Why do they lie with these screen shots?

  • Thread starter GT Motion
So wait... you want me to find examples of people who complain but aren't comlainers? I give you examples and you say they dont' count because they are complainers... well yeah... I am showing you the complaints, how can I find someone who complains about it but isn't a complainer?

I told you to find a considerable group of people complaining about it on a neutral board. You admitted only a couple of people did on IGN and that's it. If, as you claim, most people feel offended by the PSP ad, you should have no problem finding several samples of people discussing the subject in a negative light.

And I said the majority do care but aren't vocal about it in any way we come into contact with.

Drop that BS...if they really cared about it they would let people know. The fact they're not whining about it proves just what I've been trying to say: people...just ...don't...care...You just can't keep a majority quiet about something they care about. Face it, you're just a fringe of people whining about a non-issue

Actually the target audience is exactly who will be mislead by it, those like you and me who can spot the difference aren't going to be fooled by it, but we are the minority, not the majority.

And that gamer will see the ad, buy the game, will not tell the difference in graphics, play it for 5, 10, 15 years and be happy with....meanwhile you'll be here on this board pulling your hair about how he was "misled" and how the world is gonna end....while he's out there enjoying the game because he doesn't care!!!

I really don't think so. Never is the elite, the hardcore or the most inolved the target market... the target market is by default the norm because there is the most of them.

Sony does not say "Let's market towards the 50,000 users who spend a ton of time on forums and websites scrutinizing the game... they target the millions who are buying from pictures and advertisements.

No one is making a storm, a significant issue is being brought to light and it's being exchewed and swept under the carpet by those ewho would like to ignore/deny it.

Here are the facts:

The PSP images (even the ones pasted directly onto PSP bodies) are not truly representative of the product and many people have shown evidence they were fooled by them.

Storm, teacup, whatever you want to call it, you can't deny those facts.

I'm not talking about being fooled by the images. Several people were fooled by GT5's ultrarealistic images too...Should Sony also be sued for making a game that looks so much like real life? Again, it's not about who thought what...the question is who was upset that they bought GT PSP based on those images? Find me those people, then you'll have a case...

Your post

There are a lot of people unhappy with a lot of things most of which there is no large spread complaint system for.

I mean look at the fast food example earlier, most people are unhappy that the food doesn't look like the pictures, do you see huge groups of neutral people complaining about it? No... does that mean it doesn't bother most people? Obviuosly not.

You have chosen some odd set of cireteria to meet as if it proves a point but it doesn't... it just doesn't meat your set of criteria.

I could take almost any problem and say "find me a large group of people who don't complain and show them complaining about this problem" and the simple answer is, you can't do that for almost any problem.

Your logic is flawed and your criteria are flawed. I think you have set up a straw man that this is some problem of epic proportions just so you can knock it down again and prove it's not... it's not, no one is saying it is. This is not like terrorism or genocide... but that doesn't mean it's not a legitimate issue.
There are a lot of people unhappy with a lot of things most of which there is no large spread complaint system for.

I mean look at the fast food example earlier, most people are unhappy that the food doesn't look like the pictures, do you see huge groups of neutral people complaining about it? No... does that mean it doesn't bother most people? Obviuosly not.

You have chosen some odd set of cireteria to meet as if it proves a point but it doesn't... it just doesn't meat your set of criteria.

I could take almost any problem and say "find me a large group of people who don't complain and show them complaining about this problem" and the simple answer is, you can't do that for almost any problem.

Your logic is flawed and your criteria are flawed. I think you have set up a straw man that this is some problem of epic proportions just so you can knock it down again and prove it's not... it's not, no one is saying it is. This is not like terrorism or genocide... but that doesn't mean it's not a legitimate issue.

Hey, you're the one making this out to be an issue bigger than it really is. You said most people are upset at this issue, but show no proof that most people are upset; again, where do you come to that conclusion from?

Back to the fast food example; would people like their whoppers to look as nice as in the pictures? Sure. Does it bother them? No. Otherwise people wouldn't buy them in the first place. I wouldn't buy from any place if the service bothers me. Being bothered is finding out your cheeseburger has no cheese. Or finding a roach in my chili. THAT bothers me, and I (like most people) would complain accordingly.
Davedander, just look at it this way.

