Why do they lie with these screen shots?

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I have a 720p 32" Bravia. I used to notice the jaggies when I was like OmG lOoK aT tHe GRAPHICS!
But now I'm used to the graphics I dont look at things like that so it doesnt bother me in any way. I do know though that they are there. I just dont think it's a problem.
I'm used to it not being able to enable AA on Crysis :)
I like don't even notice it, I don't see why you have to post it saying like omg! All these jaggies, all these jaggies. If you really enjoy driving games tiny graphical hitchs should NOT be at the top of the priority list.
All games have 'jaggies'. Its just the less good looking games can allow for high anti-aliasing , due to there being more Graphics memory available.

I would rather GT looked as good as it did with a few jaggies than less good looking, also with jaggies, just less frequent.
And how on Earth would you produce JAGGIES on the CAPTURE CARD?

Sorry my dear kid, but sometimes many of you really fail on test of primal inteligence.
BTW I have a Pioneer 720p plasma and I literally do not have almost any jaggies on my screen, from any game, not just GT. So, maybe you should buy yourself a decent screen instead of complaining.

Take this as constructive criticism.

I tend to put quite a bit of stock in the information you bring to the table here at GTP, but patronizing insults like the one you so cleverly (not) snuck in to this misinformed post really put a knock on your so-called 'credibility'.

Your version of 'do not have almost any jaggies' is just that, your version. I personally think GT5p looks beautiful and I play on a 47" native 1080p screen, but to claim that there is absolutely no aliasing and then to suggest that someone buy a better screen to 'fix' their problem is just poor advice. Whether it's displayed in 1080p or 720p, there is aliasing in GT5p; aliasing that many high-end PC gamers would find absolutely unacceptable.

I would suggest you back off with the 'lacking primal intelligence' bit, unless you're going to bring a valid point, constructive criticism or an intelligent solution to the table as a counterpoint to your insult.
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Take this as constructive criticism.

I tend to put quite a bit of stock in the information you bring to the table here at GTP, but patronizing insults like the one you so cleverly (not) snuck in to this misinformed post really put a knock on your so-called 'credibility'.

Your version of 'do not have almost any jaggies' is just that, your version. I personally think GT5p looks beautiful and I play on a 47" native 1080p screen, but to claim that there is absolutely no aliasing and then to suggest that someone buy a better screen to 'fix' their problem is just poor advice. Whether it's displayed in 1080p or 720p, there is aliasing in GT5p; aliasing that many high-end PC gamers would find absolutely unacceptable.

I would suggest you back off with the 'lacking primal intelligence' bit, unless you're going to bring a valid point, constructive criticism or an intelligent solution to the table as a counterpoint to your insult.
I agree with you 100% I spent a lot of money [recently] on my Sony TV. It's definitely not my display. There are aliasing issues, period.
Amar212, that comment was out of line.
And how on Earth would you produce JAGGIES on the CAPTURE CARD?

Sorry my dear kid, but sometimes many of you really fail on test of primal inteligence.

BTW I have a Pioneer 720p plasma and I literally do not have almost any jaggies on my screen, from any game, not just GT. So, maybe you should buy yourself a decent screen instead of complaining.

Then you don't have your TV setup correctly. Most games do produce a lot of aliasing and if your TV is not displaying it then something is wrong. Probably a lack of sharpness which is strange since most people abuse the sharpness setting.

BTW I am not going to reply to what ever you retort with. No current generation console has the ability to eliminate aliasing while still keeping expected levels of detail. Consoles DO produce aliasing and if you cant see it on your TV then you are not correctly seeing the output of the console. End of discussion.
I can't believe we're discussing this again.

If you really want to complain about bullshots, and fake advertising, go to court and see how well you end up.

No where on these bullshots, does it say "IN-GAME" footage. They're there just for show/marketing.

Are you saying that every game cover, magazine advetisement, billboards all should show in-game footage? You think Macdonald and Burker King should show their actual prepared burgers in their commercials? You think female models in Magazines look that good every time?

