as property... being accustomed to something wrong doesn't mean it's not wrong anymore, it just means you have become calloused to it or you have decided to roll over and let something wrong happen to you rather than try and stop it.

No, I still think you don't get what I'm really trying to say. You can't just take a sentence off my post and take out/ignore the rest of its support, unless you don't understand any of it. The real point of my whole argument is not even close to that. That was my thesis, (or basis if you want to call it) and thesis can't live alone without support. You know this.

I keep repeating myself that all this should just be left with our common sense and perception. What part of this is it you don't get?

Yeah, slavery was at one time being accustomed to the people, but if we use our common sense, we know slavery is very wrong. What we're talking about here is nothing as complicated as that. Otherwise, you're just making it complicated yourself.

Let's go back to the GTPSP images with those hi-res shots of those corvettes. Somebody looks at it, and is in awe. Then he buys the game and finds out the in-game is nothing like that. If he were to use his common sense he would know that the in-game images couldn't have looked like that anyway, unless he's really convinced that the PSP is as powerful as the PS3.
If he really is convinced, do you think he's using his common sense?

I can go on with the fast food and magazine ads, and the past years of earlier generation of games.
It's not my fault you didn't answer correctly. I originally said "It's not a huge issue to most people", then you reply "Oh but a bunch of websites have negative comments on the subject". I was talking about the amount of people who really were concerned about this issue, then your answer changes to the number of game sites hosting negative comments about it. And who's changing the subject??

Before you become an advisor on reading comprehension, make sure you practice it well...

Are you talking about here:

Why is this suddenly such a big issue? To most people the difference is sooo much minimal that it doesn't matter. You can take someone and show them a direct comparison between the PSP ad and the real gameplay and they wouldn't notice the jaggies unless you pointed it to them.

Are they lying because the ad doesn't look 100% exactly like the actual version? C'mon....

Where you claim that to most people it doesn't matter? The part that's not a question and thus got no answer? The part that I responded to here:

I think every time someone complained about this the same thing is said:

Why is it such a big deal now?

When really it's a big deal in many occasions but since we here are mostly interested in GT and don't see the people unhappy about it in other games we assume it didnt' happen there.

I would think the question should be, why is now a bad time to make a point of regardless of what has happened in other cases?

Where I start a related but seperate subject and am talking about why this is a big deal and not the most people part at all? But which you later take an assumption from and run with to put words in my mouth that I said most people do something?
No, I still think you don't get what I'm really trying to say. You can't just take a sentence off my post and take out/ignore the rest of its support, unless you don't understand any of it. The real point of my whole argument is not even close to that. That was my thesis, (or basis if you want to call it) and thesis can't live alone without support. You know this.

I keep repeating myself that all this should just be left with our common sense and perception. What part of this is it you don't get?

Yeah, slavery was at one time being accustomed to the people, but if we use our common sense, we know slavery is very wrong. What we're talking about here is nothing as complicated as that. Otherwise, you're just making it complicated yourself.

Let's go back to the GTPSP images with those hi-res shots of those corvettes. Somebody looks at it, and is in awe. Then he buys the game and finds out the in-game is nothing like that. If he were to use his common sense he would know that the in-game images couldn't have looked like that anyway, unless he's really convinced that the PSP is as powerful as the PS3.
If he really is convinced, do you think he's using his common sense?

I can go on with the fast food and magazine ads, and the past years of earlier generation of games.

I did read your supporting arguments and I do think I know what you are saying and I explained why I think it's wrong.

You postulate this:

If most people care about it as much as you do, companies around the world would go bankrupt.

That is not correct. History and empirical evidence shows us that the result is actually that the businesses stay in business and often thrive from false advertising to the point that eventually laws and rules are put in place to curb the action.

The rest of your statement is also an argument which rests on that flawed statement as a foundation.

As for common sense... that is the problem, what you call common sense isn't really that common. If you look at the comments around those PSP bullshots you will see many people claiming that the game looks better than Forza3 and hence the 360 and Forza Suxors, and even commenting they rival or best GT5 screens and thus GT5 will be even BETTER by the time it comes out.

So again, you have an argument based around a flawed assumption:

Common sense would keep people from believing that these are representations of the actual product.

Sorry... the sense necessary is actually quite uncommon.

As for slavery... common sense TODAY tells us it's wrong. Common sense back THEN tells you it's totally normal and acceptable.

Same with false advertising... a few years from now, maybe knoweldge of how computers work and graphics abilities really will be common sense enough that people will just "know" a bullshot when they see one, but right now that's not the case.
Gee, all my vinyl layers in Forza 3 are pixellated and jaggie low res textures. Maybe I should start a rant thread about it.
Polyphony are the undisputed MASTERS of the Bullshot.

And they have been known to lie with their screenshots before. They sure did with their GT PSP screenshots.
^^I don't get why you called PD "The undisputed MASTER of the bullshot", when other game developers do it, too. And they do it more worst than what PD is doing. I won't mention any game developers since it will probably just start a fanboy fight. But hey some people already know who's developers it is.
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