If most people care about it as much as you do, companies around the world would go bankrupt. Sure, people can be fooled by such things, but what happens when they do find out it's not exactly what it looks like when it's advertise? Most people move on, and learn from it. I myself was fooled in the early years, but I've come to my senses that it was a common conception and to not be completely drawn into what is shown anymore the next time I see such thing.

Sure, some people were fooled by the PSP images, but when they get the game themselves, they'll come to the conclusion that it does make sense that the visuals are to be worst than the shown GT5 quality screenshots. This is common sense and logic. When people receive their burgers at a fast food restaurant, they'll come to the sense that it probably shouldn't be as nice looking as advertised because perhaps they took less time preparing it. Again, common logic, thus the majority.

Just look what the OP is saying. He obviously knows that the images are not actual in-game images, yet he complains anyway. If you already know it, why mention a whole new thread 'bout it. Keyword is he KNOWs it.

The common concept in this world is to look nice on certain occasion, e.g advertising. For example, when you go for an interview, you'd dress nicer than you would normally do. Same with advertisements, they'd show their products nicer than they normally would, to appeal to the people, BUT not so far off that its consider a fraud. Like a criminal going for an interview and pretending to be a legit person when he's not. It'd be too off of what he really is so therefore a fraud.

If the advertisement doesn't say the actual facts, then we of all people should be aware of it. So if it doesn't say in-game, all we have to do is be cautious that these game might just be for show. Otherwise, some advertisements would say its in-game, and in that situation we can then be confident with our conception.

Yes, my examples sucks, but the point I'm trying to make is this is not something worth complaining over, especially regarding this situation. I really believe the photomode in GT5 could pull off quality as high as these images. The in-game shouldn't be too far off.
To the OP, it really depends on what you consider lying.

These screenshot's are supersampled (a lot more anti-aliasing than what you get in the game) and have better quality motion blur. Other then that, all the rest should be exactly what you see in the game.

They are only applying some more processing in the real game to make something more pleasant to look at by removing the imperfections like jaggies. Sure it's better than what you see in the game but it's basically the same thing. If you feel like it's lying, I kinda agree with you. I just don't completely agree because they never stated those were direct game captures.

I believe they are photomode pics. Specially because you can find some of them in 8 megapixels.
The only as$ here is the one going around accusing others of being as$es for putting people down for not having a 1080p TV when that is clearly not the case. Fact is, the jaggies are far less noticeable in 1080p than 720p on "equivalent" sets - I should know, having got similar sets from SONY in my home. If people believe otherwise, the issue lies with their TV or eyesight. Nobody is being put down...quite an ironic statement coming from you, er, putting others down... :rolleyes:

See I am talking about guys just like you who don't read the whole forum. here is the quote my man :

And how on Earth would you produce JAGGIES on the CAPTURE CARD?

Sorry my dear kid, but sometimes many of you really fail on test of primal inteligence.

BTW I have a Pioneer 720p plasma and I literally do not have almost any jaggies on my screen, from any game, not just GT. So, maybe you should buy yourself a decent screen instead of complaining.

That is just unecessary to me, if people could just buy the best TV they would obviously. Guy makes a statement, which is true by the way and he comes back with you have a crappy TV get a new one, and this is coming from a guy who has a multipage post misleading everyone about GT and what to expect in some cryptic Robert Langdon riddle "The Winds etc..." only to prove mostly false, some nerve.👎
Back to the fast food example; would people like their whoppers to look as nice as in the pictures? Sure. Does it bother them? No. Otherwise people wouldn't buy them in the first place.

That's flawed logic. You are assuming there are only 2 options:

1 Not bothered and will by

2 Bothered to any extent and won't buy

There is a huge gray area where most things fit that you are leaving out, and that is bothered by it, but will buy anyway.

I feel totally ripped off by my landline phone company, their service is poor, I pay too much for what it is but it's also just good enough I don't get rid of it.

I think we all face that situation quite often in our lives, something that does indeed bother us, but not enough that we do without the product/service and also not enough that we start some kind of movement or action against it.

To say simply that if something bothers you, you won't buy it, is quite frankly, flawed.
Davedander, just look at it this way.