The whole point of this is just to show the consumers what it is the company is all about, not necessarily how it is in reality.
Guys this doesn't just happen in the Video Gaming Industry, it happens everywhere. When was the last time you bought something at McDonalds that looked exactly like they advertised it. What we get is partly squashed, with tomatoe sauce sticking out the side. Would you buy something that would look like that? Probably not. I'm perfectly fine with these screenshots.

Atleast fast food does not have jaggies.
I can't believe we're discussing this again.

If you really want to complain about bullshots, and fake advertising, go to court and see how well you end up.

No where on these bullshots, does it say "IN-GAME" footage. They're there just for show/marketing.

Are you saying that every game cover, magazine advetisement, billboards all should show in-game footage? You think Macdonald and Burker King should show their actual prepared burgers in their commercials? You think female models in Magazines look that good every time?

The whole point of this is just to show the consumers what it is the company is all about, not necessarily how it is in reality.

Well to be fair advertising laws do have some stipulations that touch on very similar ground to this... for instance a car showin an commercial with all the options must state it does. They can't just show one with all the options and then say "It doesn't say anywhere this is a car WITHOUT all the options" so we weren't lying when we said this is the new Civic.

Same with gameplay, I am not sure why we have to see a lable to say it is what it represents... shoudln't that be the assumption? I would think the logical solution is that anything that is NOT real gameplay should be labled as such, not the other way around. Is it concept art? Should be labled. Is it rendered FMV cutscnese? Should be labled. I don't think it's right having it the other way around... it may not be outright lying but it sure seems like lies of omission.

And BTW in most marketing the image must be an actual representation of the product. sure the burgers are stacked all pretty, the lettuce is carefully hand placed and onion slivers are lovingly sprinkled just so... and no you never get one that actually looks like that at the drive thru window... but it is the same ingredients, it could actually look like that with what it's made out of. They can't show you a picture of a big mac while advertising a cheeseburger and then say "we never said in writing THIS IS THE ACTUAL PRODUCT WE ARE ADVERTISING". If they did that we would all claim false advertising...

So why is the logic that it's ok for these companies to show something and then escape with the argument "well we never said it's what most people would assume it is"?
"Why do they lie with these screen shots"

Well I guess if we all felt lied to GT wouldn't have had the success it did,
Go figure.

Maybe the problem is in your TV set mate, literally... :)
Well to be fair advertising laws do have some stipulations that touch on very similar ground to this... for instance a car showin an commercial with all the options must state it does. They can't just show one with all the options and then say "It doesn't say anywhere this is a car WITHOUT all the options" so we weren't lying when we said this is the new Civic.

Same with gameplay, I am not sure why we have to see a lable to say it is what it represents... shoudln't that be the assumption? I would think the logical solution is that anything that is NOT real gameplay should be labled as such, not the other way around. Is it concept art? Should be labled. Is it rendered FMV cutscnese? Should be labled. I don't think it's right having it the other way around... it may not be outright lying but it sure seems like lies of omission.

And BTW in most marketing the image must be an actual representation of the product. sure the burgers are stacked all pretty, the lettuce is carefully hand placed and onion slivers are lovingly sprinkled just so... and no you never get one that actually looks like that at the drive thru window... but it is the same ingredients, it could actually look like that with what it's made out of. They can't show you a picture of a big mac while advertising a cheeseburger and then say "we never said in writing THIS IS THE ACTUAL PRODUCT WE ARE ADVERTISING". If they did that we would all claim false advertising...

So why is the logic that it's ok for these companies to show something and then escape with the argument "well we never said it's what most people would assume it is"?

Well, I don't think most of what you say here applies to the subject. I'm aware of advertising laws, but where in the screenshots of these most recent images of GT does it violate the law itself? Why bring up the point that in most marketing, the image must be an actual representation of the product? Is GT5 not going to have these cars in the game? It's logic, everyone knows this.

