- 1,230
Well here is your problem then...
I didn't say most people will, I said That doesn't mean most people are being vocal about the issue at all.
If 100 game sites hosted the photos, an 50 of those sites had comments turned on and 1 person at each of 45 of those sites commented about the false representation, then "almost any place that hosts screens and allows comments" do indeed have someone mentioning it. But 45 people is certainly not "most people".
You read something into what I said that just wasn't there. You need to actually read what I say instead of trying to make my words fit your preconception of why I am wrong.
It's not my fault you didn't answer correctly. I originally said "It's not a huge issue to most people", then you reply "Oh but a bunch of websites have negative comments on the subject". I was talking about the amount of people who really were concerned about this issue, then your answer changes to the number of game sites hosting negative comments about it. And who's changing the subject??
Before you become an advisor on reading comprehension, make sure you practice it well...