If most people care about it as much as you do, companies around the world would go bankrupt. Sure, people can be fooled by such things, but what happens when they do find out it's not exactly what it looks like when it's advertise? Most people move on, and learn from it. I myself was fooled in the early years, but I've come to my senses that it was a common conception and to not be completely drawn into what is shown anymore the next time I see such thing.

And this logic is also flawed. The most common result of people being bothered by something is that eventually it comes to a head and some sort of rule is passed about it.

That's why we have false advertising laws in place today. At one point those didn't exist.

Did people just not buy the products and hence the companies went out of business? No, rules were put in place to prevent it from happening again.

Same with the example I gave of using 360 screenshots and video clips while advertising wii games.

I think you guys have thought out how you imagine it in your head, maybe how you would like it, but you aren't looking at the empiracle evidence around that says otherwise. Kind of like the guys who claimed if rewind was in a game, it would ruin the game and everyone woudl just use it forever and never get better... I can see how you would imagine that, especially if that's your point of view, but the evidence around (ie games that actually do already ahve it and aren't ruined by it) says otherwise.
Hey, you're the one making this out to be an issue bigger than it really is. You said most people are upset at this issue, but show no proof that most people are upset; again, where do you come to that conclusion from?

Back to the fast food example; would people like their whoppers to look as nice as in the pictures? Sure. Does it bother them? No. Otherwise people wouldn't buy them in the first place. I wouldn't buy from any place if the service bothers me. Being bothered is finding out your cheeseburger has no cheese. Or finding a roach in my chili. THAT bothers me, and I (like most people) would complain accordingly.

I'm sorry. I am bothered by that kind of advertising. It saddens me that GT has resorted to that despicable attitude. I hope they stop right there and don't go too far like Turn 10 did.

I am buying the game nonetheless.
and this is coming from a guy who has a multipage post misleading everyone about GT and what to expect in some cryptic Robert Langdon riddle "The Winds etc..." only to prove mostly false, some nerve.👎
Sorry, you can disagree with him but that 'guy' has become one of the best and trustful source for the community, that is a thing that none of the new big mouth complainers can say.

Trying to discredit him only shows more of your bias against the game.
That's flawed logic. You are assuming there are only 2 options:

1 Not bothered and will by

2 Bothered to any extent and won't buy

There is a huge gray area where most things fit that you are leaving out, and that is bothered by it, but will buy anyway.

I feel totally ripped off by my landline phone company, their service is poor, I pay too much for what it is but it's also just good enough I don't get rid of it.

I'm just waiting to see how you're gonna prove most people were bothered by the PSP ad...generalizations are pretty tough to back up. If you don't wanna use sales number fine, but just prove to me how you know most people were upset by it.
Sorry, you can disagree with him but that 'guy' has become one of the best and trustful source for the community, that is a thing that none of the new big mouth complainers can say.

Trying to discredit him only shows more of your bias against the game.

Honestly discrediting is a way of debating, so a I am doing that a little intentionally. His bias is clearly with GT, while mine is only slightly with GT, but more realistic with my opinions and criticisms about about the GT series.

But my point is, is that people came to defend him when he was being attacked even when he was so off with so many aspects of his thread. Yet he doesn't hesitate to tear into a guy, about his TV nonetheless, for making an observation. He takes an elitist stance and says buck-up, get some coin and buy a new TV buddy. To me that attitude should not be allowed no matter who it is, it doesn't give him the right to start basically insulting people for not having his means.
I'm just waiting to see how you're gonna prove most people were bothered by the PSP ad...generalizations are pretty tough to back up. If you don't wanna use sales number fine, but just prove to me how you know most people were upset by it.

Where did I say most people? I said a lot of people... and some things you can't prove (well the average person can't prove). I can't prove most people are dissapointed by the fact their fast food doens't look like the picture, but if you have common sense it's not too hard to understand why that would be true.

As is the usual in situations like this, you keep changing the target over and over to make it less and less possible to prove something. I am sorry but I am done having the burden of proof put on me in this manner, you said

Oh please show me where people are complaining aside from the people who already have a tendency to criticize anything and everything related to Sony...