Just as you say, the whole thing should just be logic. Back in the PS2 days, or even Ps1 days with the N64, I'd see magazine covers showing characters out of their in-game footage. Back then we could obviously tell the difference. Like with GTPSP, you think PD is actually really trying to convince people that its in-game graphics really look like that? Any fool would think the PSP is on par with the PS3 capabilities.

Companies have been doing it for years, so I'm saying to the OP why specifically complain to PD and GT about this, now? With how long companies have been doing it, we would assume people would already get used to this fact.

So why is the logic that it's ok for these companies to show something and then escape with the argument "well we never said it's what most people would assume it is"?

This just depends on the people. I myself can tell difference between the advertisement, and the reality. All I know is that companies are not going to risk their business from showing something so much off their actual products, that most of its consumers would go against them.

Other than that, people is just making a big deal out of something that shouldn't be a big deal itself.
Then you don't have your TV setup correctly. Most games do produce a lot of aliasing and if your TV is not displaying it then something is wrong.

Well, nasanu, it goes both ways. If John Q. TV is displaying the game with such higher ammounts of jaggies, then we can all assume that there's something wrong with that setup too.

Probably a lack of sharpness which is strange since most people abuse the sharpness setting.

If the TV is already receiving a HD signal, like uh, GT5P at 720p, the image is already sharp and good looking, there's no need for anyone to "abuse" or even have such setting active, since it will not do any good. Same with abusing contrast levels and whining about the game looking too dark or washed out.
Well, I don't think most of what you say here applies to the subject. I'm aware of advertising laws, but where in the screenshots of these most recent images of GT does it violate the law itself? Why bring up the point that in most marketing, the image must be an actual representation of the product? Is GT5 not going to have these cars in the game? It's logic, everyone knows this.

I brought it up because I was responding to it being brought up. At the moment it's not illegal however we are getting closer day by day... video game advertising like this is relatively new to the market and it takes iterations of people realizing what's happening before rules are put in place. It wasn't that long ago that it was ruled that showing a 360 screenshot or video clip of gameplay during a wii commercial was unacceptable. Why do you think that was? I mean I can tell a 360 shot from a wii shot... I am sure you can... why make a law about it? Because many people can't and thus it's missleading.

And no it's not simple logic and many people don't know this. I would even venture if you checked outside the realm of dedicated video game nerds (ie casuals ie the majority) you would find they do think this is what the game will look like while driving.

Just as you say, the whole thing should just be logic. Back in the PS2 days, or even Ps1 days with the N64, I'd see magazine covers showing characters out of their in-game footage. Back then we could obviously tell the difference. Like with GTPSP, you think PD is actually really trying to convince people that its in-game graphics really look like that? Any fool would think the PSP is on par with the PS3 capabilities.

Go back to the news pages when those bullshots came out... a lot of comments were from people who did believe these were real PSP shots. Sorry what you are saying applies to those who spend a lot of time with the subject at hand like you and me, but we are by far the minority.

Go to any gaming site that put these pictures up and look at the comments... you will often find people surprised how the PSP even has better graphics than the 360 as evidenced by these bullshots.

Go to PD's homepage where you see bullshots pasted right onto a body of a PSP as if it's what's actually showing on the screen.

Are they trying to fool people? You would have to decide for yourself, they certainly aren't going to say they are, and they have plausible deniability... but if you ask me, pasting the bullshot right onto a PSP body and showing it on the official site sure seems like it to me.

There is a reason all those cell phone adds have to have "actual image simulated" when they show the screens even though they depict what the real menu looks like... it still looks better than it really would in that situation.

Companies have been doing it for years, so I'm saying to the OP why specifically complain to PD and GT about this, now? With how long companies have been doing it, we would assume people would already get used to this fact.

Just because it's happend a lot doesn't make it not a bad thing. And why shouldn't you be able to complain about any certain occurance instead of the trend as a whole? In fact it makes more sense to bring it up case by case because each case is different. T10 and their claims of in game non bullshots was different than what we are up against here as are many situations.

This just depends on the people. I myself can tell difference between the advertisement, and the reality. All I know is that companies are not going to risk their business from showing something so much off their actual products, that most of its consumers would go against them.

