Why go back to GT3?

  • Thread starter hispeed

Some of the rims in 3 look better than they do in 4. Complex string! Especially the hoop-de-doo's liscense test. That one's my favorite!
I just played it again the other day for the first time in a long time. I felt like I was playing a whole new game!

I really like how its layout is much easier. All the cars in the same place, one tune shop and one place to enter all races. much better then the layout of gt4 :yuck:

I also like how the cars look in the garage. They look better in gt3 then they do in gt4.

The cars handle much different in gt3 then gt4. I did a few laps in a civic type R and I was shocked how much better it was then it is in gt4.

Of course I had fun at the complex string and rome! two tracks worth missing.

I wont be going back and playing GT3 over GT4 because of the low amount of cars and the better tracks in GT4 but I might just start playing it a little more now...
The drifting. I cant drift in GT4. With gt4 stock cars are more fun or lightly tuned cars but with GT3 i love my 1099hp RGT.