And I did as best one can considering you asked for something impossible (people complaining who don't complain). That's like saying "show me people who are unhappy with smoking excluding the people who complain about smoking". It's either very poorly thought out or setup as a trick question.

And you say it's not a big deal and doens't bother people enough to be of concern? Let's flip this around. Prove to me most people aren't bothered by this kind of thing.

So far we have a thread being made about it (someone who cares a noteable amount) we have responses to bullshots from the PSP (and bullshots in general) being very negative of them, we have false advertising laws as a result of people being unhappy with false representation, we have common sense that says peopel don't like being lied to if even a little bit, we have situations I pointed to with other games like FFVII and the use of 360 screens and vids in a wii commercial... all of which back up that a significant percent of people do not like and are thus bothered by this practice.

Next we have your argument that if people were bothered they woudln't buy the prdocut which is logically flawed and proven by someone posting in this thread as well as any number of products which still sell and maybe even sell well despite obviously dissapointing people with how they are portrayed vs how they really are (fast food for one example).

So how about we try putting the onus on you, instead of some ridiculously inane burden of proof (find me proof of a majority of people being bothered about a specific game excluding people who complain) which doens't even prove anything outside of that one game if proof WAS given. How about you prove to me through some form of reasonable logic or statistics that people aren't bothered by this kind of thing and that people shouldn't worry about it or bring it up.

Considering what evidence there is points squarely in the other direction, I think it's only fair to ask you for your proof.
Where did I say most people?

I quote:

If it makes you feel better I think IGN boards had people bringing it up and probably almost any place that hosted the screens and allows comments.

As I understand, "almost any place"=close to %100=most.

So it should be easy for you to find proof.

... and some things you can't prove (well the average person can't prove). I can't prove most people are dissapointed by the fact their fast food doens't look like the picture, but if you have common sense it's not too hard to understand why that would be true.

I'm not asking you to find proof for the fast food analogy since that's not the actual subject at hand. Common sense would tell me that people have come to accept the reality of product advertisement and are not upset by getting a slightly different product from what's pictured.

As is the usual in situations like this, you keep changing the target over and over to make it less and less possible to prove something. I am sorry but I am done having the burden of proof put on me in this manner

I just finished asking you what you need to do: back up your statement or back off it. Did you answer? No, you only kept dancing around the subject, and now you just admitted you can't prove what you said. Target's always been the same, and the 2 quotes you did from me prove it.

And I did as best one can considering you asked for something impossible (people complaining who don't complain). That's like saying "show me people who are unhappy with smoking excluding the people who complain about smoking". It's either very poorly thought out or setup as a trick question.

And with that I stopped you before you quoted an Xbox 360 forum rife with fanboys who are predisposed to attack Sony in any case.

And you say it's not a big deal and doens't bother people enough to be of concern? Let's flip this around. Prove to me most people aren't bothered by this kind of thing.

Let's not. I don't have to prove a negative.

I could go out on a limb and make a poll, but then you'd complain that there are not many options and it's not valid...

So far we have a thread being made about it (someone who cares a noteable amount) we have responses to bullshots from the PSP (and bullshots in general) being very negative of them, we have false advertising laws as a result of people being unhappy with false representation, we have common sense that says peopel don't like being lied to if even a little bit, we have situations I pointed to with other games like FFVII and the use of 360 screens and vids in a wii commercial... all of which back up that a significant percent of people do not like and are thus bothered by this practice.

Next we have your argument that if people were bothered they woudln't buy the prdocut which is logically flawed and proven by someone posting in this thread as well as any number of products which still sell and maybe even sell well despite obviously dissapointing people with how they are portrayed vs how they really are (fast food for one example).

So how about we try putting the onus on you, instead of some ridiculously inane burden of proof (find me proof of a majority of people being bothered about a specific game excluding people who complain) which doens't even prove anything outside of that one game if proof WAS given. How about you prove to me through some form of reasonable logic or statistics that people aren't bothered by this kind of thing and that people shouldn't worry about it or bring it up.

Well, you're the one who disqualified this board as source of proof. I asked why all this complaining and crying about people being misled when it's such a small issue. Then you claimed :"Oh, a bunch of people are complaining, but because this is a Gran Turismo forum you don't see it".