You are not most people... if someone saying "I can tell without a disclaimer" was good enough we wouldn't need advetising laws at all. Again, go back and look at almost any time really good non ingame looking shots are posted... you will find a lot of people even here at GTP are fooled or don't believe... and I think around here you can expect a higher level of experience and understanding of the subject than the general public.

As for risking putting off their consumers? Look back at the fast food ads... the real product is horribly worse looking (and tasting) than the add woudl have you believe... does this put consumers off? Maybe some... but often not until after they have bought... and even so for every one consumer that is dissapointed and never buys again, 3 more were probably attracted by the add and despite being dissapointed just keep buying anyway since they are used to being mistreated like that.

Other than that, people is just making a big deal out of something that shouldn't be a big deal itself.

I would think it's the other way around... people are sweeping under the carpet something that should really be getting proper attention.
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"Why do they lie with these screen shots"

Well I guess if we all felt lied to GT wouldn't have had the success it did,
Go figure.

Maybe the problem is in your TV set mate, literally... :)

Nah, consumers are lied to every day, maybe feel a bit pissed for a while, but then rationlize it by deciding every company does it and the product isn't horrible so no big loss and go right on buying.

You can very much lie to your customers and still be a success.
KY has said previously that the pictures are from Photomode (which will be 8MP onwards), not sure about the blank background ones.
-> Jaggies doesn't bother me either, just give me more cars and tracks and I'm happy. :)
I would think it's the other way around... people are sweeping under the carpet something that should really be getting proper attention.

Why is this suddenly such a big issue? To most people the difference is sooo much minimal that it doesn't matter. You can take someone and show them a direct comparison between the PSP ad and the real gameplay and they wouldn't notice the jaggies unless you pointed it to them.

Are they lying because the ad doesn't look 100% exactly like the actual version? C'mon....
Why is this suddenly such a big issue? To most people the difference is sooo much minimal that it doesn't matter. You can take someone and show them a direct comparison between the PSP ad and the real gameplay and they wouldn't notice the jaggies unless you pointed it to them.

Are they lying because the ad doesn't look 100% exactly like the actual version? C'mon....

I think every time someone complained about this the same thing is said:

Why is it such a big deal now?

When really it's a big deal in many occasions but since we here are mostly interested in GT and don't see the people unhappy about it in other games we assume it didnt' happen there.

I would think the question should be, why is now a bad time to make a point of regardless of what has happened in other cases?
When really it's a big deal in many occasions but since we here are mostly interested in GT and don't see the people unhappy about it in other games we assume it didnt' happen there.

Oh please show me where people are complaining aside from the people who already have a tendency to criticize anything and everything related to Sony...
Oh please show me where people are complaining aside from the people who already have a tendency to criticize anything and everything related to Sony...

I can't be bothered to go look them all up, but as far back as FFVII people where unhappy the FMV was used to advertise the game, as I mentioned before it went to court with (I beleive) EA showing 360 footage in a wii commercial... T10 had to eat their own words when promised in game shots turned out to be photomode shots. There are plenty of games for which most of the advertising was FMV clips and pre rendered shots that got some negative feedback.

This is not limited to GT or Sony and the very fact that it is becomming the norm (as is evidenced by people trying to excuse it because it's the norm) should be a rather big deal in and of itself.
No, I said show me where people are complaining about the PSP ad...

I never said people don't complain about false advertisement; I said you're wrongly qualifying this one as such.
No, I said show me where people are complaining about the PSP ad...

I never said people don't complain about false advertisement; I said you're wrongly qualifying this one as such.

Go back to the news posts where the PSP bullshots were released... I know people were bringing it up there... I was one of them.
And you guys that put a guy down for not having a 1080p TV are as$es honestly. Who the hell made you guys king Sony and able to put down someone for making a observation?
The only as$ here is the one going around accusing others of being as$es for putting people down for not having a 1080p TV when that is clearly not the case. Fact is, the jaggies are far less noticeable in 1080p than 720p on "equivalent" sets - I should know, having got similar sets from SONY in my home. If people believe otherwise, the issue lies with their TV or eyesight. Nobody is being put down...quite an ironic statement coming from you, er, putting others down... :rolleyes:
Go back to the news posts where the PSP bullshots were released... I know people were bringing it up there... I was one of them.

