Why go back to GT3?

  • Thread starter hispeed
Because GT3 is like $7 right now, and I'm a cheap bastard. (OK, that's not going back since I won't buy most any game until it's under $10.)
One man's cheap bastard is another's wise spender... especially with a game as great as GT3. Keep it up. 👍
I didn't read the entire thread so someone may have mentioned this. In GT3 you can use cars from your garage in arcade mode. In GT4 you can't :grumpy:
I kindof miss Complex String, but other than that, GT4 and the Driving Force Pro together ... let's just say I won't be going back anytime soon. :D
GT3 was very fun while it lasted, but I never did get 100% in it, didn't bother doing the formula cup... I did do the rest of the game several times over. GT3 was way too easy though.

I also agree that some things were easier in GT3, but all in all GT4 is better imo :dopey: More cars, more variety, more rewarding physics, some truly great new tracks, and it's even got some challenges... I still can't drive group C cars good in GT4 while they were easy as pie in GT3.
I don't particularly miss one version of GT. I miss the simple pleasure of coming 3rd or 4th, saving all my credits to by the next part for the sad car I'm stuck with. Maybe I do miss GT1, it was simple, it was fun, it was a game not an exercise in overkill. In a way GT3 had that too. I think I still play GT4 because I'm hoping that I'll find that child-like enjoyment again. The joy of running along the straight of Special Stage Route 5 in a race modded Chaser or finally being able to afford that TVR.
I've just turned my back on GT4 and come back to GT3. GT4 has better graphics, physics, tracks and a better car selection, but the 2 player mode is so bad, it's completely ruined it for me. By coming back to GT3 I get to enjoy garage cars racing, with TCS and ASM. I get to enjoy full screen replays and save them.

I've completed GT4 and to be honest, once completed it, doesn't hold much interest for me any more. Once I completed GT3 I still played the game religiously in 2 player mode for another 3 years. Having great 2 player garage car races and replays to watch and save was king. GT4 lacks in that respect far too much for me to hold my interest.

I will not be buying another GT game in the future unless it's multiplayer modes are up to scratch.
Why go back? For its namesake. I pull out GT3 just to indulge in the odd ten lap session in the 911 GT3. The bright and colourful version of Trial Mountain is also a pleasure.

can someone explain how you can find it.. lol i had no idea it even existed, do you need a gameshark or something like that?

**EDIT** i was smart and used the SEARCH button!
I was a GT3-addict for sure, but after I got GT4, It's like I don't even think about GT3 anymore. I remember that the physics of GT4 seemed somewhat unfamiliar in regards to GT3, but I soon adapted.

Somwhere in the back of my mind I sort of miss GT3 though. Anyone else had it the same way? Why should I return to my once beloved GT3?
i cant think about it, and theres a reason, i let me my sisters boyfirend borrow it, and his house got robbed so now he doesnt have a PS2 and his games/ my game. o well i dont care i baught it for $6 i can get another one prob free from a friend.
yea... nah gt4 feels more real at high speeds but when going slow and you floor it and your 800 horsepower car doesnt even swing out theres something slightly wrong there.
Yeah that's a big part. the Viper is so damn nice in GT3 but sounds bad, in GT4 they have the SRT10 and it sounds F ing awsome but handles like ****. There's no oversteer what so ever... WTF?!? :odd:
I borrowed GT4 from my friend a while ago and played it for about 3 and 1/2 months. Then my friend wanted it back, so I went back to GT3 and it was amazing! It felt like the game was going in slow-motion! When I was drifting it felt like I had an unlimited amount of time to pull of the drift and I could always correct myself really easily if I felt that I was gonna hit the wall. My lap times also went down by a few seconds. Although I've adujusted to the slower pace of GT3, and everything doesn't feel slow-mo, I'm still playing the game right now and it's loads of fun. I enjoy just sitting down and playing it, cause the physics engine has that arcade feel to it compared to GT4 and now that I have my favorite cars mastered, I like being able to chose any car and have fun driving it without worrying too much about how it will handle.
I bought GT4 a couple of months after it came out, I find the physics are more realistic, the cars are extremely life-like, and the graphics (duh) are extremely impressive.

I do have to admit, there was something about GT3 that just felt..... right. That has been some what, lost, in GT4. I was a major GT3 addict. Yeah, I played it alot. Too much probably. I'm gonna play gt3 right now!!
a bug keeps me from playin gt4 lately...so i put in gt3 last night and i was amazed i absolutely agree with what some ppl said that less choice can be better!! and in addition the cars looked better...sure the lightning and rendering in 4 is better but just look at the CL600 in gt4 and then put in gt3 and compare...the GT3 version thats the real thing...the wheels were generally a tick bigger in GT3 which made alot of cars look better! the physics dont stand a chance in comparison to gt4 that is clear but just the simplicity of the game (even though its complex compared to others) is a reason to go back to it from time to time. another thing is the speed!!! go to garage click on a car go back and to the menu and you do all that faster than it takes to go into the garage in gt4 (alright its not that slow but you instantly see the difference! another thing is the tuning shop...one for all! why have 7000 different shops that are all the same?

i absolutely miss:

laguna seca in that sunset atmosphere, why did they remove that?
SS11 where is it?
while goin through my garage i also noticed that almost any serious car had more than 1000hp...sure it might not be realistic but it was just so much fun! and the garage ordering of gt3 is just so much better!

great game even nowadays...if the bug persists ill finish gt3 now with 12.5% to go.