I said "Fine, show me where all these people are complaining outside of GTPlanet". Since then you haven't provided one single link....

I advise next time you're gonna make a broad statement, be prepared to back it up. Not that you should make broad statements, but if you must tickle your fancy so...know that they won't be taken at face value.
He takes an elitist stance and says buck-up, get some coin and buy a new TV buddy. To me that attitude should not be allowed no matter who it is, it doesn't give him the right to start basically insulting people for not having his means.

First, I can have whatever I want because it is my attitude and in democracy I have a right to have one.

Second, my stance isn't "Elitist". People play console games on LCD screens which produce too sharp and too saturated picture, they often play with extreme settings of their sets, they use wrong settings for calibrations, etc. And than they come and complain "Game XYZ looks like crap, boo boo, baa baa, on my TV".

Third, NUMEROUS DISCUSSIONS HERE and on other respectfull forums showcased that great percentage of "jaggies problems" lies on personal TV settings of the end user.

Fourth, ELEMENTARY KNOWLEDGE OF "what is possible and what is not" in current technology that humans posses in terms of video-output devices tells that JAGGIES ARE INEVITABLE in this form or another for many years to come.

So, another complaining thread about subject that has been covered so many times in so many views is plain "boo boo baa baa"subject, at least from my view.

I WAS a bit harsh on the subject, but on the other hand OP gave me the reason for it. I honestly apologise if I insulted anyone.
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And this logic is also flawed. The most common result of people being bothered by something is that eventually it comes to a head and some sort of rule is passed about it.

That's why we have false advertising laws in place today. At one point those didn't exist.

Did people just not buy the products and hence the companies went out of business? No, rules were put in place to prevent it from happening again.

Same with the example I gave of using 360 screenshots and video clips while advertising wii games.

I think you guys have thought out how you imagine it in your head, maybe how you would like it, but you aren't looking at the empiracle evidence around that says otherwise. Kind of like the guys who claimed if rewind was in a game, it would ruin the game and everyone woudl just use it forever and never get better... I can see how you would imagine that, especially if that's your point of view, but the evidence around (ie games that actually do already ahve it and aren't ruined by it) says otherwise.

??? :confused: What are you saying? I don't think you understand my main points, and also what I mean by common sense and conception.

I honestly don't even know if anything you said here is related to my whole post. I'm lost now, so I'll stop here.

But good argument. I welcome anyone who's up for a good argument/debate, but it doesn't look like we're heading anywhere here.
But my point is, is that people came to defend him when he was being attacked even when he was so off with so many aspects of his thread.
At least you are being sincere... as I say you can disagree with him but that no makes his point untrue. About people defending him, him or his point?

The jaggies issue has been discused a lot of times, just compare same game different displays:

Bad display/settings:

Good display/settings:















*All them displayed at 1080.
Why do they lie?

Because they are as evil a Hitler and are trying to deceive you so that they can buy more cruise missiles.
It's a comparison, so yes.

Yeah my TV looks like the Better quality pics you posted! So I guess I am good.

But how do you do that? 1080i vs 1080p? Or any inside TV settings to play around with?

My TV runs at 1080p and every time I switch to PS3, I need to turn on GAME setting, ( seems that game setting only makes game play smoother and more clear at faster FPS)
I love GT but they are such liars with their screen shots, I mean, look at the PSP on their home page, the PSP does not look half as good as their homepage ad insinuates.

They have always done this. It's never looked that good. They are not the only ones guilty of it though. The marketing teams are just doing their job.
Yeah my TV looks like the Better quality pics you posted! So I guess I am good.

But how do you do that? 1080i vs 1080p? Or any inside TV settings to play around with?

My TV runs at 1080p and every time I switch to PS3, I need to turn on GAME setting, ( seems that game setting only makes game play smoother and more clear at faster FPS)

Game setting is unwatchable on my Samsung full HD TV because of oversharpened and bluish picture. I set my TV to pixel mapping 1:1, backlight 4 from 10, turned off sharpening and calibrated colors after forum hdtvtest.co.uk
I quote:

As I understand, "almost any place"=close to %100=most.

So it should be easy for you to find proof.

Well here is your problem then...