Well if you wanna complain about this board being biased toward Sony "since we here are mostly interested in GT and don't see the people unhappy about it in other games", you should be able to come up with some other source besides GTP...
Well if you wanna complain about this board being biased toward Sony "since we here are mostly interested in GT and don't see the people unhappy about it in other games", you should be able to come up with some other source besides GTP...

I probably would be better at it if I spent more time at other sites... as it is (as is with most of us here... as I said) I spend most of my game website time here.

If it makes you feel better I think IGN boards had people bringing it up and probably almost any place that hosted the screens and allows comments.

The simple truth is, this isn't the first time it's happened, it isn't limited to Sony, it isn't limited to PD and just because you aren't out there seeing it happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen until someone proves it to you that it does.

I mean logically it makes no sense that this (people pointing out the negativity of false represenation) HASN'T happened out there before and multiple times...
I probably would be better at it if I spent more time at other sites... as it is (as is with most of us here... as I said) I spend most of my game website time here.

If it makes you feel better I think IGN boards had people bringing it up and probably almost any place that hosted the screens and allows comments.

The simple truth is, this isn't the first time it's happened, it isn't limited to Sony, it isn't limited to PD and just because you aren't out there seeing it happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen until someone proves it to you that it does.

I mean logically it makes no sense that this (people pointing out the negativity of false represenation) HASN'T happened out there before and multiple times...

Right; like I said, only a fringe of people who will complain anyways made some comments about it as always. The fact that you couldn't find an example shows the majority of people don't care, because if they did, it would be all over the internet videogame boards.

Like I said, the reason why the majority don't care is because the difference is negligible between the PSP ad and the actual gameplay. The only people who could possibly be misled by this ad are people NOT in the intended audience (my grandma might not tell the difference, but she's not the target audience). And the people who actually ARE in the demographic Sony is shooting for, are gamers, who generally are knowledgeable enough to tell these subtle differences apart.

So really, in the end, those accusing Sony of lying are just making a storm in a tea cup.
Right; like I said, only a fringe of people who will complain anyways made some comments about it as always. The fact that you couldn't find an example shows the majority of people don't care, because if they did, it would be all over the internet videogame boards.

So wait... you want me to find examples of people who complain but aren't comlainers? I give you examples and you say they dont' count because they are complainers... well yeah... I am showing you the complaints, how can I find someone who complains about it but isn't a complainer?

Like I said, the reason why the majority don't care is because the difference is negligible between the PSP ad and the actual gameplay.

And I said the majority do care but aren't vocal about it in any way we come into contact with.

The only people who could possibly be misled by this ad are people NOT in the intended audience (my grandma might not tell the difference, but she's not the target audience).

Actually the target audience is exactly who will be mislead by it, those like you and me who can spot the difference aren't going to be fooled by it, but we are the minority, not the majority.

And the people who actually ARE in the demographic Sony is shooting for, are gamers, who generally are knowledgeable enough to tell these subtle differences apart.

I really don't think so. Never is the elite, the hardcore or the most inolved the target market... the target market is by default the norm because there is the most of them.

Sony does not say "Let's market towards the 50,000 users who spend a ton of time on forums and websites scrutinizing the game... they target the millions who are buying from pictures and advertisements.

So really, in the end, those accusing Sony of lying are just making a storm in a tea cup.

No one is making a storm, a significant issue is being brought to light and it's being exchewed and swept under the carpet by those who would like to ignore/deny it.

Here are the facts:

The PSP images (even the ones pasted directly onto PSP bodies) are not truly representative of the product and many people have shown evidence they were fooled by them.

Storm, teacup, whatever you want to call it, you can't deny those facts.

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