I didn't say most people will, I said
probably almost any place that hosted the screens and allows comments.
That doesn't mean most people are being vocal about the issue at all.

If 100 game sites hosted the photos, an 50 of those sites had comments turned on and 1 person at each of 45 of those sites commented about the false representation, then "almost any place that hosts screens and allows comments" do indeed have someone mentioning it. But 45 people is certainly not "most people".

You read something into what I said that just wasn't there. You need to actually read what I say instead of trying to make my words fit your preconception of why I am wrong.
??? :confused: What are you saying? I don't think you understand my main points, and also what I mean by common sense and conception.

I honestly don't even know if anything you said here is related to my whole post. I'm lost now, so I'll stop here.

But good argument. I welcome anyone who's up for a good argument/debate, but it doesn't look like we're heading anywhere here.

You said

If most people care about it as much as you do, companies around the world would go bankrupt.

That is the basis of your argument. I pointed out that is not a correct assumption. Historically the result of people being mislead tends to be that it eventually becomes more and more agregious until finally a law or rule is put in place to curb the missleading.

I read and understand what you are saying and that was where I was pointing out the problem with your statement.

Also the fact that you have become accustomed to this type of action isn't an excuse for it.

People were accustomed to slavery at some points in time, people were accustomed to treating women as property... being accustomed to something wrong doesn't mean it's not wrong anymore, it just means you have become calloused to it or you have decided to roll over and let something wrong happen to you rather than try and stop it.
Usually, the advertised images of games don't reflect the game at all. But i think some of the actual ingame shots you get on GT5P are very close to the images they give us. Photomode is even closer.

Some games, the promotional images/videos arn't from the game at all, they are just promotional FMVs. But with GT its so close i can't tell if they are just promotional, or if they were taken in photomode.
First, I can have whatever I want because it is my attitude and in democracy I have a right to have one.

Second, my stance isn't "Elitist". People play console games on LCD screens which produce too sharp and too saturated picture, they often play with extreme settings of their sets, they use wrong settings for calibrations, etc. And than they come and complain "Game XYZ looks like crap, boo boo, baa baa, on my TV".

Third, NUMEROUS DISCUSSIONS HERE and on other respectfull forums showcased that great percentage of "jaggies problems" lies on personal TV settings of the end user.

Fourth, ELEMENTARY KNOWLEDGE OF "what is possible and what is not" in current technology that humans posses in terms of video-output devices tells that JAGGIES ARE INEVITABLE in this form or another for many years to come.

So, another complaining thread about subject that has been covered so many times in so many views is plain "boo boo baa baa"subject, at least from my view.

I WAS a bit harsh on the subject, but on the other hand OP gave me the reason for it. I honestly apologise if I insulted anyone.

I'm sorry, but the jaggies come from the source, the image being generated by the console. If you have a nice TV, it will have some edge smoothing algorithms to try to mask them out but that's all. The source is jagged, but your TV is trying to remove them. That is, if it can do so.

When you capture the source with a capture card, unless you tamper with the image (run an edge smoothing algorithm like high end TVs do) it will be jagged quite a lot since the game only has 2xAA (or 4xAA in 720p mode). Those images they are releasing on the website in no possible way are anti-aliased with 4xAA like in the game. It appears to be a production level anti-aliasing (somewhat like pixar and dreamworks use in their CG movies) comparable to 64xAA that can't be achieved in real time on a PS3.

So yeah, the pictures are not exactly the game's graphics. Bad TV settings can make it look worse than it is, as good TV settings can make it look better than it is but then we are talking about your TV, not the game. I choose to use my TV as a plain monitor and only display the image exactly as it received what makes the jaggies worse but in the other hand makes other things better. But that's just me.

The point is they can't release an insanely anti-aliased image and claim it's in game. Thankfully they never claimed they were in-game. However, they do imply that those are in-game screenshots when they are not and that's why the OP got upset.

As I said before, I bet those are photomode pics. Looks like they are exactly how the game looks like but with much higher quality anti-aliasing and motion blur.
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This. I have yet to see any game that looks as good as the marketing department wants you to think it looks.

When watching ads i look for the 'not actual gameplay' notice in the bottom corner. Its always there :P

Strangely though, not in the GT trailors...